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From the rivers From the hills From the fens And remote ends From the dells and hidden caves We have gathered - - forward we shall march. ''Oh God, Give me premature death So I shan't see the disaster. Mutual guilts will be washed in blood Not in redemption - - but in a fratricide.'' The horde of the steppes cutting off the loose ends. Wearing blade of justice whirlwind of revenge. Mother river heals us with its water Soil of the steppe has given us the shelter Inborn prowess pulls us ever forward We'll reclaim the holy lands of Poland.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Empty pages within me
that are laid before me
spread to infinity.

Pages of unwritten times
echoes of countless laments
for what do we sell our lives?

All the words that had perished
long before we were reborn
have no place to go,
but to find their final rest
on the scrolls on which we test
our role
our final goal.

('Cos we) can't escape that all we have to say.
time is nigh for letters to be lain.

So - this mission,
(so - this) confusing conflict and collision
victorious emerge.

Empty pages of forgotten dreams
times of loss and hours of screams...
for what do we live our lives?!
For what do we leave our lives?

From the hardships do not run,
in the struggle you become
the writer and the sage.
Where prowess steps - fortune follows
do not let the concepts swallow you -
- drink deep from your rage!
Fill each empty page!

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Drugi album 'Accipimus Dolorem' od danas je dostupan kao CD (ograniceno izdanje 300 kopija) i digitalno izdanje (neograniceno) preko njemackog Fetzner Death Records-a!!!

CD + Digi album - 11,99e

Digi-album - 7e

Za prostor Crne Gore: Cd + digi album + poklon (Nas prvi album 'Dvoeverie' i EP 'The Unwritten Psalms' u digi formatu) - 7e

Da podrzite bend, CD ili digi album narucite direktno na nasoj bandcamp stranici:


ili rezervisite preko fejsbuka ili yumetal stranice ako ste iz Crne Gore ili imate nekog u CG (svega 92 Cd ostala za prodaju u CG):


Recenzija DoomHeart:

!!!New!!! From Montenegro Dvoeverie : Accipimus Dolorem. Released on Fetzner Death Records . From the label : "Old school gothic doom metal from Montenegro." "The band was formed to create old school gothic-doom metal and self released the debut album 'Dvoverie' and the first EP 'The Unwritten Psalms' before recording their second album 'Accimpimus Doloren' in 2023. Lyrics are inspired by life, melancholy, society, religion, darkness, literature." Here we represent to you absolutely wonderful old school atmospheric gothic doom. Ethereal atmosphere, pianos, gorgeous gothic clean vocals, and amazing instrumentation. The album hooks you right away, it's catchy and cathartic. It paces so well, every piece fits so well. Once I started listening, I was mesmerized by the massive talent and mixing. The album sweeps us through an emotional journey, you feel the dark story through the melancholic barrage of tones. Much like Isole in their style of sound. Bringing in the occasional harsh vocals for a great suprise. You will feel hypnotized and sunken by this must own album. A gothic doom masterpiece! Credits, Released 6/16/23 Milivoje Klajic - All instruments and production. Aleksandar Bogdanovic - Vocals and lyrics. All music written by Milivoje Klajic. All lyrics written by Aleksandar Bogdanovic. (Funeral Fog)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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