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hvala.. ali moram da priznam da mi uopšte nije rođendan.. to se samo zajebavam..






ipak sam dobio (verovali ili ne) 7 pp-ova u kojima mi se čestita rođendan.

(al su mi se načestitali rođendana)




btw, federer nadal u petak.

biće do jaja

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to se ceka!


okupicu ekipu i bice navijanja kao u stara dobra vremena... za cara fedija... mala mi paljevina tako ide na zivce, mada jest' dobar, nema sta... samo na bekend, fedi, i kup je nas! violent.gif

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evo, upravo slušam bonus pesme sa deadwinga.


prva je Revenant. ambijentalni instrumental poznat onima koji su rešavali puzzlu mhihi.gif

ništa posebno.


druga je, dugo očekivana, "Mother and Child Divided"..

e, ako je ikada postojao savršen mix opeth-a i PT, to je ovo.

opethovske gitare i pt aranžmani.


e, sada, ono što me apsolutno izluđuje (a verujem da sam se i svima ovde popeo na q..) to je što ova pesma ima snimljene vokale, i to growl (prvi put na PT by mikael) a wilson je izdao instrumentalnu verziju.




mogu slobodno da pretpostavim da bi ova pesma sa mike*om na vokalima bila ubedljivo najbolja na deadwingu..


i da bi, btw, PT koštala 90% fanova, ali to je druga priča

Edited by KRANG

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hvala.. ali moram da priznam da mi uopšte nije rođendan.. to se samo zajebavam..






ipak sam dobio (verovali ili ne) 7 pp-ova u kojima mi se čestita rođendan.

(al su mi se načestitali rođendana)




btw, federer nadal u petak.

biće do jaja

Ne kvari trenutak.

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Za ADSL megacara i ostale Mnemic fanove:


SMAXONE - New signing and debut album!


SmaXone debut album 'Regression' will be released through Scarlet in August 2005. This amazing band features Michael Bøgballe (vox) and Brian 'Brylle' Rasmussen (drums) from MNEMIC and Casper Skafte (guits) and Claus Lillelund (vox) from ELOPA. The basic idea of Smaxone is to keep the music as personal and original as possible. The clean and unique voice of Claus mixed with the screaming of Michael creates a varied and extremely interesting sound: from hard grinding metalriffs to the more atmospheric rock-ballad approach, with modern elements as electronic samples, breakbeats and synthesizers. Let's say that Fear Factory, Devin Townsend and Faith No More got a meeting in Denmark! The release date of 'Regression' is planned for the end of August 2005.


Casper comments: "Smaxone is very thrilled and proud to finally reveal that we have found the perfect record label to release our debut album “Regression”! We have known Scarlet Records for a long time since fellow Danes Invocater and Hatesphere among others have released several records through this dedicated hard´n´heavy Italian label and we have only heard good about it! We are now looking forward to present the music to the world and we can´t wait to get out on the road to meet all you guys and play you some neck breakin´ music!!




The official line-up of Smaxone :

Claus Lillelund - Clean vox

Michael Bøgballe - Distorted vox

Casper Skafte - Guitar, bass, synth.

Brian Brylle Rasmussen - Drums

The live line-up of Smaxone :

Claus lillelund - vox

Michael Bøgballe - vox

Casper Skafte - guitar

Brian Brylle Rasmussen - drums

Obeast - bass

Morten Sandager - keys and synths

Lars Jelsbak - rythm guitar






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SMAXONE - New signing and debut album!

ovo ti je u odnosu na Mnemic, kao Passenger u odnosu na In Flames...

ovo shto sam chuo malo vishe kradu od Pantere (par mesta malo mnogo kradu) ali su mal' Meshuga/mal' Mnemic rifali al ga cepi pa ga pusti da traje pa me lechka na rockic podseca...... vokal vr', al kad krene refren i onaj clean tad je ponaubavije...



nisam skinuo album jer nema... samo neke stvari od nekih japanaca...



edit: clean mu malko ko chika Devishe

Edited by Out Of Time

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e, sad će novo izdanje shape of despair-a.




Shape of Despair - Shape of Despair

1. Sleeping Murder

2. Night's Dew

3. Sylvan-Night

4. Quiet These Paintings Are - Outro

5. Woundheir

6. To Adorn

7. In The Mist


samo prva pesma je nova. snimljena pre jedno mesec dana.



i ephel duath konačno završavaju svoj jebeni album.. biće i to uskoro.


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Artist ............: Achilles

° Album .............: The Dark Horse

° Label .............: Hex Records

Ü Genre .............: Hardcore


Rip date ..........: May-16-2005

Street date .......: May-24-2005

Size ..............: 47,3 MB

Type ..............: Album

Time ..............: 27:27 min

Quality ...........: VBR kbps / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo







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svrati pa uzmi.. nije loš. mada sam ga jednom preslušao..


a s druge strane, šta ja uopšte znam?





 "Katatonia enters studio, recording begins" . June 2nd 2oo5
We have now entered Fascination Street studio located in the outskirts of Örebro, Sweden. This is the same studio as 'Viva Emptiness' was mixed in last time. Currently, it's clicktrack mode and drum takes at all hours. Songtitles, album title and final track listing to be revealed in a future update, so keep checking back as we'll give you a report + pics on the progress as we move along! 


konačno... 233.gif

Edited by KRANG

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