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KRANG: Nesto mi je sumljiva ta tvoja prica, sa obzirom da je Out of Cimer "covek pozorista"i da sinoc nije spavao u stanu.


Dali je ta riba imala zulufe kao debeli pevac iz Crematory-a?


Ako ima, onda cu detalje od cimera da cujem kad se vratim gajbi.


inace, sutra mozemo svi kod mene da pijemo ko besni pa onda u voodoo da muvamo debele goticarke, avant garde style.


znaci, danas batine da dobijem umalo kada su neki pomislili da pokusavam da se umuvam u red za loto, a ja hteo samo da prodjem, da ne zaobilazim i gackam po bljuskavici no.gif

Posted (edited)

Mozda Soli elegantno izbojkotuje normalnu verziju albuma icon_smile.gif Ionako mi se s celog albuma svidja samo glas one ribe icon_smile.gif


Skida se novi Overkill icon_rockdevil.gif a bogami i Paradajz icon_da.gif

Edited by solicitor
KRANG: Nesto mi je sumljiva ta tvoja prica, sa obzirom da je Out of Cimer "covek pozorista"i da sinoc nije spavao u stanu.


Dali je ta riba imala zulufe kao debeli pevac iz Crematory-a?


Ako ima, onda cu detalje od cimera da cujem kad se vratim gajbi.


inace, sutra mozemo svi kod mene da pijemo ko besni pa onda u voodoo da muvamo debele goticarke, avant garde style.

veruj bratac, tako je bilo


ok.. ima da se pije i sutra.. ima kentkg moj fon, pa ako se nađete, zovite me.. ne znam ja gde živiš.


e, a to za zulufe nisam primetio.. bio je totalni mrak.


inače, ona mi juče ofarbala kosu u narandžastu.. izgledam kao jebena šargarepa sada.. no.gif


nego, čujem da je novi provenance otišao u neke dark ambiental vode.. izbacili growl totalno..

ali jedva čekam da čujem ovo.


sve kritike su loše do sada.. ali ljudi su glupi..


a od novih stvari, takođe bih voleo da čujem i Beyon-D-Lusion bend glavnog lika iz furia-e.. on svira sve, a neka riba peva.. neki kao atmosferični gothic metal.. valjda.


čujem da je dosta zanimljivo.. a i furia mi je jedan od omiljenih bendova.


nisi bio ti, take it easy...


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za beyond d-lusion se obrati lakiju, znam da se izodusevljavao istim (chekirati rec u BV7), a antimatter samo sto nije.... evo ga...




new album 'How Would You Like To Be Spat At' is getting amazing reviews


The band is available for interviews: phone or email.



Stefano icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Antimatters thrid album, tentatively slated for a Feb 2005 release, has been announced as 'Planetary Confinement'. The album is acoustic-based, and will have a much more organic feel than 'Saviour' or 'Lights Out', this time featuring natural strings, piano and drums. Some of Duncans recordings will be of interest as one is a track that was originslly intended for 'Alternative 4'. Anathema fans will also notice 'Eternity Part 24', which is a modern version of 'Eternity Part 4'. Duncan and Mick worked seperately in their home countries for this release, involving local musicians.


Duncan is currently mixing the Irish sessions for the album. Confirmed song titles are - Line Of Fire, Planetary Confinement, Relapse, Mr White and Eternity Pt24. The sessions will feature guest performances from local Irish musicians. Recording and mixing is now complete for the English half of the album. Mick recorded 4 tracks in mid July ( A Portrait Of The Young Man As An Artsit, Legions, The Weight Of The World and Epitaph ) choosing to abandon all electronica and produce an all-natural session, complete with live drums and violins, the latter performed by Rachel Brewster of Liverpool band 'Marlowe'. Recording took place in Studio 33, Liverpool and was engineered by Ronnie O'Keefe. A tentative release date at the moment stands at Feb 2005. An early summary has been added to the ALBUMS, LYRICS and SOULS section of this site reflecting the upcoming album.


English Session line up -

Mick Moss - Acoustic guitars, vocals

Rachel Brewster (below) - Violins

Stephen Hughes - Bass guitar

Chris Phillips - Drums





evo jos malo i fak of


Following the release of Antimatters as yet untitled third album, Duncan and Mick will both concentrate on a solo release for 2005. Duncans 'Deathcap' project was announced in 2002, and has been described as “post-acid horror, like the darker side of Antimatter, only much more extreme”. The album will be released through Strangelight Records. In early 2004, Mick announced his forthcoming solo album, 'The Immaculate Misconception', which can be described as ''dark, soulful sometimes progressive rock reflecting a world full of disappointments''. Both albums will represent a hiatus from 'Antimatter'


sad sve znate...


u jebote..


sad sam progledao.



"new album 'How Would You Like To Be Spat At' is getting amazing reviews "

hmm. ajde..

sad tek jedva čekam


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