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Ajde bre vise u picku materinu, hocu novi Fate album i turneju!

Ali ima sigurno da reizdaju sve, i moracu da kupujem albume koje imam ponovo jer ja sam lud.

Jelka kult :rockdevil:


Biti lud danas nije ni malo isplativo,al' znam tacno kako ti je...jbg,kad nesto volis,volis(i ja bi sa svojih 50-ak godinica voleo neku od 25-ak godinica :mhihi: )...Hail!


Alucard Earl of Black


All well in ... :red:

  • 2 weeks later...

King Diamond (real name: Kim Bendix Petersen; KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE) has issued the following update:


"As it might have come to your attention by now, MERCYFUL FATE will be a part of Guitar Hero: Metallica with the song 'Evil'. This is part of the surprise I have earlier mentioned, but it's only a small part of the surprise. Full details will follow when permitted.


"Regarding the DVD projects, I am currently working on the KING DIAMOND DVD projects myself, with Livia's [King Diamond's 24-year-old Hungarian wife] help on programming.


"It's really beginning to shape up, but as I'm sure some of you already know, I am faced with a very steep learning curve. We're dealing with very long files (five-camera, multi-camera edit for the one-hour, 35-minute long Copenhagen show from 1990), and editing is very time-consuming.


"As I mentioned, my back is continuously getting better, but five hours in front of the computer per day is the limit. We ARE working on this every single day, but it's impossible to estimate a release date at this point.


"Right now this KING DIAMOND DVD is the top priority to get finished.


"Next will be to find and optimize at least one bonus video clip for each of the four remastered KING DIAMOND albums: 'Spider's Lullabye', 'The Graveyard', 'Voodoo' and 'House Of God'. THEN, we focus on doing the MERCYFUL FATE DVD. Once the MERCYFUL FATE DVD has been delivered to the record labels, I plan to invest in much better songwriting equipment and start working on new KING DIAMOND/(MERCYFUL FATE???) material, and then we go from there.


"The knowledge gained from working on these DVD projects myself, will hopefully come in very handy with regards to creating exciting bonus material for upcoming albums (such as story narrating in full makeup like on 'The Puppet Master', footage from songwriting sessions, studio sessions, etc; all in all, some special insight into what goes on behind these walls, these thick black walls stuffed with demons and Grandmas... stop stop... I gotta stop... you get the picture).


"This is the best update I can give you at this point.


"Sorry for not being able to give you the full scope of our participation in the Guitar Hero: Metallica video game at this point."

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

METALLICA has confirmed that King Diamond (MERCYFUL FATE, KING DIAMOND) will appear as a playable character in the "Guitar Hero: Metallica" game, due in stores this spring.


Fans, stagehands and groupies alike will have the opportunity to shred and drum with or wail as the digital King Diamond during performances of "Evil". The song, which originally was recorded in 1983 and is one of the MERCYFUL FATE songs that comprise METALLICA's "Mercyful Fate" medley, was re-recorded by four of the five original band members for Guitar Hero: Metallica.


Commented King: "It's been absolutely amazing to be a part of this Guitar Hero experience. It was quite a trip to re-record the [MERCYFUL FATE] song 'Evil' almost 25 years after the original recording took place. The end result with four out of the five original musicians turned out so much better than I would ever have hoped for. Seeing my animated character take form was totally eerie in a very good way. It's so strange to see yourself animated in such perfect detail — cross bone microphone, Eye necklace and all. This game looks and sounds METAL all the way. HORNS UP!!!"









Koji se Ku.ac King pojavljuje u jednoj od najdebilnijih "igrica" ikada smisljenih??? :udri::udri::udri:

Nije valjda da mu toliko treba kinta???Ajde da napravimo dobrovoljne priloge ,da skupimo pa da mu posaljemo uz objasnjenje da se ne pojavljuje u glupostima kao sto je guitar huros!!! :puke:


Alucard Earl of Black


All well in... :red:

  • 2 weeks later...

Danish singer King Diamond (MERCYFUL FATE, KING DIAMOND) has issued the following update:


"As you all know, 80% of the original MERCYFUL FATE lineup (vocalist King Diamond, guitarist Hank Shermann, guitarist Michael Denner and bassist Timi Hansen) re-recorded with present MF drummer Bjarne T. Holm two ultimate MERCY classics for the upcoming Metallica: Guitar Hero game.


"For those who aren't into gaming, it's interesting to know that those two songs ('Evil' and 'Curse Of The Pharaohs') will be released on iTunes round mid-April. Also interesting to know that Andy La Rocque [KING DIAMOND] mastered these two tracks for a possible EP-picture, released by Metal Blade and Massacre.

"At this moment we are working on both MERCYFUL FATE and KING DIAMOND DVDs. Both releases will contain two DVDs and it will be worth the wait as it has some very exclusive content which surely no one outside the band has ever seen.


"We have been working on the following concerts. Please note content of the DVDs might change. Concerts mentioned here might after all not appear on the DVD.




* Copenhagen 1982 with Benny Petersen

* Amsterdam Paradiso 1984

* Copenhagen 1984

* Reunion MF 1993

* Roskilde Festival 1994

* Copenhagen 1995




* Washington 1986

* 1987 supporting MOTÖRHEAD

* Show footage 1989 USA + backstage footage

* Full 1990 concert Spain Euro Conspiracy tour

* Behind the scenes 1990 Conspiracy

* Copenhagen concert in the park 1990 with 5 cameras


"Also remastered KING DIAMOND CDs are in the works. Those albums have, next to the new masters, also one or two bonus video tracks. The bonus tracks shouldn't be the reason to buy the albums. The sound is so much better than it ever was. That should be reason to buy it. I know I would buy them.


"Remastered CDs released with video bonus footage (might be one or two songs)


* The Spider's Lullabye

* The Graveyard

* House Of God

* Voodoo


"This coming autumn might be the time to start writing new songs for KING DIAMOND, and who knows if our involvement in Guitar Hero will raise our value to the record labels enough for a new MERCYFUL FATE record."


Jaooooooo.... velika, velika sreća me očekuje ove godine. Možda i po prvi put u životu kupim original DVD.

  • 2 weeks later...

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