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KING DIAMOND are currently in talks about embarking on a possible European tour in April/May 2006. "No shows have been booked so far," reads a posting on the group's web site. "There is no reliable information available untill posted here."



!!!! evo shanse !!!!

josh Kingonju da vidim,pa su mi svi snovi ispunjeni.

  • 2 weeks later...

malo vesti,iz novog intervjua:


So what can we expect from King Diamond in 2005, is there going to be a new album or a live DVD?


Once we’re past the release of the live album, me and Andy will start writing material for the next album. At the same time, I have to look at a lot of DVD stuff, old bootleg stuff. We want to see if we can put together a retro Mercyful Fate DVD and a retro King Diamond DVD to give the fans some of the very early stuff that we were involved with. I’m talking about bootlegs that no one has ever seen before. We do have copies of every bootleg that has been available, but we have masters of bootlegs that no one has ever seen. It’s that stuff that I would like to get out to the fans, so even collectors will be blown away. Very good picture quality, very good bootleg sound quality on all instruments. An example would be Mercyful Fate in early 1982, before Michael Denner joined the band, playing a live concert in Copenhagen. When I saw it the first time, I was a little stunned. “Oh my god, that’s not Michael Denner there!” We have even more stuff of King Diamond. I received 35 tapes a few weeks ago where the majority is stuff that people have seen before, the collectors you know…that is not interesting for me at all. But there’s Mercyful Fate live in 1983 in a converted church that had become a concert venue in Amsterdam, Holland. The venue was called the Paradiso. We were playing DON’T BREAK THE OATH songs before we recorded DON’T BREAK THE OATH and were burning the cross on stage and all that stuff. It’s cool and has very good quality. You probably won’t have seen any bootleg quality that good, both picture and sound. It is really interesting. If I were a fan, say it was Sabbath and I could get some of that stuff, I would be right there, I would love it. In the end, the fans decide themselves what they will buy and not buy. It will be clearly labeled what it is, never before available official bootlegs. We hope to get through that, I have to have another meeting with Brian and when I’ve been through all of it and found the very best stuff, we have to see how he wants to approach the whole thing. Of course, we will throw all the official videos on that. Then we will do a second leg of THE PUPPET MASTER tour in the U.S., in places where we haven’t played before and revisiting some others, then a European leg of the same tour. When that is done, it will be late in the year and we will be getting ready for the next release, so we’re pretty busy up until Christmas.


user posted image

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Kingonja 20.5 - Thessaloniki GREECE

21.5 - Athens GREECE

24 Treviso ITALY


Znaci - komsiluk,rupa od 2 dana koja prosto vristi - DOVEDITE GA OVAMO,ORGANIZATORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mene se ne svidja nesto..pochetak previshe podseca na "Mansion In Darkness"...onda onaj riff na "The Storm"..mislim cela pesma je kao kompilacija La Rocqueovih melodija i riffova..nyah.


Kupio sam THEM na originalu!!!


Ja sam srecan covek. icon_rockdevil.gif


Moja MF/KD kolekcija se trenutno sastoji od:Melise,Beginninga,Into the Unknown,Them,Voodoo,i uskoro ce biti dopunjena sa jos 3 naslova.


@Dead Man Drinkink:Kazem ja lepo - bez Kralja ne valja,a tu cinjenicu sam davno shvatio.


Ајде, кад се већ бусамо у груди, ја сам исти албум купио пре 3 недеље на берзи, на плочи наравно, са све великим буклетом који долази уз тај ЛП у коме је прича неког новинара и интервју са Кингом о дотадашњој Mercyful Fate и King Diamond. А тек фотографије свих дотадашњих чланова...

Штета само што нису ставили и омот од "Nuns Have No Fun" ЕП-ја.


Uh,to je ipak malo jace od mog diska,mada nije ni on za bacanje.Bas bih voleo to da vidim. icon_rockdevil.gif


Ima i u mojoj verziji taj intervju,ali tih slika nema.Nego bre,nisam imao pojma da je Phone Call bonus i da nije bio na originalnoj verziji albuma!Inace, na Them/Conspiracy mi je omiljena prica,tako da moram da jurim Conspiracy,jedno bez drugog na ide.Jel ima kod tebe u bukletu ono pismo?To jest,evo ga:


To whom it may concern.


I am scared to death. 9 years ago they finally let me out, and I

was just beginning to feel better. I am not Myself any longer.

I guess You could not even recognize My face if You saw Me now.

That phone call 2 hours ago has torn Me apart. It was Grandma.

She invited Me back to the old house. I do not want to go back,

but I must. Maybe You will understand My fear if I tell

You what happened during My childhood.


18 years ago I was living with My mother and

My sister Missy in Grandma's old house. I had

been told that Grandma was away on a long vacation,

and that she would soon return. She did.


I have later found out that she was actually being released

from that same asylum. "She's insane", they said, when she

kept on babbling about "THEM". I still cannot make up

My mind about who really did separate Grandpa's head

from his shoulders. You see, "THEY" were always so

nice to Me.


Anyway, time is short and I must leave for the old

house. So here is what happened 18 years ago. And

in case we never see each other again, at least You

will know why.


I bet we are going to have tea.


K.D. 3-12-87


Наравно! Уз текстове, то је на унутрашњем омоту. Онај буклет иде посебно. И не чуди ме што нема слика, када је ово формата плоче (око 30х30 цм) на 12 страна.


Слабо. Буде понекад, али пандури и њих јебавају. Прво узму, а ти се после жали.

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