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мислим да је пресудан био онај десп'рејт моменат - колико ниско можеш да удариш и које очајничке потезе ћеш применити...


Nekoliko desetina ljudi iz organizacija koje se bore za prava ljudi sa posebnim potrebama protestvovalo je sinoć u Los Anđelesu na premijeri filma Bena Stillera Tropic Thunder zbog upotrebe reči "retard".


The Mercury News prenosti da su protestanti nosili slogane "Zovi me po imenu, a ne etiketi" i da su uzvikivali parole poput: "Zabranite film, zabranite reč".


U Tropic Thunderu Ben Stiller tumači lik glumca gladnog slave koji igra u ratnom filmu, a pre toga je glumio mentalno obolelog čoveka po imenu Simple Jack.


Predsednik američke "Asocijacije ljudi sa posebnim potrebama" rekao je da je juče sa kopredsednikom DreamWorksa pogledao film, opisavši ga kao "neukusan" i "uvredljiv od početka do kraja".


"Mislim da Ben Stiller i ljudi uključeni u film jednostavno nisu razmišljali da će biti uvredljiv", dodao je on.


DreamWorks je zbog pritužbi na film, stopirao deo promotivne kampanje, npr. sajt čiji je slogan bio: "Bio jednom jedan retard".


Portparol DreamWorksa je rekao da u samom filmu neće biti nikakvih skraćivanja zbog protesta.


Sa druge strane, organizacije za zaštitu osoba sa posebnim potrebama su pozvale na bojkot filma.


Pored Stillera, u filmu Tropic Thunder igraju i Robert Downey Jr. i Jack Black.


unfortunately our days at Oceanland are over. Our contract ended at the end of last month, and now this place that has been a second home to many of us for almost 7 years will fall into oblivion again... possibly for another 50 years...

We are looking back at 7 years of intense rehearsals, sleepless nights of crazy parties and sessions and 3 albums that have been recorded within these walls... but it's time to look ahead now and find a new place. With the majority of band members living in Switzerland right now, it is quite possibly that we will record our upcoming album somewhere in a secret place in the Swiss mountains. We will keep you posted.



While clearing out the space, we discovered, among all the old submarine doors and shitloads of gear, clothes, sleeping bags, underwear and other items of unknown origin, one last box of Fluxion / Aeolian 3xLPs.

We have made them available at our webshop again so if you still wanna grab a copy, order fast!


We will also have a new T-shirt design available within the next few days, so check back frequently.







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