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Yo niggaz!


Slusham tako Setting fire to sleeping... Jedem vrucu supu iz kesice (jer sam navukla neko sranje na pluca)...


I eto, not quite revelational,... danas mi je jasnije nego ikad da je ta ultimate muzika kojoj bih se ja autorski posvetila u zivotu, KONCEPTUALNO najbliza DEP-u...


Dr Rock: A lot of people over here would've remembered you from your Reading Festival appearance two years ago when, during your afternoon set on the main stage, you decided to take a shit and throw it in the crowd. How do you feel about that stunt now? Do you laugh about it or does it make you cringe?


Greg Puciato: Only when we come here sometimes do I wish we hadn't done it because people always ask you about it. Some people saw it for the wrong reason. I think we were just trying to make a statement about the bands we were playing with. We weren't feeling comfortable at that time, playing such a large bill. We'd never done anything like that before. We never thought we'd play with The Offspring and all these bands that we think are terrible. We wanted to make some kind of a statement about the quality of most of the mainstream music. I think a lot of people didn't hear that part and were just "he took a shit on stage!", like that was all it was, a stupid publicity stunt. And it did generate a lot of publicity but people didn't know there was a point behind it and not just so we could get into magazines. Now when people come to shows and go like "is he gonna piss on stage?", it's not really what we're about. If people only know us for that then that's a shame.




kad smo vec kod kenjanja, Dillingera i slicnih stvari -


cuo sam da se mike patton jednom prilikom u hotelskoj sobi (valjda) iskenjao u fen za kosu, ukljucio ga i poceo da prska po clanovima FNM-a i prisutnim ljudima.





a pada mi sad na pamet i to da je meni jedan ortak jos odavno (kad je nu metal bio u ekspanziji) obecao da ako ikada u srbiju dodju bendovi kao sto su ill nino, adema i slicni, da ce se po cenu zivota popeti na binu i iskenjati! icon_smile.gif

  • 5 weeks later...

Talking about (da) shit thing...Greg Puciato je ubedljivo najbolja stvar koja se desila Dillingeru... On je po meni uneo jedan un-expendable momenat (koji Dimitri nije imao), a koji instrumentalistima dillingera, Benu i ekipi, daje prostor za mnogo vishe raznovrsnosti, kojoj su i sami skloni, samim tim i prostor za josh mnogo dobrih i razlichitih albuma... Kad sve saberem, definitivno, metal bend koji najvishe ima da ponudi i najvishe obecava od svih metal bendova koji su trenutno aktivni... Mnogo ochekujem od njih!



Jednostavno, sa moje tachke gledishta, Greg je tachno zna svoj posao...


''I used to always concentrate more on the sound of the vocals, as an instrument, and I still think that the sound is more important, because that is what you are hearing all the time regardless of whether you are reading along or whether you are consciously paying attention to the music. The way a word sounds can mean just as much as what it actually means, and can hold just as much weight. Lyrics are important though. It should make you feel something when you hear them or read them. It's just I think that the sound of them is more important. When the sound of the word and it's meaning both carry the same feeling, that's the perfect fit. That's the real challenge when writing lyrics.'' Greg Puciato


...a ovo su inache doslovno moje rechi od pre par godina.. i nachin na koji uvek uklapam vokal i lyrics (a kroz tu prizmu vrednujem i vokale bendova koje slusham)... a shto vishe chitam Gregove izjave, sve vishe padam na dupe... chovek je praktichno moj soul mate kao muzichar... icon_cool.gif (praktichno nov LS=LZ)



  azal said:
mislis fizicki raspad? posle svake turneje padaju operacije...

e pa kad si vec spomenuo, ja sam negde citao da Brian nece moci da svira do kraja godine, pa otkud sad koncerti uopste icon_confused.gif


To je taj rezon! icon_exclaim.gificon_da.gif



Shta je uopshte bilo sa Ben-ovom Gigantour povredom ramena... (?)


Gregu su valjda prilikom jednog nastupa izbijena oba prednja zuba... (bash sam zagledala, ali ne izvaljuju se veshtaci uopshte...) ... I da, u spotu Unretrofied ne zna se ko ima bolju frizuru... Ben ili Greg... Inache, mislim da je ovaj spot jako dobar i totalno ga povezujem sa Panasonic Youth spotom... ta fora, kao da se kamera na trenutak zbaguje, pa zakochi i zatrokira.. - taj deja vu efekat, kad se za redom, dva ili vishe puta, ponovi isti frame... To im sad dodje kao zashtitni znak, a skroz ide uz njihovu muziku. icon_cool.gif


heh ti prekidi se totalno poklapaju sa "isprekidanim" ritmovima.

sto je sjajno icon_mrgreen.gif


a ta dva spota je rezirao isti lik pa nije cudo. mada je meni panasonic youth bolji- unretrofied je malo prepun nekih potpuno nepotrebnih efekata (tipa one ciber projekcije za vreme refrena) i manekenki preobucenih u med sestre icon_smile.gif


btw nabavio sam full set sa hultsfreda i izgleda jejejebozovno

  ajsha69 said:

''I used to always concentrate more on the sound of the vocals, as an instrument, and I still think that the sound is more important, because that is what you are hearing all the time regardless of whether you are reading along or whether you are consciously paying attention to the music. The way a word sounds can mean just as much as what it actually means, and can hold just as much weight. Lyrics are important though. It should make you feel something when you hear them or read them. It's just I think that the sound of them is more important. When the sound of the word and it's meaning both carry the same feeling, that's the perfect fit. That's the real challenge when writing lyrics.'' Greg Puciato

ehe, cool.


ovo sam i ja zapamtio za sva vremene iz tog interview-a. Takodje moje misljenej, lepo upakovano.


Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is A Faggot


harvey fierstein told me you guys ruled

john zorn called to tell me you're great

the caller i.d. was from a gay bar

you guys fucking suck


any guy who likes you

like neurosis and dicks up his ass

you think you're so fucking original

gay bars used to be original too


you never get bad reviews

because all the writers shoot up cum

everyone who likes you

is a gay homosexual faggot




anal cunt tekstovi! icon_rolleyes.gif


evo izdvoji bih i ovaj :



Limp Bizkit Think They're Black, But They're Just Gay



Fred Durst is a fucking faggot

He thinks he's black, but he's just gay

He cancelled a show cuz he sprained his ankle

He's also a fucking midget



You're not fucking black, you're just fucking gay (x2)

You're fucking gay


The guitarist wears a mask

To hide the cum stains on his face

They're the gayest band I've ever seen

And I've seen the Culture Club live




Fred wears a hat to hide his baldness

I refuse to believe blacks think he's cool

I wish he'd beaten and raped by some black guy

And see if he still wants to be black


nije brate

najbolji stih u istoriji muzike je:


"I was at the hospital laughing at cripples"




a najbolji text onako sveukupno je iz pesme

"I made your kid get AIDS"

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