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^ odličan test.


You're on the left and libertarian spectrum of the political compass! You question authority and are deeply distrustful of hierarchy. You believe strongly in personal liberty and individual freedoms. You firmly believe in a self-governed and non-hierarchical society with maximum individual freedoms for all. You support women's rights, gay rights, and liberal attitudes on sex. You, however, favor collectively owned property and an economy that guarantees equality and opportunity. You believe in strong communities and favor a cooperative economy over dog eat dog capitalism. You're a lefty, but you hate big government just as much as the next libertarian!




odlican test indeed



You're on the left and libertarian spectrum of the political compass! You question authority and are deeply distrustful of hierarchy. You believe strongly in personal liberty and individual freedoms. You firmly believe in a self-governed and non-hierarchical society with maximum individual freedoms for all. You support women's rights, gay rights, and liberal attitudes on sex. You, however, favor collectively owned property and an economy that guarantees equality and opportunity. You believe in strong communities and favor a cooperative economy over dog eat dog capitalism. You're a lefty, but you hate big government just as much as the next libertarian!


Premalo pitanja da bi se bilo šta smisleno utvrdilo, mene je potpuno omašio.


Управо то, на свим сличним тестовима сам био овде где су Дивљи Тигар и Сморок, сад сам на истој страни само горе, скоро код национал социјализма.

Posted (edited)

"Da naši čukununučići genetski liče na nas, da, ako bi ustao neko od njihovih predaka, da ga prepozna kao svog. Inače, svašta može da se desi i na to upozoravaju stručnjaci...samo ćute da ne bi bili napadnuti", rekao je Nikolić za Pink.


:haha: :haha: :haha:

Edited by Hail Metal
  • Upvote 2

Left Libertarian


treba uzeti sve sto je dobro i korisno pa pripadalo bilo kojoj ideologiji,ne treba se ogranicavati da se uradi nesto samo zato sto nije po ideoloskim dogmama.


Svakako treba teziti nekom socijalnom drustvu i jednakosti,cuvati planetu na kojoj zivimo to jest ne dopustiti da se radi profita unistava planeta i zdravlje ljudi,dopustiti ljudima da rade u veruju u sta god hoce dokle god to ne ugrozava nikoga.

Posted (edited)

Управо то, на свим сличним тестовима сам био овде где су Дивљи Тигар и Сморок, сад сам на истој страни само горе, скоро код национал социјализма.



Left Collective


You're on the left and collective quadrant of the political compass! You value the role of big government in providing all citizens with essential services and you believe that government's job is to guarantee equality. You favor higher taxes on the rich and believe in more publicly funded programs for the disadvantaged. You're sceptical of the free market and you think that too much individualism is dangerous. You hold many communitarian values and you support limiting certain individual freedoms for the good of society. You're compassionate, idealistic and deeply dedicated to your community! You're a proud bleeding heart!


Doduše, neka pitanja su mi malo zeznuta za odgovoriti od 1 do 4.

Na primer: da li ste za uplitanje države, ili slobodno tržište? Ja jesam za slobodno tržište u načelu, ali kada se javi veliki disbalans (recimo monopol), onda jesam da država interveniše i skreše zube bogatoj manjini, a pogura siromašnu većinu.

I naravno što si bogatiji, to veći porez.


Svako ko misli da je isti kao svi drugi i da njegov život ne vredi ništa više od ostalih je promašio planetu.


Može to i lepše da se kaže, na primer:

Svi imamo jednako pravo na život, ali nismo svi jednaki.

Edited by Dark_Elf

Dajte još ovih testova kako bi još više ljudi moglo da postavlja svoje rezultate, mnogo je zanimljivo i interesantno hehe.

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