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Guns N' Roses: Illusions albumi?  

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skinuo limewire-om biggrin.gif

ima gomila usera....



I ja sam pre neki dan (napokon!) nabavio taj spot (It's So Easy) icon_rockdevil.gif


Samo ne znam tacno koja je verzija (originalna ili ova 'ultra-rare-promo'),posto onaj drugi spot (tj. drugu verziju) jos nisam video icon_smile.gificon_redface.gif Uglavnom,stoji da je to (ta pesma) sa abuma 'Live Era' :ph234r:


nasao sam na netu


GNR's demo for Dust N' Bones - Duff on vocals


GNR's demo for the unreleased track, Sentimental Movie - Duff on vocals


ostavio sam link na


user posted image

pa kome treba....

  • 3 weeks later...

When I look into your eyes

I can see a love restrained

But darlin' when I hold you

Don't you know I feel the same


'Cause nothin' lasts forever

And we both know hearts can change

And it's hard to hold a candle

In the cold November rain

We've been through this such a long long time

Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go

An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today

Walking away

If we could take the time to lay it on the line

I could rest my head

Just knowin' that you were mine

All mine

So if you want to love me

then darlin' don't refrain

Or I'll just end up walkin'

In the cold November rain


Do you need some time...on your own

Do you need some time...all alone

Everybody needs some time...on their own

Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart

When even friends seem out to harm you

But if you could heal a broken heart

Wouldn't time be out to charm you


Sometimes I need some time...on my

own Sometimes I need some time...all alone

Everybody needs some time...on their own

Don't you know you need some time...all alone


And when your fears subside

And shadows still remain, ohhh yeahhh

I know that you can love me

When there's no one left to blame

So never mind the darkness

We still can find a way

'Cause nothin' lasts forever

Even cold November rain



Don't ya think that you need somebody

Don't ya think that you need someone

Everybody needs somebody

You're not the only one

You're not the only one



wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif 'bem ti pesmu kud je i napravise.



Cause nothin' lasts forever

And we both know hearts can change

Oces da mi odas tajnu kako si to iskombinovao? icon_biggrin.gif

Posto ga imam i ja (na kompu),al' mi ne funkcionise sad.gif

Mozda mi fali neki fajl ph34r.gif

Morao sam da nabavim 100 nekih fajlova da bih ga pokrenuo...

Prvo ti je potreban programcic Visual Pinball...

Zatim moras nabaviti neke skripte (vbs23)

Posle toga VPinMame...

Onda neki gnr_300.zip fajl...

Zatim "GNR Table"....

Swe to lepo stavis na svoje mesto...

I na kraju se prepustis carima flipera icon_cool.gif

Morao sam da nabavim 100 nekih fajlova da bih ga pokrenuo...

Prvo ti je potreban programcic Visual Pinball...

Zatim moras nabaviti neke skripte (vbs23)

Ovo imam

Posle toga VPinMame...

Mislim da ima i ovo,al nisam siguran ph34r.gif

Onda neki gnr_300.zip fajl...

Zatim "GNR Table"....

Ovo mislim da mi fali (nemam).Mada,trebalo bi da imam to GN'R Table (jel to izaberes iz onog programa Visual Pinball?)...


Posted (edited)

Ovo mislim da mi fali (nemam).Mada,trebalo bi da imam to GN'R Table (jel to izaberes iz onog programa Visual Pinball?)...

Da, iz Visual Pinball-a izaberes Gn'R Table... ali treba ti i gnr_300.zip da ga ubacis u VPinMame

Edited by TheLordXXX

Talk to me softly

There is something in your eyes

Don't hang your head in sorrow

And please don't cry

I know how you feel inside I've

I've been there before

Somethin is changin' inside you

And don't you know



Don't you cry tonight

I still love you baby

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight



Give me a whisper

And give me a sign

Give me a kiss before you

tell me goodbye

Don't you take it so hard now

And please don't take it so bad

I'll still be thinkin' of you

And the times we had...baby



And don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight



And please remember that I never lied

And please remember

how I felt inside now honey

You gotta make it your own way

But you'll be alright now sugar

You'll feel better tomorrow

Come the morning light now baby



And don't you cry tonight

And don't you cry tonight

And don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry tonight

Baby maybe someday

Don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry


user posted image


ne znam di da postavim ovo...ishla sam na Rock Tribute Bands Koncert pa da vidite kako je bilo...nadam se da ne smeta... icon_biggrin.gif


Metallica je nastupala najprva...al' ja sam ih propustila...(btw. i onako Mentaliku ne slusham blah')...od svih najjbolji su mi bili my fev. Bad Medicine (Guns N' Roses icon_rockdevil.gif )...uh' kad je Slash pocheo da svira November Rain...aaaaaah' koja moc...oni prsti...SLASH RULES icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif a najludji su mi bili ovi iz KISS-a (iako ih isto ne slusham)...no svidja mi se shminka i yebachke im platforme...vidi se na jednoj slici kad je jedan od njih zapalio gitaru...(ona slika s dimom)...lol...poslje na kraju vokalista je polomio svoju gitaru na pola...hehe...koji zavrshetak...X Halen (Van Halen) je imao najpederastijeg vokalistu decenije... ph34r.gificon_smile.giflaugh.gif ja sam pucala od smijeha...koje uske crvene helanke je obukao...nisam mogla da ga slikam... laugh.gif


X Halen [Van Halen]


The Cult

rnr0046hs.th.jpg rnr0080jz.th.jpg rnr0112yx.th.jpg

Bad Medicine [bon Jovi]

rnr0306pl.th.jpg rnr0324jc.th.jpg rnr0448kj.th.jpg

Appetite for destruction [Guns N' Roses]

rnr0588ma.th.jpg rnr0673tj.th.jpg rnr0700bb.th.jpg rnr0726af.th.jpg


rnr1093db.th.jpg rnr1330lf.th.jpg rnr1447wa.th.jpg rnr1509zb.th.jpg rnr1516pl.th.jpg rnr1669pa.th.jpg rnr1909vw.th.jpg


4 those who r about 2 rock we salute u icon_rockdevil.gif



Secam se da sam pre nekoliko meseci video na forumu "Koncerti i Okupljanja" temu o koncertu "GN'R TRIBUTE BAND-a" i procitao odlicne komentare i recenzije.Anyway, kao fan GN'R-a zeleo bih da stupim u kontakt sa momcima iz tribute-a i mozda im organizujem svirku u Nisu ukoliko se dogovorimo oko uslova, pa ako neko ima neki njihov kontakt neka mi posalje PM..


PS-Ovaj koncert bih organizovao samo zato sto sam fan..znaci cisto za svoju dusu, i molim sve ostale bendove (koji nisu GN'R TRIBUTE) da me ne kontaktiraju u vezi sa organizacijom svirke njihovog benda u Nisu, jer NISAM ZAINTERESOVAN I NEMAM VREMENA za takve stvari!



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Sta fali VH1-u? icon_confused.gif

sinoc bili gunsi celo vece na vh1

Rek'o mi je drug to,ali kasno sad.gif Vec smo krenuli za NS na svirku...

videh prvi put estranged spot ....

To im je i najduzi spot i stvarno je dobar icon_da.gificon_rockdevil.gif

i Since I don't have you

Taj mi je onako... icon_uhoh.gif

Al' mi se ta pesma i ne svidja bas no.gif

geffen izdaje 20.12.2005 novi greatests hits gnr"welcome to the jungle greatesthits{"

E stvarno... icon_uhoh.gif

OK,jos jedno (zvanicno) izdanje Gansa,al' opet...ne znam dal' je toliko potrebno to...posle godinu i po od objavljivanja (predhodnog) 'Greatest Hits'-a...

ja to moram imati biggrin.gif

stvar principa biggrin.gif

Naravno icon_cool.gif

The same for me icon_da.gif

Tu nema rasprave icon_rockdevil.gif

Edited by LazaGNR

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