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Garfield Minus Garfield (www.garfieldminusgarfield.net) made its online debut in February 2008 and quickly became an online sensation based on a simple premise: What would Jim Davis’ Garfield comic strip be like without its lasagna-loving fat cat? Without the presence of Garfield and other characters such as Odie the dog and Nermal the kitten, the strips “create a new, even lonelier atmosphere for Jon Arbuckle…



Jon’s observations seem to teeter between existential crisis and deep despair.” (New York Times)







Tephra stvarno nije losh bend, veoma slichan Maudlinu. Kvalitetan nov bend interesantno ih je chuti. Al ija nisam tu, bicu na kopu u to vreme . :(






for a while theres been some talk about who i am , but its not a big deal

i wanted to be unknown because i just want it to be all about the tunes.

over the last year the unknown thing become an issue so im not into it any more.


im a lowkey person and i just want to make some tunes, nothing else. my names will bevan, im from south london, im keeping my head down and just going to finish my next album, theres going to be a 12" maybe in the next few weeks too with 4 tunes. hope u like it, i'll try put a tune up later


sorry for any rubbish tunes i made in the past, ill make up for it



a big big thank you to anyone who ever supported me, liked my tunes or sent me messages, it means the world to me



big up everyone, take care, will ( burial )

for a while theres been some talk about who i am , but its not a big deal

i wanted to be unknown because i just want it to be all about the tunes.

over the last year the unknown thing become an issue so im not into it any more.


U al neko voli da laze.......


lunare, zasto toliko seres kad ni ne znas o cemu je rec.


onaj uzasni tabloid The Sun je pokrenuo neki manhunt da se sazna ko je on, nudili pare, i lik se smorio.


Plus je vrlo moguce da ce pobediti onaj britanski mercury award ove godine, i tradicija je da nastupa ko god pobedi pa je hteo da razresi to sto pre.



lunare, zasto toliko seres kad ni ne znas o cemu je rec.


Zasto tolko serem????? Pa kad sam ja ista reko o Burialu osim sad?


Ali ajde nema veze , meni to sakrivanje pa iznenadno "svecano" otkirvanje je samo jos jedan marketinski trik. Mozda on i jeste kao sto ti kazes bio pritisnut od strane medija da se otkrije ali previshe puta sam video u svetskoj industriji da se pojavi newcommer sa maskom kao sav mistichan i pre izbacivanja novog albuma treba mu popularnost i on se kao svecano od maskira.


Svejedno neznam puno o ovom gospodinu, ali sam cuo jedna album od njega onaj Untrue. I mogu reci da je album Izuzetan, pogotovo za mene koji neslusa tolko puno ovo. Privuklo me je to sto sam video da je lik ubacio Lost Carol od Akira Yamaoke(da isti onaj umetnik za koji sam stavio link u download sekciju ovde i Niking se sav zainteresovao u njega), i u jednu pesmu ubacio MGS sample(pa kako da ne dowujem album) . XD Sve jedno bash je fantastichan album, ali tolko ja znam o Burialu.


пропагирање геј културе у Гучи од стране нашег политичког врха је само један мали део Европских Интеграција у које се ти не разумеш.

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