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tema za pedere i dukatlije (random)


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HORSE PAINT U ANATHEMA DUKSU... talking bout respect! > GRRRR!

still, i dalje bejah bash strashan... plus, back then sam imao dovoljno kose pa ova slika malko boli...



ps > za slike sam otfikario kenta jer nisam otkupio prava na taj deo slike...

Edited by Out Of Time

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ok, ja mrzim sminku, corpse paint i te pizdarije, no tebi to bolje stoji jer imas tamnu kosu..barem na ovoj slici..tomi fantazma ima crnu no nasminkao se kao rakun icon_rolleyes.gificon_uhoh.gificon_uhoh.gificon_rolleyes.gif jos da je samo crno(eventualno plavo) preko face kao sto radi Lost Horizon, no sa bijelom mi je podlogom uzas.. jos kad se sve to pocne topit i zamalja se pukeface.gif


ah, sto vam sve to treba, kao da ste ruzni bez svega tog, samo se unagrdjujete icon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_wink.gif

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btw u indjiji danas pocela trodnevna motorijada.


i to bas kad je meni pokvaren motor...


veceras svira "prorok" (??).



a ja sedim kod brata i skidam recepte za kolace s interneta. (koij cu kurac na motorijadi kad mi ne radi motor?)




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seljacka buna je najiskreniji band na sceni. i jedini koji realno obradjuje teme nase nesrecne metalske zajednice. ako je izvodljivo organizovati svirke sa traktorothom ili sa jos nekim agrarcima iz okruzenja, just let me know, pa cu obavestiti svoje agro prijatelje.

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još samo 2 dana do jasona moline!!!


btw, našao sam zanimljiv intervju sa ovim likom (ovo je antony.. da ne pomisli neko da je ovo jason molina, pošto pišem razumljivo kao da su mi uradili lobotomiju):


user posted image


-I was also the lead singer and songwriter for a death rock band.

(wtf?! ovo nisam očekivao icon_confused.gif )

i video sam njegovu sliku u masi.. čovek je izuzetno visok, krupan i nabildovan.. sada mi ništa nije jasno.



The faggotry of what I do is so extreme, and I take it for granted because I'm in a protected environment in Manhattan. It's screaming faggotry and I forget about that. I think, "Oh, this is punk, this is arty," but it's preeminently faggotry—an all-encompassing kind of trannie-weirdness—a more aggressive sense of faggotry than the average fag might present.



ANTONY: I'm the biggest snaggletooth in the band, even though I'm the lead singer. I'm the anomaly in front of all these beautiful creatures.


LOU: You are very beautiful onstage. You have moments.


ANTONY: I used to want to be an androgynous archetype. I presented myself as a drag character, Fiona Blue. But now performing has become more intimate for me. Back then, I wanted to see just how far I could push a drunk nightclub audience. It was a challenge... I would go onstage at 2 a.m. and try to transform the room in three minutes... see if I could make the whole drunk crowd cry their heads off.


LOU: How did you know you could do that?


ANTONY: I had a more aggressive, military approach in those days. I was inspired by Diamanda Galas's cutthroat approach to emotional communication. When I went to one of her shows, I literally felt my asshole getting ripped out. Her music went right through me like knives. I thought that maybe I could do something like that, but with a certain tenderness, a feeling that wasn't as much about rage as it was about grief.


LOU: It takes enormous talent to communicate emotion like that.


ANTONY: I wouldn't cry but I would hold the tears inside myself. I really tried to manipulate the crowd. Since then, I've tried to work more from my internal reality. Much of my material is borne from isolation and my desire to move beyond it. I like to think of my work as a type of soul music... not so much in style, but in essence.




user posted image


koji lik.. baš dosta slušam ova 2 albuma u zadnje vreme..

neverovatan glas..


a btw, za 2 dana ću imati priliku da gledam jednog od najvećih careva..

Edited by KRANG

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haha, umro sam od smeha kad sam ovo čitao:


jeste da ne pratim formulu 1, i da me ne zanima previše, ali ovo je genijalno..


vesti od juče:

"...Biće veoma interesantno videti kako će u SAD voziti Ralf Šumaher, koji je prošle godine pretrpeo težak udes u Indijanopolisu, kada je u 10. krugu izgubio kontrolu nad bolidom i udario u zid. Tom prilikom poredio je kičmu, od čega se oporavljao 3 meseca..."


vesti od danas:

"Prvi dan u Indijani obeležio je težak udes Ralfa Šumahera koji je udario u zid na istom mestu kao i prošle godine... "



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seljacka buna je najiskreniji band na sceni. i jedini koji realno obradjuje teme nase nesrecne metalske zajednice. ako je izvodljivo organizovati svirke sa traktorothom ili sa jos nekim agrarcima iz okruzenja, just let me know, pa cu obavestiti svoje agro prijatelje.

ma taj traktoroth,to je neka parodija na blek metal bendove, brijem da su to neki klinci...

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