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Dzonatan i Miriam zive u kuci gde je pre brdo vremena Count de la Fey ubio Abigail, i sahranio je u podrumu. Abigailin duh ulazi u Miriam da bi se opet rodila i nastavila da siri zlo (mada doduse nije ni pocela prvi put kad se rodila). Konjanici su tu vec vekovima, sprecavaju da se Abigail ikad "materijalizuje".

Ukratko receno.

Drugi deo price ni ja ne znam jer nisam citao textove.


NASAO SAM!!! icon_smile.gif


10 years ago, you used to say you were philosophically near from La Vey's satanism. What are your philosophical & religious opinions, today? - Do you know that La Vey's Satanic church actually asks $100 to the people who wanna be church's members? They pretend that it will help the members to prove their real determination to become a member! What do you think about that. There is what they say : " (...) . By having the membership card ($100) you show and prove that you have at least taken the first step towards an honestly Satanic life (...). " I think that it's closest to sect's stratagem, isn't it?


KING: - My philosophical and religious beliefs are the same today, as they have allways been. - I was given eternal membership to the Church Of Satan by Anton La Vey personally, and have no interest or opinion as to

how the church is run financially.



NASAO SAM!!! icon_smile.gif


10 years ago, you used to say you were philosophically near from La Vey's satanism. What are your philosophical & religious opinions, today? - Do you know that La Vey's Satanic church actually asks $100 to the people who wanna be church's members? They pretend that it will help the members to prove their real determination to become a member! What do you think about that. There is what they say : " (...) . By having the membership card ($100) you show and prove that you have at least taken the first step towards an honestly Satanic life (...). " I think that it's closest to sect's stratagem, isn't it?


KING: - My philosophical and religious beliefs are the same today, as they have allways been. - I was given eternal membership to the Church Of Satan by Anton La Vey personally, and have no interest or opinion as to

how the church is run financially.

I ja sam taj interview citao,cak sam ga in komp sacuvao!


Eto vam! evotigana.gif


Добро, али која је поента целе расправе? Да ли је вама толико битно да ли је он сатаниста или не? Човекова лична убеђења. Мене то свакако неће спречити да слушам његову музику, шта год ко рекао.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

FENOMENALNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! icon_rockdevil.gif

josh da kojim slucajem ima malko pesama i sa spidersa,graveyarda,hog-a ili eventualno voodoo-a .....................ma bilo bi previshe dobro!


VRH!...nikad bolji koncert...

Posted (edited)

Album je previse dobar,mislim da su ga preterali sa mixovanjem,mislim na deadly...

Edited by I am the black wizards

Vidi se da se vezbalo icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif .....al malo i studijskog doterivanja nije na odmet(jes malo vishe peglano ).......shteta shto publika nije malchice glasnija icon_wink.gif, a i kod predstavljanja sam ocekivao da ce svako odsvirati po neshto....icon_wink.gif


jedan od boljih live-ova (meni trenutno najbolji zajedno sa Live in Athens, ..........mada mi je Still live od Fatesa verovatno najdrazi)

Kingu je izgleda glas otisao u kurac. U Philadelphiji u je koncert otkazan, dok je u New Yorku imao zenski prateci vokal koji je pevao falsetto deonice. Steta!

Jeste i ja sam tako čitao da u NY King je izašao na binu pred koncert i obavestio publiku da je njegov glas u kurcu i da fanovi mogu zameniti karte.

Međutim dobio je podršku zenskog vokala na bini (kojeg već duze vremena ima al iza bine) i koncert je ipak bio odrzan

Pa dobro mator je već da izvodi naročito takav vokal.

Izdaće koji Best of album i onda sledi penzija ili neko će da mu otpeva novi album.


Da neko drugi otpeva King Diamond album?



Ima studijskih muzičara i pevača koji će to uraditi.

Da sad ovde napišem neke stvari šta se dešava u tom prljavom biznisu što se zove MAINSTREAM metal WORLD mozda bi bilo veoma smešno .

Ja sam u Kanadi upoznao pevača jednog underground benda koji bolje peva od King Diamonda samo je problem što nije poznat u svetu,A najverovatnije neće ni biti sa takvom muzikom.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Da neko drugi otpeva King Diamond album?



Anything is possible! icon_smile.gif


I was given eternal membership to the Church Of Satan by Anton La Vey personally

Ne cudi me ni malo,izgled mu sve govori! mrred.gif

Al' muzika brate-''The Puppet Master'' cd+dvd do mojih j@j@! icon_rockdevil.gif


Stay in the Shadows

and STAY HEAVY! icon_rockdevil.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

KING DIAMOND are currently in talks about embarking on a possible European tour in April/May 2006. "No shows have been booked so far," reads a posting on the group's web site. "There is no reliable information available untill posted here."



!!!! evo shanse !!!!

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