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U okviru turneje ''Oluja nad Europom'', popularni beloruski bend Molchat Doma (u prevodu ''tihe kuće'') će posetiti Beograd! Tročlani bend nastao je 2017. na raskrsnici između post-punka, new-wavea i synth-popa. Molchat Doma proizvodi autentičan i prepoznatljiv, mračni zvuk koji poziva na ples, klasik naše generacije. Vuku inspiraciju iz novog vala 80-ih, negde između goth ritam sekcije, zlosutnih synthova i nostalgične bas linije.

Njihov drugi LP Этажи (u prevodu ’’Podovi’’) objavljen je 2018. na berlinskom labelu Detriti records. Četverostruko je rasprodat, te je trenutno u fazi štampanja petog izdanja usled ogromnog interesa. Этажи je hit album na YouTube-u, preslušan više od milion puta.

Molchat Doma su Egor Shkutko (vokal) Roman Komogortsev (gitara, synth & ritam mašina) i Pavel Kozlov (bass & synth). Nakon brojnih koncerata po Evropi, i Beogradu će prirediti razlog da 12. februar 2020-e ostane nezaboravan.

Koncert će otvoriti minimal synth duo iz Subotice – YusYus.


Storming over Europe, a beloved post-punk/new wave/synth-punk band Molchat Doma will be hitting Belgrade with its thunder! Gritty East-European attitude from Minsk, Belarus. Molchat Doma (translated as “Houses Are Silent”) was founded in 2017 and crafted their sound at the intersection of above mentioned genres. Dark yet danceable, and with a heavy dose of goth ethos, their music is reminiscent of the masters that predate them, but make no mistake: Molchat Doma creates a sound and meaning that is immediately recognizable as all their own.

Their second LP, Этажи (pronounced Etazhi, meaning “Floors”) was released in 2018 on Berlin-based Detriti Records. It has sold out four times and is currently on its fifth repressing due to outstanding demand. Этажи has garnered over one million views on Youtube.

The band stands for Egor Shkutko (vocals) Roman Komogortsev (guitar, synths & drum machine) and Pavel Kozlov (bass and synths). After playing to packed clubs all over Europe, Molchat Doma is going to give Belgrade a reason to never forget February 12th 2020.

Opening act for the night will be a minimal synth duo YusYus from Subotica.



Uskoro više informacija o kartama.
More ticket info soon.

Edited by Talvi
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