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Guns N' Roses: Illusions albumi?  

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Hey, bitches, check out this kick ass review...


By John Atkin

John Atkin reflects on Sunday @ Download as Guns n' Roses headlined the festival with their appetite for self-destruction turning into a masterclass.


There's a moment when it all hangs in the balance.


For 30 minutes, Guns 'n Roses have singed the eyebrows and eardrums of the Download crowd. After being over an hour late on stage at Hammersmith earlier in the week, Gn'R are on-time and on-form, opening with flashbombs and the one-two-three suckerpunch of Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy and Mr Brownstone.


Live And Let Die and Knockin' On Heaven's Door follow, before guitarist Robin Finck picks out the signature riff to Sweet Child O'Mine.


But you can tell from the giant screens flanking the stage that all is not well on the braided, goateed visage of Axl Rose. He's been carping about the stage being too slippy and, during a front-of-crowd walkabout, appears to aim the 'c' word at an over-zealous steward. As the band's most famous song dies, he abruptly announces: "We're having some technical problems, so we're gonna take a break."


I was on this Leicestershire soil in 1988 when the over-exuberant response to Guns' debute Donington appearance led to the fatal crushing of two fans. With tonight's restless crowd, semi-delirious on three days of booze, guitars and 30-degree heat, this could all turn nasty. Just as it seems as though Axl's well-documented appetite for self-destruction is about to consume another comeback appearance, guitarist Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal saves the day, appearing alone, stage front, to crank out a guitar-only version of Don't Cry which quells the bottle-fight in the crowd enough for normal service to (almost) be resumed.


You Could Be Mine claws back more ground but then Axl's gone again, leaving Finck and Richard Fortus to widdle their way through a (frankly excruciating) guitar instrumental version of Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful". That's followed by the night's first new song (The Blues?) in which the level of chatter in the crowd, followed by booing and chants of "sort your f****** head out" , have seasoned Axl-watchers on alert yet again. When bassist Tommy Stinson grabs the vocal mic and threatens to go home if he's hit by one more flying bottle, the rainclouds gathering above Download for the first time all weekend seem an apt, if ominous, portent of a coming storm.


Maybe Axl needs this danger, this threat of impending violence, to really get the adrenaline racing. And as the band rips defiantly in to Out Ta Get Me, the whole dynamic shifts. Dizzy Reed's solo piano version of Ziggy Stardust is warmly received, another new song (Better?) sounds loads, erm, better.


The tide has turned, and it's time for Axl's coup de theatre: "I'd like to welcome a very good friend of mine…Mr Izzy Stradlin…" and out trots his former sidekick to roars of approval. There are now as many members of prime-time Guns n' Roses in this band as there are in Velvet Revolver, and the performance of Think About You that follows throws down a gauntlet for all pretenders.


"Can I get a piano out here?" asks Axl and seated, drink in hand, there's only one way he's going now. November Rain is nothing short of a masterpiece, the band firing, finally, on every single cylinder as the main man, in his own words, "beats the hell out of that old love song."


Another "old friend" is welcomed onstage in the shape of ex-Skid Row singer Sebastian Bach, possibly one of the few frontmen who can give Axl a run for his money in the helium-scream department. The pair trade lines through My Michelle, before Stradlin's recalled for a run through Patience and a punked-out, four-guitar version of Nightrain which, to coin a phrase, rolls like a freight train right through the middle of this dusty field.


The encores, bravely, begin with another newie, Madagascar, before Brian Mantia kick-drums the seven-piece into a masterful version of Rocket Queen.


"I don't wanna go home," says Axl, before admitting: "that's different to how I felt an hour ago."


Two more new songs – IRS and Chinese Democracy – are aired, both of them whetting appetites for the new album, before Izzy Stradlin comes out once more for the final two-step, a ramshackle, Stonesy version of Useta Love Her and a thunderous reading of Paradise City which lights up the sky with pyrotechnics and ticker-tape cannons.


Guns n' Roses were once proclaimed The World's Most Dangerous Band. On tonight's evidence that danger is still there, which – while at one stage threatening to derail the whole show - has instead focused Axl and the band into delivering one of the all-time great Donington performances.


Yes, Metallica were unstoppable on Saturday night, but they didn’t face the pressure of a world waiting to see them put a foot wrong. What Axl delivered in the face of that expectation was a two-and-a-half-hour masterclass in the light and shade of rock'n'roll.


The new album, Chinese Democracy, is reportedly ready for release. If it lives up to tonight, then Guns n' Roses will once again be the biggest band in the world.


Posted (edited)

06.13.06 - Sazka Arena, Prague, Czech Republic


Opening act: Sebastian Bach, Avenged Sevenfold




01.Welcome To The Jungle

02.It's So Easy

03.Mr. Brownstone

04.Live And Let Die


06.Dizzy Piano Solo

07.The Blues

08.Sweet Child O' Mine

09.Ron Thal Solo/Don't Cry [instrumental]

10.You Could Be Mine

11.Knockin' On Heavens Door

12.Fortus Solo/Beautiful

13.Out Ta Get Me

14.November Rain

15.Chinese Democracy

16.My Michelle [w/ Sebastian Bach]

17.Think About You [w/ Izzy]

18.Patience [W/Izzy]

19.Drum Solo/Nightrain [W/Izzy]



21.Finck Guitar Solo

22.Paradise City


Axl (before TAY): "I want to introduce to you somebody who written many of these songs wich you hear tonight. Mr. Izzy Strandlin!" ...and they start play Think about you.


Notes: The Red Hot Chili Peppers were in attendance for this show.


Inace, Izzy Stradlin i Sebastian Bach su potvrdili da ce nastupati zajedno sa GN'R na turneji icon_rockdevil.gifmusik19.gif

Edited by Gn'Fn'R

Pa da...samo su nas koncert (u Budimpesti) zaobisli icon_mad.gif


If it lives up to tonight, then Guns n' Roses will once again be the biggest band in the world.

Sto bi se reklo:daj boze icon_rockdevil.gif

Uvek salju sa ekskluzivnih svirki, cim posalju kacim, ali ce se odmah pojaviti i svuda po netu pa to nije nita ekskluzivno.


Ako toga uopste bude, naravno

Sta bi s ovim slikama? ph34r.gificon_confused.gif

Posted (edited)

Nista nisu poslali, jebi ga icon_cry.gif.

Izgleda da se oni nisu ni pojavili na toj dodeli nagrada sad.gif , zato i nema slika ... Jerry Cantrel je dobio neku nagradu (nesto za neki riff ... ).

Edited by Gn'Fn'R
Posted (edited)

Kada smo kod toga...skinuo sam ja onaj Rock in Rio 2006 samo sto je koncert cini mi se odrzan u Lisabonu? icon_smile.gif ...nego...mogu samo da kazem da je ovo ili najgori nastup gansa Gansa ikada ili vi imate previse "smokija" u usima pa vise ni ne mozete da razaznate kako neki bend treba uzivo da zvuci...Axl peva gore nego ikada i cini mi se da veoma tesko dolazi do daha...a gitaristi su prica za sebe...ona dva klovna su jos i ok ali Bumblefoot...respekt za sakacenje solaza! icon_smile.gif ...ja sam do ovog koncerta bio ubedjen da je on zaista vrhunski gitarista ali ispade da je ipak samo vrhunski shreder icon_smile.gif ...covek jebenu zicu ne moze da savije, ne znam zasto je uzeo LP-ja, posto ocigledno ne ume da ga svira...kada god sjebe neki bend (misim na zice) odmah uzme da svira neka arpedja da se "iscupa" icon_smile.gif ...ne bih da gresim dusu, mozda je Axl imao upalu pluca a ostatak benda neku tesku glavobolju pa su zvucali kao prateci bend BN televizije icon_smile.gif ...ali realno ovo je jos gore od Ria sa Buckethead-om icon_smile.gificon_da.gif


Videcu da skinem jos koji cert sa ove turneje... icon_wink.gif

Edited by Marty F
Posted (edited)

Kada smo kod toga...skinuo sam ja onaj Rock in Rio 2006 samo sto je koncert cini mi se odrzan u Lisabonu? icon_smile.gif ...nego...mogu samo da kazem da je ovo ili najgori nastup gansa Gansa ikada ili vi imate previse "smokija" u usima pa vise ni ne mozete da razaznate kako neki bend treba uzivo da zvuci...Axl peva gore nego ikada i cini mi se da veoma tesko dolazi do daha...a gitaristi su prica za sebe...ona dva klovna su jos i ok ali Bumblefoot...respekt za sakacenje solaza! icon_smile.gif ...ja sam do ovog koncerta bio ubedjen da je on zaista vrhunski gitarista ali ispade da je ipak samo vrhunski shreder icon_smile.gif ...covek jebenu zicu ne moze da savije, ne znam zasto je uzeo LP-ja, posto ocigledno ne ume da ga svira...kada god sjebe neki bend (misim na zice) odmah uzme da svira neka arpedja da se "iscupa" icon_smile.gif ...ne bih da gresim dusu, mozda je Axl imao upalu pluca a ostatak benda neku tesku glavobolju pa su zvucali kao prateci bend BN televizije icon_smile.gif ...ali realno ovo je jos gore od Ria sa Buckethead-om icon_smile.gificon_da.gif


Videcu da skinem jos koji cert sa ove turneje... icon_wink.gif

istina... jedan od najodvratnijih koncerata koje sam ikada u zivotu cula/videla... ovaj se gusi ko tuberkulozni astmaticar. Sramota i bruka, cemer i jad.

Edited by michelle
skinite isto proshot sa download festivala,pa onda sudite


BTw problemje u mixingu

erm ne... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


ovde se ne govori o miksanju(i ono je ocajno...)...nego o tonovima koje ispustaju...to nema veze sa tehnicarima na koncertu...nego sa muzicarima...instrumentima...i glasom...ali ti to vec znas. icon_wink.gif


inace nadam se da je bolji taj koji pominjes...


daj torrent za taj festival...

istina... jedan od najodvratnijih koncerata koje sam ikada u zivotu cula/videla... ovaj se gusi ko tuberkulozni astmaticar. Sramota i bruka, cemer i jad.
Na tom certu Axl jos nije "izgradio" staminu icon_smile.gif ... a Ron Thal nije (do tada) naucio neke stvari icon_smile.gif. Hvala Bogu pa kasnije se situacija promenila (recimo na DL festu). A Axl na rekreaciju pod-hitno icon_mrgreen.gif

odgledah pola snimka na nekom linku neki dan (mislim da je onaj youtube ili sta god).. vise od pola nisam mogla odgledati, uzas katastrofa. ja mislim da je axlu neko morao davati vjestacko disanje poslije onoga.. sigurna sam da ga je poslije pjesme cekala ekipa za reanimaciju icon_smile.gif

ako tako zvuci na koncertima danas, onda ne znam...


ja volim g`nr, i to posljednjih 15 godina ih bas volim, ovo posljednje mi se ne svidja niti ima nade da ce mi se svidjeti.


sto se tice rona.. brate, jimmy de grasso je imao 24h da se spremi za koncert megadetha, nikad prije nije svirao njihove pjesme - ali je otprasio sve bez greske, i uklopio se savrseno, kao da je rodjen u bendu. mislim - cisto kao poredjenje.


ajd poz i nou hard filingz.

Posted (edited)

e ajde ne serite,ako nesto ne volite ne morate da pljujete bez osnova


Ovaj torent za koncert iz engledke se nalazi na www.dimeadozen.org


Ron-u je to bio 4-5 koncert sa bednom,a pridruzio im se sedam dana pre NY koncerta,tako da je kasnije bio ok,a to znamo svi mi koji smo gledali gunse u budimpesti

nit je pljuvanje...a daleko da je bez osnova...to sto imas ostecenje sluha je tvoj problem...ima nas koji volimo da cujemo tehnicki...ili bar tonski...icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif potkovanu svirku...pa cak i kad su u pitanju gnr(sto im ruku na srce ni pre petnaest godina nije bila osobina... icon_smile.gif )...


ovaj novi proshot sa newgnr-a je dosta bolji...iako i dalje zvuci kao tribute....


trebala bi ova dvojica(bambi i onaj u soknama...)da se vec jednom dogovore sta ce ko da svira...


cetiri gitare na bini...i svi sviraju isto... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


sto rece blondie...potpuno se slazem...izgovor tipa ne zna pesme je smesan...


prvo to je gnr...drugo on je profesionalac...ako moze da radi tapping-e sa pet prstiju...moze da skine i pasulj pesmu...


inace sam presrecan sto axl ima down-to-earth pojavu...jer mu je ona druga retko kad donela nesto dobro...

Edited by darijus

Na Rock in Riu su zvucali kao golo govno. Na Doningtonu su zvucali ok, i vise nego ok, zvucali su dobro. U Budimpesti su zvucali dobro, koliko sam cula i u Njujorku su zvucali dobro.

Za to sta je neki baja iz Megadeta svirao bez vezbanja, mislim da se svima zivo jebe. Da Ron Thal nije znao pesme unapred, cisto sumnjam, a ako nije, tim crnije i gore i veca sramota.



Inace, negde sam cuo/procitao da je Thal svirao (pre nego sto je poceo Bumblefoot projekat) u jednom GN'R tribute bendu icon_wink.gif ... tako da je ipak znao pesme ...


Donington je do jaja cert, nasao sam ceo u mp3-u i 4-5 (video snimaka - cele pesme) ... poslusajte samo You Could Be Mine sa tog koncerta i sve ce biti jasno, steta sto Axl nije odpevao pesmu do kraja icon_smile.gif ...


Posted (edited)

lucky you! biggreens.gif samo sto skidam tri dvda od jednom pa ide sporo... ne mogu da se odlucim koji su prvi.


elem, "my michelle" na downloadu sa sebastian bachom se meni uopste nije svidela. Sebastian Bach zvuci kata-jebeno-strofalno. Izasao na binu sa flekama od znoja ispod pazuha i upropastio pesmum, ali je simpatican ponaj uvod pred pesmu, onaj delic intervjua

Edited by michelle

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