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Nisam odmah obratio pažnju, ovo je novi spot? Neće oni uskoro snimati, ako se još bave promocijom albuma.

  • 6 months later...

According to a blog post published roughly three hours ago by Dillinger Escape Plan frontman Greg Puciato, longtime rhythm guitarist Jeff Tuttle has left The Dillinger Escape Plan. He’d been with the band for five years, which in DEP Years is basically a lifetime. Here’s the post:

A Message To DEP Guitarist Jeff Tuttle

I’d like to take a second to give a personal thank you to Jeff Tuttle, a great musician who became a great friend and who has given The Dillinger Escape Plan his all over the last six years, and who now needs to follow his inner compass as it takes him towards other pursuits. This band isn’t always easy to be in, mentally, emotionally, and definitely not physically, and Jeff always stepped up in every situation and crushed anything this animal of a band demanded of him. Jeff, it’s been a pleasure having you in the trenches with us, and having you as a friend. You’ve been there through serious shit in my life and been a good ear on tour and a voice of reason whenever I’ve been losing my mind from personal issues, been a partner whenever I’ve decided that I wanted to do some insane 4am workout in a parking lot, and a fellow eater of breakfast at any time of day. I’m proud to have had you in the band and glad to have shared part of this crazy journey with you. You’ve scarred my mind with some of the most disturbing movies I’ve ever witnessed, and I hope to one day watch one that you make. Everyone give Jeff a round of applause for nearly killing himself onstage with us every night, and for somehow not ever attempting to kill the rest of us…I know we aren’t always easy to deal with. Thanks Jeff.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Zbog ovoga (i bezbednosti u saobraćaju) ne nosim sluške kada vozim bajs. Samo treba da počnem da letim preko sranja i ubijem nekoga/sebe.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Da, baš je neinspirativan ovaj cover. Voleo bih da Dillingeri najzad urade svoj Kid A, oni su carevi te mathcore priče, niko to ne radi bolje od njih, ali taj pravac je sad mator kao i sve ostalo.

Dobar je bio Option Paralysis ali je ipak bio korak unazad i nije bilo nikakvog build upa u odnosu na Ire Works. Teško da će mi u 2013 biti zabavne cepačine od 2 i po minuta koliko 2004 a ni oni ne mogu da prevaziđu sebe sa Calculating ili Ire Works.


Jednostavno postoje stvari koje ovaj Weinman može a nećeš nikad čuti od Everytime I Die ili Converge koji su vrh bendovi. Dillingeri su mi suštinski uvek bili prog bend, voleo bih da budu malo hrabriji na novom albumu i da izađu iz svoje zone, da istražuju neke druge aspekte svog zvuka, stvari kao Mouth of Ghost i Dead As History i one elektronske instrumentale, da urade ceo album u nekom drskom nemetalskom fazonu na kojem ćeš u svakom trenutku čuti kako to rade matori gospodari.

Edited by Лука
  • Upvote 6
  • 3 weeks later...

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