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Malo da razmrdamo i ovaj učmali forum temom o jednom bendu koji je izgradio lepo ime proteklih godina kvalitetnim albumima pre svega!




Ereb Altor je švedski bend koji su početkom dve'iljaditih osnovali dva člana doomera Isole kao projekat odavanja pošte Quorthonu, prevashodno Viking fazi (do-oh, zato su na ovom podforumu). Prvi album By Honour je izašao za I Hate i već on je oduvao kvalitetom i skrenuo pažnju na ime, Napalm ih je brzo zgrabio i objavio sledeća dva albuma The End, konceptualni album o kraju sveta po Norse mitologiji, i Gastrike koji je najviše black metal orijentisan od svih EA izdanja. Momci prelaze na Cyclone Empire i 2013 izbacuju Fire meets Ice, po meni njihov najbolji uradak, pravi viking metal u svoj sili i slavi. Oko ovog albuma negde je shvaćen pun potencijal Ereb Altora i momci postaju punokrvni bend sa 4 člana, išli su ove godine na turneju sa Borknagar i Manegarm - šta bih dao da sam to video sad, uh. U aprilu se očekuje peti album Nattramn, meni je žao samo što nije izašao u sred zime da slušalački ugođaj bude kompletan.


Da kažem da što se tiče muzike očekujte pagan Bathory stil u svoj sili i slavi ali momci ubacuju i malo svojih začina, i iako bend nije bogzna kako originalan osvaja strašnom atmosferom i zaista visokim kvalitetom pesama, ja sam dugo odbijao da ih poslušam jer sam mislio da je u pitanju neki half assed rip off projekat (uključio sam se u priču neposredno oko Fire meets ice) ali kad sam jednom pustio nisam mogao više da stanem da slušam. Imate linkove gde god hoćete pa se služite sami.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

EREB ALTOR: Hailing mighty BATHORY with an upcoming Tribute-release!!!

Swedish EREB ALTOR have just returned from their successful tour with CRUACHAN and every visitor on this tour (or also already on the tours and festivals before) had the pleasure to witness the Gävle Vikings playing a fantastic coversong of BATHORY´s milestone “Twilight Of The Gods”.

Every fan knowing about EREB ALTOR´s career is aware that they are by far not a BATHORY tribute or cover band, but Quorthon and his legendary band is one of the main influences and with tons of heart and soul EREB ALTOR transport this heritage to the present age!

Now EREB ALTOR choose to record 7 BATHORY classics for a special vinyl only release entitled “Blot - Ilt - Taut” (which is old Swedish and means nothing less than “Blood - Fire - Death”!!!), where they praise with reverence and much respect the mighty works of Tomas "Ace" Börje Forsberg who sadly passed away in 2004 much too early.


Here´s what Mats of EREB ALTOR wants to let you know about this special release:

“During the years of Ereb Altor I have often been confronted with these words: ‘You should record some Bathory hymns!’

And recently this has happened more frequently, perhaps due to the fact that we at some rare occasions have done a Bathory song or two live.

This has been haunting my mind. If we would do this, how should we do this?

There is only one answer to that question: WE WILL DO IT FROM THE HEART !!!

And for us it was also important to put our Ereb Altor touch on these magnificent works of Quorthon.

The classic albums that I grew up with are closer to my heart than the post “Twilight of the Gods” albums. So we decided to do only songs from the classic albums. So many great songs to choose from! Let’s make a full album while we’re at it. So it shall be done !

Our next release “BLOT - ILT - TAUT” will contain seven Bathory hymns interpretated by Ereb Altor.”

“BLOT - ILT - TAUT” will be released via CYCLONE EMPIRE on vinyl (& digital) on the 26th of February 2016 and you can expect:

1 Song from the first release “Scandinavian Metal Attack”

1 Song from “Under the sign of the Black Mark”

2 Songs from “Blood Fire Death”

2 Songs from “Hammerheart”

1 Song from “Twilight of the Gods”




  • Upvote 1
  • 4 months later...

Meni ovo sjajno, bez nekih pretenzija odali pocast iz srca legendi. Aj sto zvuci lepo nego sto me i nateralo da se vratim starim Bathory albumima, davim se u njima ovih dana.

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Meni ovaj Ulfven bio jedan od najtanjih njihovih ali vec novi Järtecken koji se pojavio ovih dana me vratio na pravu stazu.

Pojacali BM uticaj, ima cak i blek metal a la prvi Bathory pesama, a sam taj njihov epik deo se pomalo i odvojio od Kvortona i izgradio sopstven stil. Bas lep album za putovanja u ovom periodu, za sta ga dosta koristim.

  • 2 months later...

Black delovi na novom su mi lečka neubedljivi, ali zato kad god voze Bathory stazama, to zvuči megafes. Prve dve mi ponajbolje. Sve u svemu, prijatno iznenađenje, i solidno bolje od novog Isoleta.

  • 2 years later...

Dobar mi i novi, neka catchy epica, kao noviji Borknagari recimo. S tim što sam nešto skontao da im baš fale neki kvalitetni clean vokali. Tipa ova stvar bi mi bila jak hit sa nekim Garmom ili Vortexom


Ovako samo dobra pesma

  • 2 years later...

Novi album se upravo pojavio, negde je tu s kvalitetom s prethodna dva, voze taj viking Bathory black kao da sutra ne postoji. Voleo bih samo da je malo prljavija produkcija, posebno bubanj na novom mi zvuči bzvz. 

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