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ako to nije epsko, ja sam vinona rajder.


svaka cast, kranzh! i ja cekam na to danima.

vredelo je čekanje..


btw, top nekoliko post rock albuma koje sam čuo u zadnjih par meseci:


1. magyar posse - kings of time

2. the evpatoria report - golevka

3. hrsta - stem stem in electro

4. scraps of tape - read between lines at all times

5. ellis the vacuumchild - peace by extermination

6. this is a process of a still life - st



i na kraju, van konkurencije i totalno konza:


Brothers Of The Occult Sisterhood - Run From Your Honey Mind



1. magyar posse - kings of time

2. the evpatoria report - golevka

3. hrsta - stem stem in electro

4. scraps of tape - read between lines at all times

5. ellis the vacuumchild - peace by extermination

6. this is a process of a still life - st


ne bih ni sam nacinio bolju icon_cool.gif


svi ti albumi jebeno odlicni. proveri onu listu hiljadu pr bendova (ima ih i iz turske) sto ti nekoc poslah... ako si je sacuvao... ako nisi, u qrac, necemo nikada naci te bendove vise, jer ne znam ni gde sam ih iskopao. znam da je the process of still life bio tu...




Change Of Plans ti je taj turski bend. i nema ga nigde, naravno.


ali pazi ovo: I (portugal)


znaš kad ću da nađem bend koji se zove "I" preko nekog p2p?


i sad gledam tv i menjam kanale.. kad odjednom neki japanski pornić. i izađe glumac kad ono: nikad manju kitu nisam video u životu. ima jedno 2 cm.

baš mi žao tih japanaca..


znate onu epizodu south parka? 3.10.Chinpoko Mon


..President Hirohito: Nothing. We are very simple people. With very small penis. Mr. Ose penis is …especially small.

Mr. Ose: [fakes a sob] Uh, smuh, so small.

President Hirohito: We cannot achieve much with so small penis. But you! Americans. Wow! Penis so big! SOOO big penis!..


President Hirohito: What can we possubruh do with such small penis? We cannot take over your city, filled witha men awith such mastodonic penis.




vesti iz juna:

Our second album, Robin, is recorded and it is waiting to be mixed by Brett Caldas-Lima at Tower Studio. The mixing will take place sometime during next couple of months. After that, we'll be able to put out a sample song.




jedva čekam.. taman da spisku genijalnih albuma koji izlaze do kraja godine dodam i novi farmakon.


a i ephel duath je pred vratima.


kakve sam carske albume skinuo juče:


1. Spock's Beard - Gluttons For Punishment (2CD 2005)


dupli live disk, konza


2. A Javelin Reign - Wrath of the Rice Cooker


Tech/math in the vein of Into The Moat, Ion Dissonance, etc.

ali i nije baš tako. više brutal death, manje core.

konza takođe


3. Radiation 4 - Wonderland

Think tech/grind metal combined with circus music and distorted vocals.



4. Withered - Memento_Mori__Advance__2005

Think death metal mixed with the sensibilities of bands like Isis or Cult of Luna.


vaistinu konza


e, jebi ga..




nego, jesi dobio pitanja za opeth?

jel treba još?


upravo mi palo na pamet jedno:


da li je istina da je damnation album nazvan po tome što je martin lopez damn dirty mexican?

(znam da je iz URuGwAY)

Posted (edited)

i ovaj withered- memento mori je stvarno fenomenalan album.


kao i A Javelin Reign.. kapiram da će se dosta dopasti nekim ljudima sa ovog foruma (oba).

zvuče kao mešavina ion dissononace, red chorda i suffocationa (javelin).

mega kewl

Edited by KRANG

kakva genijalnost upravo izlazi:


hydra head i temporary residence najavil seriju splitova na vinilu, a prvi je


mono/pelican split!!



1. PELICAN: Ran Amber

2. PELICAN: Angel Tears (James Plotkin remix)

3. MONO: Yearning


The inaugural release in an on-going series of Hydra Head Industries/Temporary Residence Ltd. split LPs is a monumental masterpiece of relentless beauty and depth. Pelican start things off on a light note with the warm, acoustic "Ran Amber," followed by a James Plotkin remix of "Angel Tears." The b-side offers the most cathartic 15 minutes of music that Mono has ever committed to tape. Gliding in three epic movements like a heavy metal orchestra, this is as vivid an image of the edge of the world as you'll ever get through music. Strictly limited to 4,000 copies (most of which will be sold on the bands' tours), with a small amount of colored vinyl available while supplies last (which will be about a week, if we're lucky). These songs are NOT available elsewhere, and are NOT available on CD, so don't even ask!

sad sam bio u zagrebu na mtv adria promo žuci.

(tj, sinoć sam bio, sad se vratio)


svirali i siddharta, između ostalih.. bilo cool.


opaka oprema i ozvučenje.

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