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Retardirani rumunjski metalkor, ajde najbolje u Gun klub da donesemo pirotehniku.


Mrzi me da proučavam slučaj ali me živo interesuje šta je ovde krivica premijera, veća bi odgovornost premijera za tako nešto bila ovde gde Vučić zabada nos u sve događaje u zemlji, i onih koji se ne tiču direktno njegove funkcije.

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Vučić bi sačekao da se raziđu isparenja pa bi se pojavio s gas maskom da izvlači nastradale, da gledamo kako je to zabeležio GoPro sa Nebojšine pametne glavice...

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pa posle neka neko priča kako Rumunija zaostaje

Retardirani rumunjski metalkor, ajde najbolje u Gun klub da donesemo pirotehniku.


Mrzi me da proučavam slučaj ali me živo interesuje šta je ovde krivica premijera, veća bi odgovornost premijera za tako nešto bila ovde gde Vučić zabada nos u sve događaje u zemlji, i onih koji se ne tiču direktno njegove funkcije.

kaže lik da oseća moralnu odgovornost, pa zbog toga podnosi ostavku


Lik sere. Neko vreme je veliki pritisak da se povuce. Ovo mu je slag na tortu, zapravo odstupnica da deluje kao posten.

Beginning in July 2012, Ponta found himself at the heart of a political crisis. This culminated in Băsescu's suspension from office by Parliament, an action strongly promoted by Ponta, and which triggered an unsuccessful referendum on impeaching Băsescu.
In late July 2014, Ponta launched his candidacy for the upcoming presidential race, at the same time beginning to attack his chief rival, Iohannis.[52] He placed first in the election's first round, with 40.4% of the vote, and faced Iohannis in the runoff.[53] In the second round, he was defeated by Iohannis on a 54.5%-45.5% margin
In June 2015, the DNA opened a criminal investigation against Ponta, alleging forgery, complicity in tax evasion and money laundering allegedly committed while he was a lawyer; and a conflict of interest for naming former business associate Dan Șova to several positions while prime minister. Ponta resigned the party leadership in July 2015, amidst an ongoing corruption investigation.

a da li vam ovo zvuci poznato

A month into his term as premier, an article published in Nature reported that an anonymous source had charged Ponta with plagiarizing over half his doctoral thesis,[67][68] claims that were later reiterated by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.[69] Ponta admitted that the referencing system used by his thesis did not provide clear attribution of its sources, but rejected the allegations of plagiarism.

Until the controversy began and his official curriculum vitae was modified, he claimed in the document to have received a master's degree in International Criminal Law from theUniversity of Catania in 2000. That institution's rector replied to an enquiry by stating an internal verification had revealed Ponta was never at the University of Catania. In turn, Ponta stated that he took a course there and received a diploma


okej, neka razlika postoji, nakon pada helikoptera mi smo umesto ostavke Gasica dobili kurac.

Ali da se Rumun povukao jer oseca moralnu odgovornost, malo morgen.

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Ne ložite se sa Kurirom.

To samo ameri stavljaju do znanja Vučiću da mogu da ga uruše kad god požele, iako je njihov čovek.

Da se ne opusti, ni u izdaji.

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