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sta je falilo Bogijevom Nightu?....pochetak je stvarno bio suuuuuuper ( a dobrim pochetkom smatram bilo koju stvar od Bauhausa ha ha ha) , shto se tiche ostatka vecheri , pivo je odradilo svoje tako da sam se ja provela k'o zmaj..dosta je nove dechice, mladog gothic narashtaja i ono shto je najlepshe , klinci znaju da gothic nije doom metal ili finski pop dark...to je neshto shto su neke generacije pre njih propustile...

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  Kveld said:

sta je falilo Bogijevom Nightu?.


Tamo je bilo ok, ali sto neko rece, kasnije smor. A razlog ti je jednostavan. Ispunjavanje zelja. Ne bi ja ispunjavao zelje na mestu Dj-a



plejlista sa 2. najta


2. night:

Twilight Ritual - Wired To The Machines

Nina Hagen - Prima Nina in Ekstasy

Bauhaus - She's In Parties

The House of Love - Shine On

Die Krupps - The Rise & Fall

Christian Death - Kingdom of the Tainted Kiss

Bloody Dead and Sexy - Hey Ho Armageddon!

Necromantik Sunshine - Lonely

Alexander Veljanov - The Sweetlife

Fear Cult - Drop Dead

Technoir - Last Tears

Alice In Videoland - Stuck On My Vision

Ladytron - International Dateline

Diorama - Belle

Assemblage 23 - Let Me Be Your Armor

Diary of Dreams - Retaliation

Covenant - Stalker

Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (VNV Nation Remix)

Mortiis - Broken Skin-Septic Wound Mix

Hocico - Padre No Nuestro

Hocico - Sad Scorn

Wumpscut - Ich Will Dich

Hypnoskull - The Self Detonation Device

God Module - Telekinetic

Unter Null - Megalomaniac (KMFDM Cover)

Psyclon Nine - Lamb of God

Wumpscut - Down Where We Belong

Funker Vogt - Compulsions

Angels & Agony - Stronghold

Soil + Eclipse - Exile

ohGr - 02 maJiK

Front Line Assembly - Vanished (illusions of grandeur mix)

Covenant - Call The Ships To Port

Athamay - Eternal Torture

London After Midnight - The Black Cat

Noisex - And Its Getting Darker

Apoptygma Berzerk - Deep Red

E Nomine - Jesus von Natzaret

Diva Destruction - Run Cold

Deine Lakaien - Where you are (VNV Nation remix)

London After Midnight - Nightmare

Spine Of God - Stripped

Mechanical Moth - Gateway

Front 242 - Headhunter (v2.0)

Informatik - Built for Pleasure

Hocico - Spit As An Offense

Combichrist - Get Your Body Beat

Deine Lakaien - Into My Arms (Derek Van Krogh)

Blutengel - Forever

Suicide Commando - Cause of Death Suicide (Asphyxiarmx)

Ministry - Revenge

Cinema Strange - needlefeet

Ascii Disko - Einfach

Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch

Skinny Puppy - Pro-test

Covenant - Bullet

Ministry - He's Angry (Unreleased 1984)

Alice In Videoland - Cut The Crap

Wednesday 13 - The Ghost Of Vincent Price

Ministry - Animosity

Daft Punk - Robot Rock

Tina Root - Never Let Me Down (Depeche Mode cover)

Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Right Round

Laibach - opus dei (opus cover)

Nine Inch Nails - Down In It

Mortiis - The Grudge

Fischersthingyer - emerge

Alphaville - Big in Japan

Covenant - Ritual Noise (Album Version)





--- Njaaaa :icon_ne:



-- ZAŠTO MI NIKO NIJE REKAO ZA OVO (pita JOKER videvši Betmena i upica prvog na koga je naišao..)













  • 2 weeks later...

hej sta je sa redovniv vecerima

nedelja akademija

utoak,četvrtak kst

sreda voodo????

sta ima ove sedmice?





izem ti tastaturu na faxu

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