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Generalno,nije losa lista,ali da nesto fali,fali.


Gde je Burn,The Lake,The Candle,Mother's Getting Weaker,Tea,From The Other Side,The Trees Have Eyes...?

Mislim i ja preterujem,kada je King u pitanju,da bih cuo sve pesme koje volim,morao bi on da otpeva sve albume u celini.:D

Bio bih srecan ma kakvu listu da sastavi,mada prioriteti da ih cujem uzivo se mi ove sto ih nabrojah,pored nekih koje su vec na set list is BG-a.

A od MF-a,bih rado cuo Egypt,Satan's Fall i Black Funeral.



Hocu da vidim Kralja uzivo................. :violent:

  • 1 month later...

У потпуној тами собе, дубоко у ноћи, жмурећи ...

Препусти се машти, замисли се у публици - доживи, лутајући очима по сали, бацивши овлашан поглед изнад себе:

I see the Puppet Master high above on the walkway.


What a magical mystery feeling.


Nikad Boljeg benda,niti muzicara,niti pevaca niti ce ga ikada biti...........Zauvek ziveo King Diamond i Mercyful Fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bice valjda jos koncerata kod nas da se i ostali uvere ako ga nisu gledali kad je bio!!!!!!! :rockdevil::muzicar::pivopije:


Pozdrav svim fanovima od Alucard-a

All well in... :twisted:


Eh kako je to bio dobar cert-kvlt :rockdevil:

I bio je to jedini cert gde umalo nisam pao u nesvest jer je majku mu bilo nesto zagusljivo dosta unutra :mrgreen:

Ali kada je vec pocelo da me spopada pomracenje pred ocima na binu je izasao Kralj-i sve ostalo je postalo sporedno ;)


King zna da ima verne sledbenike ovde!

Ja verujem da će ga Frubi dovesti čim bude bio na turneji jer je sam rekao da se taj nastup mora videti.


Mora King doci josh jednom! Mora!

A ako Bog da,i više nego jednom!

Eh kako je to bio dobar cert-kvlt :rockdevil:

I bio je to jedini cert gde umalo nisam pao u nesvest jer je majku mu bilo nesto zagusljivo dosta unutra :mrgreen:

Ali kada je vec pocelo da me spopada pomracenje pred ocima na binu je izasao Kralj-i sve ostalo je postalo sporedno ;)

:da: takodje. bar 2 puta sam se izlazila i vracala se u prvi red.. nije mi bilo dobro :lol: xexe..

bilo bi lepo da dodje o5 :da:


Eh kako je to bio dobar cert-kvlt :rockdevil:

I bio je to jedini cert gde umalo nisam pao u nesvest jer je majku mu bilo nesto zagusljivo dosta unutra :mrgreen:

Ali kada je vec pocelo da me spopada pomracenje pred ocima na binu je izasao Kralj-i sve ostalo je postalo sporedno ;)



Nesto najbolje sto se dogodilo u ovoj nasoj zemli u zadnjih 1000 god... :rockdevil::rockdevil::rockdevil:

Ako ne dodje opet ima da ga nadjem i :violent::violent::violent: (verovatno zarobim) :mhihi: ...



Alucard Earl of Black


All well in ... :twisted:

  • 3 weeks later...

Danish web site BT.dk recently conducted an interview with legendary heavy metal singer King Diamond (real name: Kim Bendix Petersen; KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE) in which he speaks about his 24-year-old Hungarian wife Livia Zita, whom he calls his "soulmate." According to King, who is 52 years old, he spoke to Livia for the first time when she interviewed him over the phone for the Hungarian edition of Metal Hammer magazine. "We got along incredibly well. And afterwards I couldn't stop thinking about her," King says.


"We were both going through a hard time in our lives," he continues. "And we clicked. At some point, I asked her if she would send a photograph of herself. We had talked together for months. But I didn't know how old Livia was… nor how she looked, and when she told me she was 24, I simply couldn't believe it."


When asked what happened to the man who wrote a song called "A Corpse Without A Soul" with MERCYFUL FATE in 1982, King replies, "Ahhh, our music has only become heavier. But I admit that being in love has made me a bit soft inside. Every day is like Christmas. I am just so much in love with Livia."


Despite the fact that King is 28 years her senior, Livia is not concerned. "Our ages are just numbers," she says. We are soulmates."


Regarding how their relationship developed, Livia says, "We talked at first over the phone. Then he went to Hungary, where he, on our first night together, proposed both in English and in German — so that my father would understand it. I, of course, said yes. He and I are just made for each other."


So what does the metal princess calls her heavy metal husband — King? Kim? Prince Of Darkness?


"Haha, I call him 'baby,'" she replies. "'Cause, to me, he is not a rock star. He is my baby."


King Diamond and Livia are not just involved in a romantic relationship, they are also business partners. Livia is singing backing and harmony vocals for her husband — both in the studio and onstage. They are also working together on new songs. At the moment, Mr. and Mrs. Diamond, who reside in Dallas, Texas, are extremely busy compiling old MERCYFUL FATE and KING DIAMOND footage for two separate double-DVD releases which are tentatively due this spring. At the same time, the couple is overseeing the re-release of four remastered KING DIAMOND albums: "Spider's Lullabye", "The Graveyard", "Voodoo" and "House Of God".


"We're soulmates," King Diamond echoes his wife's sentiments. "I am just so much in love."







"Hank [shermann, guitar] has written songs [for the proposed MERCYFUL FATE CD]. And he is ready for our new masterpiece," King Diamond is quoted as saying.






Nisam imao pojma da hernia king kukuljishe Liviju...


Christmas interview for Danish newspaper


Hail to all of you


King Diamond here. First of all, hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year's Eve.

I'm writing this in order to set the facts straight with regards to the interview I did for a danish newspaper just before Christmas.

When I read the article it became obvious that this particular journalist had an agenda of his own. At least half the article was false, twisting the facts to suit his "agenda".

First of all, Livia and I have no plans for having kids in the near future. We certainly love kids but it doesn't fit in our working schedule at this point. I don't know where the journalist got this thing from, but we do appreciate all the nice words you had regarding this subject even though it's not true. Also, Livia and I do not look forward to Christmas like little kids every year. It's a cozy time, sure, but again the journalist's choice of word are completely twisted.

Just for your info, the Christmas tree in the picture is THE ONLY Christmas decoration inside or outside our house and it stays up year round cause I don't want to bother taking it down and it looks pretty cool. Check the goat skull right next to the tree. I can see that if I open the door to my private life just a tiny bit, things quickly get twisted out of context, and that's why in the past I have always kept my private life and business very separate.


The second rumour that's floating around, which is that Mercyful Fate has started writing new material, I really have no idea where it originated from.

The present status of Mercyful Fate remains unchanged, meaning that we have not started writing new material. For that to happen, Mercyful Fate's recording contracts have to be renegotiated first. We certainly would love for this to happen so that we can finally make our long overdue "masterpiece". Both Hank and I are ready to go if that scenario presents itself, and who knows, that might happen this year.

So..... for this year, you will see a double DVD of old private King Diamond video recordings and a double DVD of old private Mercyful Fate video recordings which I am working on as we speak. Andy has finished remastering "The Graveyard", "Spider's Lullabye", "Voodoo", and "House of God", all of which should also be available this year. And then there is "the big surprise" (not little King babies with horns on their foreheads or Mercyful Fate writing new songs, at least not as we speak) but something that could lead to renegotiations of the Mercyful Fate recording deals. We'll see. Be patient.....


On a personal note, I do feel reasonably confident that the Mercyful Fate masterpiece will see the light of day.


Stay Heavy, you are the best!!


King Diamond

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