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nemojte smarati.



otvorite neku now playing temu na sve i svasta pa se tamo razmecite slusalackim dostignucima.


nisam dobio meshuugah ali sam dobbio gomilu druge dobrote.









glabaj muda debeli, ja sam reko da je katatonia dobra, a ne da je slušam trenutno..


svrati malo do bga, i ponesi neke zavičajne rakije..


btw, ako nešto mrzim to je "np thread" ili još gore (ovde) "koji spot upravo gledate?".. e, to je dno


ne kazem tebi...


mislio sam uopste.


koji kurac da gubim vreme otvarajuci temu ako se samo to pise.


(pogotovo kad uzmem u obzir da cesto idem na net telefonom i trosim brdo love, pa daj barem da je ne trosim na gluposti).


jel ima neko this machine kills?

setio sam se malopre da su mi bili dobri na nekom splitu ali nisam slusao nista vise sad.gif




Posted (edited)

ulver demons

user posted image


jel neko zaboravio na ulver?


edit: ovo je specijal za BR, kome će ova stranica (računam) skinuti makar 500 dinara kredita

Edited by KRANG


Ima chovek, al nema slotova icon_smile.gif Krugera i definitivno nema .... icon_uhoh.gif

daj taj Prozack ako mi skinesh preuzecesh titulu svetskog mega cara bez problema... uz to i neki alkohol, koji sam ja, by the way, prestao da pijem... eto, odluchio sam... samo XXX...



na blokautu je bilo vise nego korektno.. jbg, toliko sam ih puta vec gledao, a onaj domladine krajem prosle godine im je bio vrhunac karijere sto se mene tice..


markomane, mogao si da mi se javis, iako sam nesto bio neraspolozen jebiga.. dont worry za south park dvd, vec sam ga napolju pre toga bio dao krangu..


btw, ovaj oceansize ep je mnogo zajeban.. slusam ga vec mesec-dva i uvek je vr'


np: Porcupine Tree |(2005) Deadwing| - Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here |12:02| musik20.gif

ta pesma ima onaj dream theater momenat u sredini mhihi.gif dobra je.


BR, Haben Sie novi Shipping News mozda?


i, koja su mišljenja o celom albumu?


porcupine tree, naravno..

ja mislim da je album potpuni vrh..

jedino me razočarao mikael, jer je (peder) rekao da će imati "death scream"ova u jedenoj pesmi.. a ono qrac... ali, možda ta pesma postoji, samo SW nije smeo da je izda.. možda se jednom i pojavi

"mother and child divided" se zove, tako je mike rekao makar icon_da.gif

Posted (edited)

cuo sam pt samo jednom i tvrdim da ce se pojaviti bolja verzija kasnije, isto kao i sa the mars volta..

ovo je blamaza za bend koliko je tih snimak, kada je krenuo novembers doom posle porcupine-a misio sam da ce mi se srusiti kuca

Edited by slowdiver

B.Y.O.B. prvi SOAD single!Bolja pjesma od cigaro.Uvrnut refren,blast beatovi,uvod a la 80s heavy metal. icon_smile.gif Mesmerize moze lako biti top 10 2005 koliko god to nekima smjesno zvucalo

Posted (edited)

sto smesno? meni je toxicity bio top10 te godine icon_da.gif

icon_rockdevil.gif Slazem se!Ali vjerujem da ce se naci neki lik koji ce reci ah to je glupi nu metal...iako oni veze nemaju sa nu metalom ili su post nu metal


Pogresno sam formulisao icon_mrgreen.gif

Edited by Therapsid

e, danilo: ono za PT.. nešto je tebi sjebano, moja verzija je baš dobra produkcijski.. i sad sam poredio sa novembers doom, i PT je glasniji..


a katatonija.... .... . .. . .. .......................... ....

addictive.. 2 nove pesme za mene nisu dovoljne....


eh, i taake nije toliki kult.. noenum je.

pored toga, noenum je govno od albuma.. metalreviews je izgubio sav kredibilitet koji je nekad imao.. 100/100!?



trebam krenuti nekuda a glava me naprosto rastura.

nocs sam spavao dva ipo sata, first thing in the morning otisao u kladzu da bacim prae i popijem pivo.



definitivno me stizu posledice raskalasnog zivota kakav vodim, prekjuce sam nasao jednu sedu dlaku u glavi sad.gif






a evo nešto zanimljivo za peru..

alan iz primordiala priča o svakoj pesmi sa novog albuma...

zanimljivi komentari u svakom slučaju..



Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness

By Alan Nemtheanga



01. The Golden Spiral

02. The Gathering Wilderness

03. The Song Of The Tomb

04. End Of All Times (Martyr's Fire)

05. The Coffin Ships

06. Tragedy's Birth

07. Cities Carved In Stone



01. The Golden Spiral


This was the last song written for the album and we really were not sure how it was going to turn out on the album. As for it ending up as the opener we never expected that at all. But somehow it just chose itself as the opener. It has this very repetitive riff at the beginning that has a kind of hypnotic quality which I like a lot.


02. The Gathering Wilderness


At least to me this is really typical Primordial, it has all the trademarks. The sweeping guitar, melancholy and that dark claustrophobic feeling. The lyrics are really some of the darkest I think I have ever written for the band, they started out at some dark moment wondering about all the things I have written over the years and how it had changed me, and changed other people. Then I sort of went somewhere else with it…First song we also ever used violin on which was interesting.


03. The Song Of The Tomb


This is the Bathory song really and truly. Even the scream at the start is placed there as a little homage to Q. Another simple song that could even have been on our first album as well I think. Continues lyrically along from where sons of the morrigan left off on the last album.


04. End Of All Times (Martyr’s Fire)


This is pretty personal, originally started off as something more personal lyrically and I began to expand it beyond the few people I was dealing with to something more universal and this feeling that your culture is being sold and there isnt a thing you can do about it. I wracked my brains for weeks trying to think of a title for it actually and it was decided upon about 5 minutes before we had to name the songs for the master….


05. The Coffin Ship


I guess this is the emotional high point of the album really. I’ve been trying to write a song about the Irish famine for years and finally it clicked into place. I didn’t want it to read like a history lesson and then I saw this inscription on a headstone on mass grave that became the middle verse and it all fell into place. This song is going to mean a lot to Irish people and live I think will be awesome.


06. Tragedy’s Birth


Initially my least favourite song on the album or the song I was least connected with but it has a flavour again of the first album I think. It sits rather strangely between the songs before and after as they are very melancholic and tragic sounding and this is almost slightly fantastical sounding to me.


07. Cities Carved In Stone


This track is almost like an afterthought to the album. Some things were done wrong in the mixing and recording that in the end we grew to like and simply left there. Brings the album down nicely I think, almost like a heavy comedown emotionally. For me again quite personal, I was walking around Rome one day during the recording of the Void of Silence album and realised no one knew where I was and the thought of leaving my life completely entered my head, just simply walking out on it all. Often when I am travelling I think about home and all the people I love there and that kind of thing. Its always the same…this song kind of deals with those feelings.


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