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Napokon preslusah i ovaj drugi Fleurety..

Jos jedan u nizu rane 2000s norveski ex-bm avant metal albuma. Osecaju se uticaji elektronskog Ulvera i VBE/Virusa, samo malo napornije. Super su uklopljeni zenski vokali i progasti rifovi, industrial delovi manje vise. Svakako ce se slusati jos kad udjem u raspolozenje za ovako nesto..

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upravo preslusao Altari. fenomenalno, jos jedna Svart Records bomba. 

moze da bude za fanove Oranssi, BAN, Virus, itd, ali opet potpuno svoj zvuk imaju.

ne znam kako da objasnim, ali imaju neki jako nemetalski pristup instrumentima iako sviraju metal

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  • 3 months later...

Svart Records is proud to release the debut album, I, from Haunted Plasma, a powerhouse of futuristic synth in symbiosis with the super violent atmospherics of kosmische Black Metal. Haunted Plasma is “man meets machine” in a cybernetic wasteland, set to a conceptual backdrop of William Gibson and Phillip K. Dick style mind-melt. The highly evolved creatives at the heart of Haunted Plasma’s sound, cite Terry Riley, Massive Attack, a contemporary take on Krautrock hypnosis, psychedelic Black Metal and 90s Techno, resulting in an orgy of mutant sound.

The phantoms at the beating nucleus of this unearthly machine are Juho Vanhanen (Oranssi Pazuzu, Grave Pleasures), Timo Kaukolampi (K-X-P, Op:l Bastards) and Tomi Leppänen (Circle, Aavikko, K-X-P), transmitting a music form evolved from a life of redefining sonic boundaries in their respective projects. Also featuring guest vocals from Mat McNerney (Hexvessel, Carpenter Brut, Grave Pleasures/Beastmilk), Pauliina Lindell (Vuono, Dust Mountain) and Ringa Manner (Ruusut, The Hearing). Haunted Plasma promises an extraterrestrial experience from some of the foremost contemporary musicians at the heart of the Finnish heavy and avant-garde musical underworld.


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Lep je novi Hail spirit noir, malo su izgubili efekat iznenađenja koji su imali na svakom albumu ali sasvim prijatan sluš stila koji si opisao, tehnički do jaja. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/3/2024 at 7:48 PM, Kumodraski Vo said:

^ovaj dosta vise vuce na neku simfo prog atmo bm pricu devedesetih, tipa borknagar, arcturus i sl. ali nista epohalno, vise mi se svidjali raniji radovi..


da, skroz ovo. svakako zanimljivije od borknagara trenutno ali to je taj stil. lepo odradjeno, ali vise volim ranije radove.

ali vrh mi je sto nemaju zelju da snime isti album dvaput. 

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