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pass ako ga ima bi trebao da bude:Kissmar


Sto se Acid Rain-a tice, prvo kritike padaju na izbor imena, koliko samo bendova koristi to ili varijaciju istog imena :no:

E sad muzika je odlicna, imaju dobrih ideja, lepo rade momci, samo mi je slaba tacka vokal, ne uklapa mi se sa muzikom nikako, to je moje subjektivno misljenje slobodno me pljujte :lol:

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Inace album preporucujem svima koji vole radove Magnus Karlssona...

Posto sam vec evo pola godine i vise odusevljen Allen/Lande projektom i jako cesto slusam ta dva albuma, palo mi je na pamet da potrazim jos neka dela Karlssona...




Tanja ovo ne valja, mislim ima samo 8 pesama u ovom raru, a album ima 12


ako nadjes ceo javi ako ne nista, hvala i za ovo, bolje 8 pesama nego 3 :)

Edited by DBraveZ

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ovo zvuci zanimljivo, ceka se


We are pleased to announce that we have signed Nation Beyond for the North American release of their album "The Aftermath Odyssey", due out on March 11th.


“The Aftermath Odyssey” is a masterclass in Progressive Power Metal – Metal Team UK ‘zine


In the past few years Sensory has presented the metal community with a number of amazing debut releases. Bands such as Circus Maximus and Pathosray are generating maximum buzz and sales continue to climb. Nation Beyond is our latest discovery and we are proud to introduce them to North America.


Nation Beyond began life as a side project from Debase guitarist Jonas Karlgren and Face Down bassist Joakim Hedestedt. These two industrial/death metal bands have a multitude of releases between them on labels such as Nuclear Blast, Black Lodge and Sanctuary/Noise. It was the desire to create an epic concept album with a different musical direction that united these two talented musicians together. Using Debase and Face Down bandmates as well as some fresh new faces they set to work. Vocalist Nielz Lindstrom is quite a discovery. His emotion filled delivery brings to mind Evergrey’s Tom Englund as well as Dead Soul Tribe’s Devon Graves. They have found the perfect counterpoint in the angelic voice of Sara Heurlin.


The Aftermath Odyssey is a dramatic tale of love, hate and betrayal set in the wake of a nuclear apocalypse. Symphonic arrangements and the use of a real choir adds a dynamic contrast to the snarling riffs and hook filled melodies. Karlgren and Hedestedt have come up with the perfect balance of power and progressive elements evoking the spirit of classic metal albums like Savatage’s Dead Winter Dead and Queenryche’s Operation: Mindcrime. This is intense, angst ridden music dripping with atmosphere that will draw you in as the story unfolds.


A masterpiece such as this demands a graphic presentation that matches the music and the band delivers. Nation Beyond arrives in a gorgeous digipak with a beautifully illustrated 28 page full color booklet.

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Malo si ostario dedice, ja to recenzirao pre nekoliko meseci :meshuggah:



The Aftermath Odyssey

Burning Star

Dark Prog Metal


Da nije zvaničnog press info-a ove kuće, teško da bi se moglo saznati nešto više o ovom izdanju. Nation Beyond stižu iz Švedske, sviraju mračniju varijantu prog metala sa power uplivima, a svoj rad vole opisati kao kombinaciju Queensryche-ovog Operation: Mindcrime, Savatage-ovog Dead Winter Dead i tekstualne varijante Mob Rules-ovog Hollowed Be Thy Name. Nažalost, prejake reči, u odnosu na ono što možemo čuti tokom slušanja. Materijal nije loš, ali za ovakva poređenja moralo je to mnogo ubedljivije. Ekipa je sastavljena od dobrih muzičara, ali koji bi morali još da porade na sopstvenom identitetu i aranžmanima, kako bi možda uspeli postići nešto više na današnjoj pretrpanoj metal sceni. Album nije loš, dakle ne govorimo o potpunoj propasti, ali koliko će prostora dobiti, na to pitanje nije teško dati odgovor - jako malo. Atmosfera i resursi su tu, pa kao i sa većinom Burning Star izdanja, tek ostaje da se vidi koliko snage njihovi bendovi imaju u budućnosti. Za sad, vrtimo se oko proseka u većini slučajeva.

Nebojša Lakić 3.5 / 6


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Pa po prvim tonovima obećavaju i čovek pomisli "wow! ala će ovo da bude dobro provedenih 60min" a onda shvati da posle 10min razmišlja o tome na šta bi drugo iz bogate kolekcije mogao da prebaci.

To je u stvari formula za recenziju 90% albuma danasnjice, ali eto, mora covek da se dovija kako zna da isto kaze, ali svaki put na drugi nacin :meshuggah:


Eto, nije los ovaj Vindictiv (Dreams Of A Demon's Head pesma vredi svake pare), ako je neko raspolozen, moze proveriti:




1. Fool’s Paradise

2. Caesar’s Commentaries

3. The Royal Loo

4. Dreams Of A Demon’s Head

5. David’s House

6. A Quiet Life

7. Living Colour’s

8. Hymn To Desdemona

9. A Second Life

10. Fata Morgana



pass: www.mediaportal.ru

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