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za sve fanove antony-a..


fan art "spot":




do jaja je!



AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Znaci, ne mogu da verujem; je l' ovo YuM IL' ni'e?! biggrin.gificon_razz.gif Kol'ko se je samo promenio otkad sam poslednji put bio ovde... icon_wink.gif Hvala, KRANG; ulepsao si mi vece i ucinio ovoliki moj izostanak neopravdanim!! sad.gif Jos jedared, fala lijepa!! icon_smile.gif

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Nisam pratio da li ste vec komentarisali, ali izisho novi Devin. Ako su vesti bajate, ja se izSvinjavam ... jos mi je u arj fajlu, mada sam pustio 3 sekunde i zvucalo je dobro.

pisao je KRANG o devinu.


super je, zabavan totalno. optimistican do jaja ("why don't you make babies?") icon_smile.gif


totalna suprotnost alien-u

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stvarno je super devin.

meni je ovo njegov najbolji album.

AE je imao nekoliko pesama koje jebu kevu, ali ovaj kao celina je nenadmašan.

i ima atmosferu koja može nožem da se seče koliko je gusta, samo kad se pusti glasnije.



William Basinski - The Garden of Brokenness [2005/2062/mp3/171 (VBR)]



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Meni je i Hang zvucao OK, kao i sve ostalo te veceri, jer sam dosao pod malim gasom. Prethodno sam bio na onoj humaniratnoj svirci u pogonu, pa sam se samo premestio u Bunker. Svaki bend je imao svoju energiju i to je bilo OK, samo sto su u publici bili zivi mrtvaci i samo je 1 chupavi metalac napred malo intenzivnije djuskao.


Komshija Danilo, di si ti na Elodei pobogu ? Tebi bi se jamachno svidelo !!!!

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William Basinski - The Garden of Brokenness [2005/2062/mp3/171 (VBR)]

napisi nekad krang sta se desava na albumu umesto sto postujes samo kako se zove...


ne skida mi se 80MB ako je glupa mjuza (na 10 albuma barata s istim semplovima covek, previse uporan s tom magnetofon pricom sad.gif, cesto je do jaja ali nekad sve zvuci totalno isto).

Edited by BodyRemover

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evo vam clanak, pa skrolujte dole da vidite slike... mEGAkewL!


It’s bread!! This is real bread which sculpts as corpse. This is a creation from Thai guy “Kittiwat Aun-A-Rom”. He opened his bakery shop named “Eat Bakery” in Potharam district, Ratchaburi province; one provice in Thailand not far from Bangkok, it’s take about 2 hours to go there.


How comes?


Kittiwat said that he want to present new art passed the bread which decorated as a corpse. His art wan to present that human should not stick on semblance even this bread not look beautiful but it can eat. Once he did it he didn’t think it will be popular like this and he didn’t think about marketing or anything. But since abroad newspaper likes A.P. Reuter write about his idea nowadays there are many orders from around the world such as U.S.A., Germany, Japan, South Korea etc. that’s make him earn about more than thousand per month.


He reveal that this shop opened more than 3 years ago but never present on mass communication so it’s well-known in only narrow social. He also said that his creations in the past are look scarier than this. He gets the idea from his father which sick from brain tumor that’s make he worried so much. From that point make he thinks the death is stay around us, born, old, hurt, die and decay is the truth in human life like bread if you keep it many days it will be go bad and damp off in the end not different from human. So he tried to sculpt the breads as a corpse but that’s only personal art he didn’t keep on anything.


Until he graduated bachelor degree from Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Chulalongkorn University and continue studied in Master of Art at Silpakorn University; he studied about how to maintain outside semblance by use mix media art technique. That’s make he turn the point to create this creation again by learn real corpse from Siriraj Hospital. He takes his creation for business because he wants to help his family after graduated.

Why named “Eat Bakery”?


Because its old name of family bakery shop and it also has same sound of “Eat” in English that conform to his idea; disgust things maybe can eat, do not stick with semblance.

What’s consisting in bread?


Kittiwat said that the way to do scary bread is like the normal bread; egg, flour, milk, chocolate etc. but it has different way to thresh and bake, that’s personal technique which he trial and error for 3 years.

Where you get the pattern?


He said that he sculpts it from his imagination and book but he never sculpts it from real person. Every piece he does it by hand, no mould and he has to sculpt it smaller than he want because when he bakes it will broaden out. After that he will paint with food color. Its taste like cookies and can keep it for 3 day but he said almost of his customer buy for show more than eat it.


Now he face the problem that he can sculpt it only 100 pieces per month that is not in time with many orders because it is hand made. He said that he used to sell full body corpse to Germany for 40,000 THB (1000 USD).


In the future he plan to develop new design but same idea; don’t believe what you see because it maybe not you thinking.


If you want to order please call 66 32-233-901 or 66 92-569-069


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RELEASE DATE: December 2005


A 2 song CDEP from New York tech/prog metal wizards BEHOLD...THE ARCTOPUS and the insane shred meltdown duo of ORTHRELM at the end of this year. What could possibly make this more badass? How about having Away from Voivod doing the artwork! Each band will be doing one new song, which we have no doubt will collectively liquify your grey matter. BEHOLD...THE ARCTOPUS just released a killer EP on Troubleman earlier this year, and ORTHRELM will be following up their critically acclaimed OV album on Ipecac. This is going to fucking rule.




GOSLINGS Spaceheater/Perfect Interior CD




Spaceheater/Perfect Interior collects the first two EP's from husband-and-wife duo the GOSLINGS, originally released as short-run CD-Rs on low-fi/indie noise imprint Asaurus Records in 2003-2004. Working with a signature palette of melted,low-fi indie pop and muggy ambience ground through overdriven amplifiers and shot out into pools of swirling basement drone, The GOSLINGS adorn their gorgeous powermurk with eerie field recordings, ghostly subterranean vocals, and crackling cable buzz.If SUNN O))) had in actuality been a late-80's dreampop outfit on 4AD Records, or if cult shoegazers MEDICINE had ever collaborated with drone-axe sorcerers EARTH, the resulting fug may have been a similiar black-sugar avalanche as this. Simultaneously ethereal and blown-out,angelic strains of four-track mud-majesty shaking the walls of the ancient well it's buried beneath.

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"RELEASE DATE: December 2005 "


a ne mogu da nađem nigde..

verovatno će biti super zanimljivo.


@kent: taj text o hlebu je prilično nepismeno preveden.

ali je do jaja članak.


pravi hleb za božićnu trpezu.



Edited by KRANG

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dobri su ti ovi hrvati.

mislim, nisu dobri kao što je mogwai dobar, ali su za ove prostore mega kewl.


Don't Mess With Texas baš pogode s vremena na vreme.

od ovog njihovog albuma bi se mogao napraviti jedan EP svetske klase. šteta što su malo predvidivi.

zgrebovao sam u 320kbps. album od 37 minuta ima 86 MB.

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ako se neko pita šta se dešava sa mačkom...


danas je došla ekipa za čišćenje lišća.


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Your fear to go into those mines.

The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.

You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm.


Shadow and Flame!

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