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verujem da određen broj ljudi na forumu već zna o čemu se ovde radi, ali krenimo od početka


MBTI iliti Myers-Briggs Type Indicator je podela ličnosti na 16 tipova prema 4 osnove, da ne komplikujem previše jer i nije komplikovano, evo kako to izgleda:




primera radi, ja sam INTJ; inače jedan od najređih tipova (samo 2% populacije), važimo za hladne, objektivne drkoše i emotivne robote, čuveni INTJ-evi su Niče i Putin recimo :haha:


sve ovo je interesantno zato što možete naći milion dobrih tekstova, analiza i zajebancija na osnovu ovih tipova i često znaju 100% da nabodu opis nečije ličnosti, stoga i jeste zabavno


brz i jednostavan test imate ovde: http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test samo budite iskreni i ne lažite sebe u odgovorima kao što su neki odavde to radili, pa da vidimo ko je ko


jedna provera haha:




What Each Myers-Briggs Type Does When They’re Sick


INFJ – Avoids medication unless they absolutely HAVE to take it, but stays home to rest and recoup. No way are they going to let others see them in a vulnerable state!

ENFP – Refuses to rest or relax – disbelieving that this will help them get better – and goes about their day as usual, getting everyone they encounter sick in the process.

ENFJ – Maintains their commitments with a sunny face – not wanting to burden other people with their sickness – and then goes home and crashes hard.

ESFP – Texts all their friends that they’re DYING, who wants to come over for a movie night?

INFP – Stays home and fantasizes (in a totally non-morbid way, of course) about all the nice things people would say about them at their funeral.

ISFJ – Tries to convince everyone that they’re fine, really, they don’t need any help… while secretly wishing that one of their loved ones would ignore their pleas and come take care of them.

ISFP – Secretly revels in having a socially acceptable excuse to stay home and do their own thing for a week or so.

ESFJ – Tries to get better as quickly as possible so that they can take care of any friends or loved ones who have also caught their bug.

ESTJ – Works fervently from bed on their laptop while internally scolding their immune system for not trying harder.

ISTJ – Sticks determinately to whatever methods of getting better they were taught as a child, because that’s what has always worked for them, so why switch it up?

ISTP – Takes enough medication to get a little high and then relishes in the excuse to stay home and play video games.

ESTP – Pops some drugs, chugs an energy drink and goes about their business as usual. If it’s not terminal, what’s there to complain about?

INTP – Googles ten thousand variations of what they might have and ends up in the depths of Wikipedia, learning about a strange Polynesian virus that died out 1000 years ago.

INTJ – Pops some drugs, ignores their sickness and grows steadily more annoyed each time someone asks them how they’re feeling.

ENTJ – Rests for about 30 minutes, decides that’s enough self-care and then gets the hell back to work.

ENTP – Develops a plethora of strange new medicines that they test on themselves, ultimately extending their sickness weeks longer than necessary.




mene su pogodili k'o prstom :haha:

Posted (edited)

U kurac, drugi put sam ispao INTJ. Negde sam zaebao :haha:


Intro još uvek na nivou, 90


Tu si negde na granici verovatno, ja ispao pre godinu dana ENFJ, a malopre uradio i ispao ENTP. Menjaju se ljudi možda, a možda i za neke od nas treba da se uvede kategorija za neodlučnost :haha:


Btw meni malo lepši Kersey Temperament Sorter, koji je baziran na istom ovom testu, a razlikuju se malo tumačenja. Mada oba sistema deluju da su ciljano napravljeni sa tim horoskopskim kvalitetom da budu dopadljiviji i da podilaze sujeti, kako ne postoji profil ličnosti ''SVINJA'', a ima ih na svakom ćošku xD


Ja sam po MBTI prošli put ispao Protagonist, a sad Debater (upropastio me forum), a po Keirseyu po istim kombinacija na te četiri skale (ENFJ, ENTP) prvi put Teacher, a ovo drugo Inventor.



Evo vam Keirseypa probajte i njega, mada mi pitanja deluju prilično tupavo, mnogo nezgodnije da se odlučiš za neki odgovor nego u ovom testu na 16personalities, mrzeće me da uradim i ovaj.


i assertive sam ispao u oba, turbulentnima treba bičevanje

Edited by Demon Seed

INTJ (Švarceneger, Putin, Niče).


Verovatno i Dule Vujošević.


A kada sam ponovo radio test i birao ono što nikad ne bih birao ispalo je - ESFP. Znači to definitivno nisam.












59% extroverted


ENERGY This trait shows where we direct our mental energy. 39% INTUITIVE 61% OBSERVANT

NATURE This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions. 49% THINKING 51% FEELING

TACTICS This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making. 73% JUDGING 27% IDENTITY

This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. 52% ASSERTIVE 48% TURBULENT Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. Deborah Day People who share the ESFJ personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, ESFJs are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, ESFJs continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy. At their hearts, ESFJ personalities are social creatures, and thrive on staying up to.


Duvajte ga frikovi!





A kada sam ponovo radio test i birao ono što nikad ne bih birao ispalo je - ESFP. Znači to definitivno nisam.


pa dobro to je logika, samo umesto svakog slova staviš ono suprotno :D

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