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Guns N' Roses: Illusions albumi?  

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@man o war: Dok slusam gunse zadubim se i kad peva visoko ima i distorziju u vokalu al mi se pre cuje ko nekakv cudni dvoglas...ko dva vokala spojena u jedan...ti tripujes li nesto slicno kad slusash axl-a ili se ja ubacujem bezveze :confused::)


Ljudi to su vec varijacije na temu...dal je apostrof sa obe strane ili jedne je po meni nevazno...

Pa..tebi je nebitno zatos to ti gansi nisu omiljen bend,al' eto meni je bitno...

bitno je da svi na svetu znaju koji je to bend pa magar ga pisali gans end rozez


Tako nesto kad vidim poludim!A jos kad vidim da je to jos napisano cirilicom (ej!!!) POPIZDIM! :mad::udri::mad::violent::udri::mad:

(alergican sam na takve stvari :violent: )


E sad, meni je zgodije da pishem `n` nego n` ili `n. Tako sam naviko od malena.

Da,i ja sam eto navik'o da pisem kao " N' "...


Dok vi raspravljate o manje bitnim stvarima ostalo je jos 3 nedelje do kraja godine a od novog cd-a nista! :mad:


Ja sada vise verujem u deda mraza da izda taj disk nego u Axl-a. Napravio je covek cirkus od tog albuma.


Btw, cuo sam da se na nekim satelitskim kanalima reklamira turneja 2006. i da na kraju reklame ide recenica "CHINESE DEMOCRACY IN STORES WINTER 2006" :ph34r:


@man o war: Dok slusam gunse zadubim se i kad peva visoko ima i distorziju u vokalu al mi se pre cuje ko nekakv cudni dvoglas...ko dva vokala spojena u jedan...ti tripujes li nesto slicno kad slusash axl-a ili se ja ubacujem bezveze :confused::)

Ne znam na koju pesmu konkretno mislesh. Ponekad i ima nasnimavanih vokala, a ponekad je to sto sam reko za "distorziranje" pa se chini ko da mu se u jednom momentu glas razdvaja

Ja sam za taj album chuo da je trebao da izadje jos pre hiljadu godina. Stvarno ne znam koj im je qrac vishe. Il ga tolko dugo rade jer zele da naprave nesto mnogo dobro il su lenji. :):mad:


Evo mene opet sa mojim: "A sto se tiche..." :)

A sto se tiche snjimanja vokala, budi siguran da idu pa dva ili vishe vokal. Meni to super zvuchi, i ja stvarno nisam uspeo na AFDu da cujem tu distorziju u glasu koju ima na Lies-u u velikoj meri. Ono sto mi se svidja kod nasnimavanja glasa jednog preko drugog je sto moze (odlican primer je outro iz "Think about you") da zvuci kristalno cisto i onako tanko i zvonko, a da ima jacinu. To recimo radi i u nightrain-u, u refrenu za Para. City, ali ako se dobro secam, toga nema u onom drugom delu Rocket Queen koji je jako visok. Mislm da je izmedju ostalog, i tu pokaza kakav je baja sa pevanjem. Za Para city refrene je i sam reko da je nasnimavao i po 5-6!!! vokal. (kako on kaze, zvuci mu ko neke irske pesme, ma da ja iskreno nemam pojma na kakve pesme misli)


I da zavrsimo temu o apostrofu, cisto da obrazlozim zasto ni svejedno sa koje strane pishes: Oni su to stavili radi fore samo sa jedne strana, a bitno je da bude sa desne jer se "n" speluje kao "en" i onda ti u stvari fali samo "d" na kraju. Tako da (kao fora) fali samo "d" kao trece slovo.




Neko je pitao i u cemu je fora sa albumom, da li lenjost ili sta, a ja na prosloj strani lepo napis'o!




Axl je pre nekog vremena najavio (naravno, indirektno) 19 decembar kao zadnji datum. Verovatno nece biti nista ni od toga. :mhihi:


A u januaru bi trebao da izadje zvanican dvd "Live In Chicago".


samo vi podrzavajte ovaj "projekat"...


fan sajtovi po ne-americkim drzavama su poceli da "strajkuju gladju"...vishe ne update-uju...a od nove godine neki nece ni postojati.


sve zbog potpune tisine u etru oko novog albuma...naravno od strane menadzmenta benda...i izdavacke kuce...


razmazuju vam govna po faci...


nekima se to ocigledno svidja...


ili jednostavno-ciljano zele da album prodje katastrofalno. :)

Posted (edited)

btw,merk je rekao kako ce se album samo pojavitiu prodaji,bezadvertajzinga,ali ja mislim da je to nemoguce jet o tome odlucuje kuca koja izdaje album i koja je ulozila lovu u isti


cujem da su gnr odlozili danasnji koncert,a ida imaju 3 show-a u la,tako da u toku ta 3 koncerta mozda isaznamo nesto


sto se gnr fan sajtova tice,ubedljivo najposeceniji i najautenticniji je heretoday...


sto se tice chicago dvd,pitanje koga izdaje,ali nema nikakve veze sa nekim axlovim planovima



siguran sam da ce gnr jednog dana izdati njihov najbolji koncert ikada argentina 1993




jer moze neko da prevede ovo,u pitanju je Axlovo zvanicno obracanje

Edited by LazaGNR

jer moze neko da prevede ovo,u pitanju je Axlovo zvanicno obracanje


Ti covece mora da me zajebavas. :icon_eek: Gledam link i vidim ispod molbu za prevod, i ocekujem da sad kad otvorim link bude nesto na portugalskom (brazil) ili spanski ili slicno... a, kad ono link na engleskom. :mhihi::mhihi:


Ako treba prevod, videcu da bar u kratkim crtama napishem o cemu se radi ako nadjem vremena.

I hvala za link. :pivopije:






Odkazana su 4 datuma, da bi bend mogao da radi na albumu. Axl-ov mendzer je napravio sranje, generlano, i razisli su se. (ako neko zna sta je bilo sa Doug Goldstainom neka mi kaze). Album se ocekuje 6. mart i Axl tvrsi da je ovo prvi put da on licno najavljuje album.


Mozda sam nesto propustio, ili pogresno skontao, posto sam samo na brzaka preleteo preko clanka, ali mislim da je to neka sustina.





jer moze neko da prevede ovo,u pitanju je Axlovo zvanicno obracanje

Da,sad sam to video...




Thursday, December 14th 2006

An open letter to our fans:



Guns N’ Roses regrets to announce that the following concert tour dates have been cancelled:

January 10th Sacramento

January 11th Bakersfield

January 13th Reno

January 16th San Diego



Due to the schedule of these particular shows valuable time needed by the band and record company for the proper setup and release of the album Chinese Democracy would be lost. Rather than delay the album yet again all involved have decided to remove these shows from GNR’s schedule. We sincerely hope our fans understand and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. Tickets may be refunded at local point of purchase.




To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement. Overcoming the endless and seemingly insanity of the obstacles faced by all involved, not withstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone: the fans, the band, our road crew and business team has at many times seemed for all like a bad dream where one wakes up only to find they are still in the nightmare and unfortunately this time it has been played out for over a decade in real life.




The true ongoing behind-the-scenes triumphs and casualties are much more complicated than any negative speculation that media or otherwise has managed to hit upon. For much of the time some form or another of legalities have been taking place that really the best way to deal with publicly was to keep our mouths shut in an attempt to ensure the best outcome and especially one that wouldn’t jeopardize the band or the album. One can easily point to how others have done things or how they themselves feel that they would were they in the same situations but without full knowledge of the various dynamics and circumstances involved, again these types of comments or commentary are uninformed, outside, generally useless and often hindering speculation.




When I agreed to do our recent North American tour I agreed with the understanding that I and my manager Merck Mercuriadis were in full agreement as to our strategy, touring plans and most importantly that any and all things needed to release the album at the latest by Dec. 26th were to be in place. Unfortunately this turned out not to be the case and not only do I regret to say that again the album will not be released by the end of the year but that though many things went extremely well and were very exciting there were in our opinion unnecessary and avoidable complications on our tour having to do with the tour routing, scheduling and album and video plans that played hell on all involved especially our crew. This was compounded by an overall sense of a lack of respect by management for the band and crew and each individual’s particular expertise that has resulted unfortunately in the end of both Guns and my relationship in having a management or sense of band involvement with Merck Mercuriadis.




In regard to a release date for the album itself certain minor and by that I do mean minor things and or additions as well as contract negotiations need to be completed and barring any unforeseen complications these things have now been adequately scheduled. Both the band and I along with our record company feel that this record deserves the proper setup and promotion not the “13 Tuesdays left” and “it may just appear in your record store” approach offered by management. We believe this strategy may have been used in order for management to sell this latest tour to the various promoters. We feel that if this was so, this was obviously unfair to them. The stress of dealing with this situation has been considerable for everyone as well as to the band themselves as a whole but that this was more importantly in our opinion something utterly insane to do to our fans. Our apologies and please know we have been laboring over this with management for the entire North American tour.




It takes approximately 8 weeks for an album to hit the shelves once it has been turned in to the record company. For whatever reasons it appears it may have been mistakenly inferred by management that this could be condensed to three. That being said this is not a promise, a lie or a guarantee but we do wish to announce a tentative release date of March 6th. This is the first time we have done this publicly for this album. Any and all other dates have been made up by others for their own reasons. We would like to assure the fans that though tentative everything in our power will be done to meet this date. Once it is finalized and official you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons you will also be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible. We thank you for your patience.




In the end it’s just an album and one that I, the band, our record company and all involved believe and feel is a true Guns N’ Roses album. Ultimately the public will decide and regardless of the outcome our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason we feel those elements alone merit your consideration. We do hope you can hold on just a bit longer and if not we hope you would please feel free to take a break and we’ll be more than glad (if you so choose) to see you again later.




Once again, our sincere apologies and our deepest thanks, Guns N’ Roses would also like to thank all the fans who attended the 70 concerts in 21 different countries for their support in 2006. All the best to each and every one of you over this holiday season, thank-you and God bless.






Axl Rose




P.S.@gnrkoncerti:ej,covece,ne znam kako drugacije da stupim u kontakt sa tobom (napisao sam ti cinimi se vec 2 mail-a i jednu PM koju si procitao 3. decembra,a ti se jos ne javljas :ph34r: ) - ocemo li se mi dogovoriti oko onog (vec jednom)? :confused:


brace,bio sam u guzvi jutros i preveo sam sve .


otprilike je ovo:

-axl krvi mercka (menadzera) za neizlazakalbuma i obmanjivanje fanova,tako da mu je dao otkaz

-axl se izvinjava fanovima,izahvaljuje na velikojpodrsci na turneji ove godine

-AXLJE NAJAVIO 6.3.207 KAODATUM IZLASKA NOVOG ALBUMA,i time prvi put konkretno pomenuo datum

-axlje reakao da prvi put neko ko je radio na projektu daje oficijelni datum

-isto tako je rekao da gunsi u narednom periodu ulaze u fazu marketinga i reklamiranja novog albuma i izradu video spota




lazo,do srede dobijas sve ono

p.s. "ivini,u jebenojsam guzvi zadnjih 2 meseca"


-AXLJE NAJAVIO 6.3.207 KAODATUM IZLASKA NOVOG ALBUMA,i time prvi put konkretno pomenuo datum


Kako si ovo odkucao, bolje da nisi ni prevodio. :lol::mhihi::mrgreen::lol::lol:


aha...opet neko otkazivanje i odlaganje...o gospode, njima se bas ne da da urade nesto na vreme

To je vrlo smela izjava nakon 10 godina neizdavanja albuma.


aha...opet neko otkazivanje i odlaganje...o gospode, njima se bas ne da da urade nesto na vreme


Jebote, i posle mene neko pita sto stalno kasnim i sto radim stvari u zadnji cas.

Pa slusam G n' R od kad znam za sebe i omiljeni su mi bend vec preko 10 godina. :rockdevil::):):)

I onda me neko pita sto stalno kasnim i sto sve radim u zadnji cas. :no:


@rna: :) :) :) pa da ali zato bi im bilo bolje da nesto vredi kad to izadje cudo

Meni svejedno, nisam ih nikad preterano voleo. kad su se svi lozili na njih, ja sam bio mali i slusao Corbu i Kerber. Kasnije, kad su se opet svi nalozili na njih, ja slusao Maidene. Uvek sam ih preskakao.

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