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sad kad je izasao dead texan da se baci neki trud i da izidje stars of the lid novi pa eto opet veselja.


efterklang je album ipo!

ja sam prvo citao neke recenzije pa tek onda slusao, tako se slucajno zadesilo. prevazisao ocekivanje uveliko.

nema nijedna dobra recenzija za taj album, nigde na netu barem.




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cudno, ja sam iskljucivo pozitivne citao, pocev od rocksounda i mojoa, pa do pitchforkeze.


novi SOTL se sprema uveliko.


a taj festival momenat... to je kao da su EITS napravili note, pa dali syd barrettu da aranzira, a onda to sve odsvirali tortoise i neka chicago ekipa. kult!

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"Though Tripper was a full year in the making-- and the members of Efterklang have obviously given their full attention to even the smallest detail-- the album is not over-composed to the point of sterility. Perhaps it's a credit to the sheer number of cooks in the kitchen, but even with this music's grand scale each song is allowed enough space to be able to breathe on its own. And with their vibrant, continually evolving arrangements, Efterklang here ensures that, as their name implies, this music should continue to reverberate in your memory for a long time to come."




"The Icelandic instrumental has few entries among the ranks, but the players in the arena have raised the bar to the point of divinity. Being mind-blowingly, ethereally beautiful isn't enough. Instead, it is merely the starting point. I am pleased to report that barring the less-than-stellar conclusion, Efterklang's debut effort does surpass these impossibly high standards. It is a worthy addition to the canon."




"Make no mistake, this is not an album which is going to be to everybody’s tastes. Admittedly I found it tough going on first listen. But give it a chance and it is a grower. One to listen to with the lights turned off on one of those cold winter nights we’ve got ahead of us."




"That is just the first two and a half minutes of what Danish Efterklang’s (after noise, reverberation in English) album "Tripper" sounds like. It should surprise few that ten-piece Efterklang holds within its ranks members of Sígur Rós. The surprise should instead be how you could have missed an album as heavenly beautiful, haunting and disturbing as this. Efterklang treats us with a mix of voices, beats, buzzings, pianos, horns and strings in something that is best described as electronica goes dub goes Björk goes far out into space and comes back with beautiful melodies. But, as you can tell, "Tripper" defies description. You must listen to it, sink into it, revel in it. Alone, in a dark room.

This is beauty distilled into music."

Release Music



"Tripper" is an album that's nothing if not enormously ambitious, and for the most part, Efterklang have hit the bullseye. If you hated the pomp and splendour of "Ágætis Byrjun", you'll probably hate this as well. On the other hand, if you're looking for some haunting, evocative music that reveals something new with each listen, you won't go wrong with this release. "

Halo 17




jesu li ovo pokude, debeli?








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ne dobra recenzija u smislu "album je dobar" vec dobra recenzija.


hocu da kazem da nisam bio u stanu da povezem album s nekom od recenzija koje sam procitao.


koja je twilight pesma?

EDIT: skapirao sam.



Edited by BodyRemover

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a pitchforkeza oshamari molinu icon_smile.gif


If anything, that final homage suggests that Molina would be better off releasing an entire album of Neil Young covers while he tries to find a way to apply his strengths to the new, fuller sound he currently favors. The album Magnolia Electric Co. contained a few glimpses of how that could be realized, particularly in the use of Ben Keith-like slide guitar to provide a narrative moan through thunderous epics like "Farewell Transmission". But the band Magnolia Electric Co. is no Crazy Horse, and Molina's vocabulary on the guitar doesn't yet have the presence to carry such extended interpretations of his material. With his talent for musically mythologizing a bleak worldview, Jason Molina is the closest thing Neil Young has to a modern heir. But, for now, with his electric efforts, he's still just playing dress-up.


o-pa-la icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

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e? preslušao sam ga možda par puta, i nije mi ostalo mnogo u glavi..


možda te loše kritike i nisu nezaslužene.. preslušaću ga još koji put.


i onako se ovih dana ne skidam sa skepticism-a i mighty nimbus-a..


ovaj nimbus ima toliku grooooovčinu da to nije normalno.

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