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halford ide jedno 20 mesta iza dia... kako god okrenes halford vise nije superlativa na metal sceni, mada nikad i nije bio dobar uzivo

Ovo si tako odvalio, da verovatno nisi ni svestan...

Evo chist primer

Obrati paznju na delu 3:23. Svaki put se najezim kad chujem ovaj vrisak...
Ovo si tako odvalio, da verovatno nisi ni svestan...

Evo chist primer

Obrati paznju na delu 3:23. Svaki put se najezim kad chujem ovaj vrisak...

brate to je video od pre nekih plus-minus trideset godina i vise nije merodavan


gledao sam priest prosle godine, a heaven and hell ove... pricam danasnju situaciju

halfordov glas je propao, diov se nije promenio uopste


stoga stojim iza toga da halford vise nije superlativa


a ti slobodno slusaj bootlegove od pre 1000 godina i govori da je halford jos uvek dobar... mozda neko ko nije video i poveruje, a youtube ima i svezije bootlegove veruj mi, gde tacno dolazi do izrazaja ko je propao a ko nije, tako da... ne seri


Care, ti si rekao da Halford "nikad" nije bio dobar uzivo, ja sam ti samo sa jednim klipom pokazao kolko si pogreshio...I dobro si video sa kojim delom tvoje rechenice se ne slazem, i sad tu pishesh kao da si popio svu pamet ovog sveta...Nishta loshe nisam mislio, nema potrebe odmah da se vredjash.

Posted (edited)

Dajte, ljudi, kao da je bitno.Glupo je porediti ih.Ja licno vise volim Dia, ali, obojica su legende i obojica su bitni.Meni su svi znacajni heavy metal pevaci super, svaka im cast, da ne valjaju ne bi bili tu gde jesu i nema smisla raspravljati ko je bolji od koga...U krajnjem slucaju, nema veze ni to da li su sad losiji nego pre, ipak su matori, naravno da u tim godinama glas (uglavnom) vise nije isti.


Sto se Dia tice, covek je ziva legenda, u to nema sumnje. :rockdevil:

Edited by Crna_Dama
Dio je prije svega predobar vokal, a kao drugo svi metalci mu moraju odat pocast zbog toga sto je izumio \m/ rogove :metalac:


E al' to mora spomenuti u svakom jebenom razgovoru. Mislim da kad bih ga ja upoznao i pricao sa njim o necem tipa uticaju vlage na knjizevnost ili muve na pubertet komarca on bi meni o rogovima. :D


Pa nije nista cudno da glas propada s godinama, kod nekih je to slucaj kod nekih ne. Evo ja mislim i da Dickinsonov glas nije isti kao prije 20-ak godina.

Care, ti si rekao da Halford "nikad" nije bio dobar uzivo, ja sam ti samo sa jednim klipom pokazao kolko si pogreshio...I dobro si video sa kojim delom tvoje rechenice se ne slazem, i sad tu pishesh kao da si popio svu pamet ovog sveta...Nishta loshe nisam mislio, nema potrebe odmah da se vredjash.

dobro... ok, izuzeci potvrdjuju pravilo, ja podako mogu da ti pokazem video gde je los... evo uzmi ovaj je veoma mator


Dajte, ljudi, kao da je bitno.Glupo je porediti ih.Ja licno vise volim Dia, ali, obojica su legende i obojica su bitni.Meni su svi znacajni heavy metal pevaci super, svaka im cast, da ne valjaju ne bi bili tu gde jesu i nema smisla raspravljati ko je bolji od koga...U krajnjem slucaju, nema veze ni to da li su sad losiji nego pre, ipak su matori, naravno da u tim godinama glas (uglavnom) vise nije isti.


Sto se Dia tice, covek je ziva legenda, u to nema sumnje. :rockdevil:

pa i nije bitno, ali barem cemo da razmenimo par linkova, ja cu videti par linkova gde je halford dobar, on ce dobiti par linkova gde je halford los

i mirna backa

Halford je legenda, ne samo zbog glasa, već zbog ukupne pojave. Isto kao i Dio.


A ne, ne, ti mislis na Ozzya :da:

Taj je oduvek bio pojava, i nista vise.


Halfordu je otisao glas u poslednjih 10ak godina, Dio je imao povremenih (manjih) padova, ali nikada nije moglo da se kaze da je zvucao lose, a danas nekim cudom zvuci najbolje u poslednjih 20 godina, tom coveku skidam kapu.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Ozijev glas je čisto zavijanje. Gotive ga zbog specifične boje koju može imati svako, mogu i ja 100 posto da skinem glas.

Probao sam skinuti Diov glas i godinu dana ne uspevam. To je urođeno u čoveka i taj glas je specifičan i zato je Dio KRALJINA!

Slušao sam kako Dio peva Iron Man... to je fenomenalno!

  • 2 months later...
Eleanor Goodman of Bizarre magazine recently conducted an interview with legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio (HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW, DIO). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.


Bizarre: Do you believe in ghosts?


Dio: When I was in RAINBOW, we were at a place called the Château, north of Paris. There wasn't a lot to do other than record, so one day we had a séance. We contacted this woman named Sarah who kept saying nothing but "Kill Thomas, kill Thomas, kill Thomas." This went on for a week. So we asked Sarah some questions, and found out Thomas was her son, who she wanted us to kill because he killed her, in childbirth. We asked if we could talk to someone else and the glass started to go everywhere. It said: "I am Baal. I create chaos. You will never finish this project." It got a lot more involved than that. That's the tip of the iceberg.


Bizarre: What's the closest you've come to death?


Dio: An automobile accident in the early days of ELF. Our driver was killed, as well as my best friend and lead guitar player. I went through the windscreen and then back, ripped a part of my scalp off, broke a leg and broke an arm. One of the guitar players in the back hit his face on the engine and had 16 stitches near his eye, and one almost had his legs amputated… it just went on and on. Just a horrible experience.


Bizarre: What does your orgasm face look like?


Dio: I don't know… I don't think I've ever really looked! Probably white and sticky.


Bizarre: Have you ever seen any quirky genitalia?


Dio: I had a guitar player who had a crooked cock. It was hard to miss; I guess he was proud of it. Sometimes we had to pee together and you know, you check it out.


Bizarre: I thought you weren't meant to!


Dio: Yeah, you can sneak a peek! You can look and go, "Holy, look at the size…" and then tell your friends, "Some guy was in the toilet with a knob like a bell!" But you don't give it a stare, for sure.


Bizarre: What's the oddest thing you've eaten?


Dio: I don't eat vegetables, because I can't stand the sliminess – like green beans. Or anything that looks like it's got something still growing inside it. I do eat potatoes, they're like a quasi-vegetable; and I'll eat tomatoes as long as they're crushed up in a sauce. Other than that, I only eat meat. So, kangaroo.


Bizarre: And now, the classic Bizarre challenge: choose between coprophilia, necrophilia and bestiality and explain your decision.


Dio: If I had to choose, bestiality. I certainly don't want to screw any dead people and I don't want to eat shit; at least there's some kind of sexualness going on in the other one that I can get a live perspective on, anyway.


Read the entire interview from Bizarre magazine.


Kralj. :haha:


I pinujte temu, pobogu.


evo malo normalnih vesti :haha:


Legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio (HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATHmag-glass_10x10.gif, RAINBOW, DIO) has revealed to Classic Rock magazine that DIO will play a new song on the band's upcoming European tour, which kicks off next month.


"It's called 'Electra', which will be released as a limited-edition single, although I'm not sure as yet just how we intend to put it out," he said.


"However, it was important to me that DIO didn't just come over on the back of the old material, but that we had something fresh to offer.:


The band — also featuring guitarist Doug Aldrich, bassist Rudy Sarzo, drummer Simon Wright and keyboard player Scott Warren — will perform mostly material from its own catalog this time around, with nothing at all included from Dio's time with BLACK SABBATH.


"We'll probably do a coupe of things from RAINBOW, but there's no point in doing anything by SABBATH. I've been doing that with HEAVEN & HELL. There are a lot of people out there who are fans of DIO the band, rather than of me as the former singer with RAINBOW and BLACK SABBATH, and for them we'll do some material we've not done for a long time from the DIO era."


Mog'o bi novi Dio album uvek, a i da ga neko dovede malo...

  • 2 weeks later...

DIO — the band fronted by legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio (HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW) — has cancelled its previously announced European tour after Ronnie was taken ill. "Ronnie has been hospitalized and we are waiting for further news," the singer's wife/manager Wendy Dio told BLABBERMOUTH.NET.

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