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ako gledamo to nepostupanje policije onda je to državni zločin jer znamo da je neko iz države to naredio policiji. ako gledamo to kao nasilje države protiv građana to je naravno klasičan državni zločin


elem, državni kriminal


jedino se to može gledati kao odricanje od suvereniteta ako je država ustuknula pred nedržavnim akterima koji onda uspeju da nametnu svoju volju umesto pravnog poretka. ali integritet pravnog poretka je preduslov suvereniteta samo ako pravni poredak "volja države". ako je volja države da se ponaša protiv svojih zakona i sama je sebi kriminalac - onda pravni poredak nije preduslov suvereniteta nego se suverenitet ogleda u čistoj sili. suverenitet nije pravna kategorija nego politička, to je kategorija sile.


skapirao sam, ali iz dva citanja. :)


jel valja ta knjiga, tj. jel pisana "normalnim" jezikom ili koristi terminologiju kao iz tvog poslednjeg pasusa?


The study of state-corporate crime involves an examination of the inter-

section of state and corporate actions on three levels of analysis: individual,

institutional and structural or societal (Matthews and Kauzlarich 2000;

Kramer 1992). On each of these levels, scholars have drawn on existing

approaches which Kramer sums up as follows:


The first is differential association theoryas developed by Sutherland

The second perspective is based on organizational theory and argues

either that organizations are inherently criminogenic due to performance

emphasis on goals …, or that organizations commit crime due to

defective operating procedures. The third perspective locates the crim-

inogenic forces in the wider political, economic structure of the society.

(Kramer 1992: 215–16)


State-corporate crime scholars have endeavoured to bring these levels

together in a ‘powerful integrated theoretical model [which] … would

unite the three levels of social experience that constitute the dialectical

totality of human life’ (Kramer 1992: 216). They have identified three

‘catalysts for action’to explain the occurrence of state-corporate crime: (1)

organisational motivation or goals, (2) opportunity, and (3) social control

(Matthews and Kauzlarich 2000). Organisational crime is said to result from

‘a coincidence of pressure for goal attainment, availability and perceived

attractiveness of illegitimate means, and an absence or weakness of social

control mechanisms’(Matthews and Kauzlarich 2000: 293).

In the context of state-corporate crime, the goal of either direct capital

accumulation (by the state, the corporation or individual actors within

either entity) or the promotion of capital accumulation (by the state for the

corporation or individuals within the corporation) is frequently a ‘highly

criminogenic force’. Where legitimate means to pursue this goal are scarce

as a result of either institutional or structural factors, organisational deviance

is more likely to occur. Social control acts as ‘a critical element in construct-

ing symbolic frameworks that will operate at the societal, organizational,

and personal levels’ (Kramer 1992: 217) to restrain deviance.

Organisational deviance is likely to occur where there is a failure of social

control at one or more of the three levels of analysis, combined with

opportunity and motivation.




ima i normalnih delova...



as the more significant state crimes on a number of different levels. In this

chapter we tie together some threads from our earlier discussion by


relationship shapes patterns of criminal behaviour in different kinds of


to the forces and relations of production. First, however, it is important to


We make no attempt here to develop any general theory of the state, but

simply to group states together in a way that allows us to recognise certain

common patterns of crime that emerge from the empirical work in the

earlier chapters. 1

For our purposes, then, it makes sense to talk about three categories of

states. By ‘states’, we refer primarily to those institutions which exert a

monopoly (or near-monopoly) of coercive force and the extraction of

revenue in some substantial tract of territory. The first category comprises

capitalist states, which can be subdivided into the advanced industrialised

democracies (the US, the UK, Japan, etc.); and the developing or transition-

al states such as Honduras, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Bangladesh. The

second comprises state-capitalist states (Cliff 1988), where the state owns

and controls the means of production. (Asocialist state, by contrast, would

be one where the workers control the means of production.) The third, and

perhaps less obvious, category comprises what we shall call ‘predatory

states’. These are states, where the state elite rules essentially for its own

benefit, rather than for that of any class outside itself. Such elites do not

directly control the means of production, but rather enrich themselves

primarily by extortion. Some of these states (for example, Democratic

Republic of Congo) have the legal trappings of statehood but control only

limited areas within their territory; others (such as the FARC in Colombia,

and formerly the Taliban) are not legally recognised as states but in fact

control substantial territory.


Po meni pametnije je da izadju i Jankovic i Jeremic, izvuci ce vise birackog tela na glasanje nego da bude samo jedan od njih; to je poenta. Jankovic je tu da izvuce hipstere na glasanje a Jeremic poluhipstere i polupaore, posle kada (najverovatnije Jeremic osvoji vise glasova od Jankovica budimo realni) biracko telo Jankovica, ili bar njen veci deo ce podrzati Jeremica direktno u duelu sa AV, to je cela prica, i ovako otvoreno podrzavaju jedno drugog, Jankovic ce posle pozvati svoje pristalice da podrze Jeremica i to je najrealniji sled dogadjaja. DJB da se ne opredeljuje ni za jednog ni za drugog, i ovako ce prirodno njihovi glasaci podrzati ili jednog ili drugog.


Licno, meni je svejedno bilo to Jankovic ili Jeremic, mislim da je Jeremic mnogo sposobniji i kvalifikovaniji lik za obavljanje funkcije predsednika, Jankovica bih vise voleo da vidim kao gradonacelnika BG, kada bi se kandidovao za gradonacelnika imao bi velike sanse. Jeremic je jaci od Jankovica sigurno, ne nesto mnogo ali jeste. Ne znam da li ce DJB podrzati nekog, ko zna sta su naumili, mislim da je pametnije da poruce svojim glasacima da glasaju po volji za opozicione kandidate. Korisna je kandidatura i Boska Obradovica, on ce sigurno Seselju odlomiti deo glasova.


jeremica ce sns rastrgnuti kad krene kampanja. opozicija ne kapira koliko je sns ozbiljno investirao u propagandu. tema za razmisljanje: ko su jeremicevi otac, deda i pradeda i kako to moze da se iskoristi za pljuvanje. ;) ako jeremic bude predsednik, ima previse prljavstina o njemu kojima ce ga sns i ekipa ucenjivati. onda ce vuk morati da pravi kompromise i svojom vladavinom ce polako amnestirati sns koji ce za koju godinu ponovo da uzjase. voleo bih da gresim, ali ne vidim u njemu neku preveliku volju da dovede stvari u red.


drugo -

jeremic nema blage veze o tome sta se konkretno desava u srbiji, narocito u smislu izvrsne vlasti i sudova. zato ce njegova slika o tome biti pod uticajem ljudi kojima se bude okruzio, a to nije dobro. jankovic mnogo bolje zna te probleme u sitna crevca i imam utisak da zna gde treba da gadja da bi se dobio najveci efekat.


bosko obradovic je lik iz crtaca. u poslednje vreme vidim da takvi dolaze na razne vrste vlasti, i u svetu. ;-)

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Lik iz crtaca ili ne Dveri imaju ozbiljno biracko telo i njih treba izvuci na glasanje. Pa sta on ima da zna ili une, nema tu mnogo tajni ko upravlja izvrsnom vlascu i kako, nije kao da je sad tu Jankovic nesto ekstra upucen. Od SNS se ocekuje pljuvacina, nema sumnje da su se spremili dobro da opletu po svima, koliko ce to biti delotvorno videcemo.


jeremica ce sns rastrgnuti kad krene kampanja.


slazem se. bice jezivo a pride jeremic sigurno nije neko ko ce se dobro snaci u toj atmosferi


s druge strane na jankovica su ispucali sta su imali (preuranjeno hehe...sta da se radi kad su retardirani) i bilo je to u svakom slucaju dosta em mlitavo em kraktotrajno, bez potencijala za vecito razvlacenje. to rastezanje je najgore u asasinacijama karaktera. izenadilo bi me da ista nove smisle protiv njega.

bice za mesec dana "nije bio dao ostavku onda kad smo mi mislili da je trebalo da da ostavku" i tako nesto :haha:

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