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bolje da postujem ovde nego na Revocation temi na thrashu jer nijedan lik koji diskutuje o novom albumu Sepulture nece hteti ovo da slusa

ovo je novi bend Dave-a iz Revocationa. Muzika je najvise u duhu norveskog Virus-a i Voivoda, a vokal najvise lici na Alice in Chains, mada realno zalici i na neki mid-period Voivod cesto. 

Nije bas na prvu loptu, ali dosta interesantna muzika, dobra svirka, zanimiljivi stilovi se istrazuju


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ogromna preporuka za ovaj album
ubili su ljudi, zvuče kao kombinacija Godflesha i Dead Worlda

Edited by kuruz
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Dobra preporuka od @Dick Starbuck


"Kerberos" is a track that was inspired by the odd metered rhythms, virtuosic melodies and unique instrumentation found in Eastern European folk music. Our attempt was to blend those elements with the visceral power of metal and the subtle improvisational nature found in jazz. Countries like Greece, Romania and Bulgaria have put forth some of the most sophisticated and mind altering music, which Red Fiction has been heavily influenced by. Masterful groups like; Taraf De Haidouks, Ivo Papasov and Fanfare Ciocarlia have been leaving us scratching our heads ever since we first heard them and our musical consciousness has been permanently shifted to a new realm of understanding. Bombastic drums, fiery percussion, deep bass, stacks of guitars, bouzouki, accordion, blazing horns, kaval and atmospheric synths...this track has a lot to sink your teeth into...




Dobra kolaboracija Thou i rutave Eme, mada zvuči tačno onako kako sam očekivao da zvuči. Bryan Funck dere grlo za sve pare, trenutno jedan od meni omiljenijih urlatora jer baš dobro paše na ovaj prljavi fuzzy zvuk, a naročito u kombinaciji sa Eminim vapajima. Na Out of existence to naročito dolazi do izražaja kad uleti sa svojim screamom iz skrotuma. The Valley je prelepa završnica i jedna od najboljih pesama godine za mene.

  • 2 weeks later...

Dadoh šansu i novom Cloudkickeru sad pred rekapitulaciju godine i, iako ima itekako praznog hoda, odvozao me na par mesta baš dobro, posebno what they do is not art, ashtabula i sando, mada mi ceo taj fazon već pomalo isfuran, Night Verses sa From the gallery of sleep zatvorili to poglavlje.

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