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Jedan je Kralj,a nije Elvis,bre icon_rockdevil.gif


Mogu li te skice da se vide?

hah, može, al to su samo konture i čiča gliše...mislim...koliko biti to značilo...


Pa,jebem li ga,ako lici na nesto...Kako hoces ti,na kraju krajeva.


Jesi li video buklet VOODOOa?Imaju portreti svih likova iz price,i bas izgledaju onako kako sam ih zamisljao,a tu je i mapa imanja.

Brate uzimaj te diskove...kajaces se do kraja zivota ako to ne ucinis...znam iz iskustva...

Brate, ono nisu diskovi, nego ploce!


Ako onaj baja one ploce prodaje djuture, ne verujem da ce traziti manje od 2000 evra. Ako ide pojedinacno, onda mozda i moze nesto da se izmuva.


Obavezno da nas obavestavas redovno...

...e jesu li popravili onaj bug sa registracijom na covenu?


Coven je prebacen na novu adresu,imas link na starom forumu.


Revolver magazine (web site) reports that most album art is inspired by the music on the disc, but KING DIAMOND inverted the process for his yet-untitled 12th studio record, which is scheduled for a spring release. When his band's distributor in Denmark stumbled across a painting called "My Mother's Eyes" while surfing the Net, he e-mail it to the MERCYFUL FATE frontman and prolific solo artist, who immediately bought it for his next CD cover. The more Diamond looked at the image of a battered blond girl with blood covering her white dress, holding out palms affixed with protruding eyeballs, the more it captivated and inspired him. "I can feel the energy of the front cover in all the songs we wrote, and it will definitely affect my lyrics," he promises.


Diamond wrote the song from December 2005 through this past February, then recorded the basic tracks in his basement. Now all that's left to add are the vocals, which he will complete in the upcoming weeks.


"It classes over anything I've ever done," Diamond beams. "The arrangements are more intricate, the production is better, and for the parts where there are violins, it sounds like we hired the Royal Philharmonic. As long as I don't fuck up the vocals, this should be our best record."


aaarggghhh!!! :rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil:


Ja to donekle kapiram,radis na necem novom,svidja ti se,uzbudjen si...Normalno da mislis da je to najbolje sto si uradio.

Da li treba da kazem da cu umreti od nestrpljenja da cujem ovo?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Posle dvodnevnog preslusavanja MFate butlega,bacih se na King butlege...Angelistore,do kraja zivota cu ti biti zahvalan za ovo(inace,disk nije bio kod mene 3 meseca!duga i tuzna prica).Kakvih bisera ima -Up from the grave, Sarah night,Voodoo,Follow the wolf,Trees have eyes i tako dalje i tako blize...Ja sam srecan covek.

Edited by grave

Heh, vazno da je disk stigao gde treba ;)


Kapiram da se odushevljavamo na slichne stvari..i meni je bilo milo chuti Voodoo/HoG stvari live...nadam se da ce te pesme, kao i one sa Spidera, biti cheshe umeshane u KD svirke, kada ih budemo opet gledali :rockdevil:

Posted (edited)

Pa,odusevljavam se jer sam stvari sa prvih radova cuo nebrojeno puta live,ovo su ipak rariteti.


Ni meni nije jasna ta politika,ali ajde.


jak momenat:"This song is about the day when everyone is dressed like I am tonight - Halloween" :):):rockdevil:

kralj :wub:


Kapiram da bi King trebao da odradi svoj fest,ako Dissection i Gardijani,da se to cepa 2,5 sata i svaki album da se obuhvati.Isao bih na to gde god da bude.

Edited by grave




"This song is about the day when everyone is dressed like I am tonight - Halloween" :):) :


vrh :rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil:

i ja nasao ovih dana gomilu bootlega kinga pa treba skinem :pivopije: jedva cekam cujem :rockdevil:

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