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Samhain je bio cool uprkos toplom vremenu.

Kod Gavre je bilo standardno. Kao i kod Steve, koji me je doduše iznenadio time što je pustio Der Tanz der Schatten.

  mor said:
a playlist? mozda kakve fotke? mhihi.gif

Ljudi su se bas slikali.Valjda ce neko staviti slike ovde.Bilo je odlicno.Ljudi su bili ok,ali imalo je i veoma cudnih.Ispred me startovala neka drogirana lujka.Uh!!!!!!Gavra je pustao odlicnu muziku,ali nisam imao mesta ni da stojim,a kamoli da igram!!!BILO JE UZASNO VRUCE!!!!!!!!!!


posto je stivi u malom klubu pustao gothic i sl. ja se nisam bavio time te je playlist od sinoc izgledao ovako:


nin-something i can never have

diary of dreams-babylon

in strict confidence-au milieu des anges

front242-operating track

deine lakaien-dark star

diorama-e minor

diary of dreams-amok

wolfsheim-the sparrows and yhe nightingales

deine lakaien-reincarnation

cure-world in my eyes

project pitchfork-souls


blutengel-soul of ice



and one-get you closer

deine lakaien-into my arms

informatik-a matter of time

culture kultur-no dogma

apoptygma berzerk-unicorn



nitzer ebb-join in the chant

daf-der sheriff

in strict confidence-engelstaub

decoded feedback-phoenix

john carpenter-HALLOWEEN(theme)


schiller mit heppner-i feel you

deine lakaien-where you are



covenant-call the ships to port

blame-space hulk evolution

ivory frequency-today

neurotic fish-skin

suicide commando-cause of death suicide

laibach-tanz mit laibach

rammstein-mein teil(there are no guitars mix)

front242-headhunter 2000

icon of coil-acces & amplify

neurotic fish-bomb

pulcher femina-scream & die

seelenkrank-meister der verbotenen traume

diorama-howland road

diary of dreams-chemicals

wumpscut-wreth of barbs

vnv nation-kingdom

angels and agony-forever

apoptygma berzerk-114 bpm

culture kultur-promised land blues

lights of euphoria-true life


claire voyant-love the giver

project pitchfork-timekiller

die form-masochist

das ich-destillat


in strict confidence-closing eyes

wumpscut-soylent green

tactical sect-faded prophecy

kmfdm-megalomaniac(ponovo na mnogobrojne zahteve)

nin-head like a hole

culture kultur-no surrender


vnv nation-epicentre

covenant-dead stars


suicide commando-hellraiser

assemblage23-let me be your armor

vnv nation-beloved

pulcher femina-dark clouds

diorama-hla(ponovo iz istog razloga)

diary of dreams-curse

wolfsheim-heroin she said(ernst horn remix)







  mor said:
isto,osim sto se tice muzike.kod nas bijase ocajno iako bi nas Lestate vjerojatno uzivao biggrin.gif

verovatno i bih, ali sam se nauzivao na samhainu. trebalo je tomi kod nas da sljaka, ali vise srece sledeci put.

stevin program standardno dobar, u akademiji standardno prevruce... moja lista od 18 do 22h standardno savrsena!

  lestate said:
verovatno i bih, ali sam se nauzivao na samhainu. trebalo je tomi kod nas da sljaka, ali vise srece sledeci put.

stevin program standardno dobar, u akademiji standardno prevruce... moja lista od 18 do 22h standardno savrsena!

hahah vise srece iduci put jao jao da si cuo playlist ne bi to rekao,ja nisam cula Hima u tih 3h kolko sam bila gore laugh.gif


btw ajde daj ti svoj playlist mhihi.gif

Posted (edited)

  The_Vampire_Slayer said:
Eto, ja sam se malo maknula iz Zagreba u Ljubljanu (Sloveniju) za Halloween, i bilo je odlicno. Od old school gothica i 80's hitova do industriala i futurepopa; od 22 do 06 ujutro.

Slike imate tu:


a evo i mene  biggrin.gif  http://epsax.homedns.org/webpod/Haloween/h...8%20(Large).jpg (ovo crno-rozo icon_smile.gif )

Slovenci nisu normalni.Oni su u nekom polu-naci-fazonu!Ah,da.Bili su oni pod Nemcima nekad.Mogu da zamislim kako vam je dobro bilo.Sledece godine cu i ja mozda do Ljubljane!Dosao bi i u Zagreb,ali......!Mozda za par godina icon_da.gif

Edited by Woodcutter
Posted (edited)

Nista mi se ne svidja taj Helloween u Sloveniji-2 malo "ekstremnije" obucene osobe a ostali u patikama i trenerkama icon_confused.gif Mozda su im to maske icon_smile.gif Plus ambijent aka ruinirani klub KSTa. U svakom slucaju, mnogo su ruzni icon_mrtav.gif Mi i ako pozerisemo, bar do jaja izgledamo pri tome icon_da.gif

Edited by Double Fire

playlist by lestate:


1. NIN - Hurt (Live)

2. Over Dream - Heart-Attack (Underwater Version)

3. Autumn Clan - Here Comes The (Autumn) Rain Again

4. Beyond Surface - From The Mountain

5. Alice In Chains - Would?

6. Anathema - Empty

7. Amorphis - My Kantelle

8. Rapture - Enveloped

9. My Dying Bride - For You

10. Opeth - Face of Melinda

11. Hypocrisy - Untill The End

12. Sentenced - Nepenthe

13. Moonspell - Full Moon Madness

14. Rain Paint - Sleeping Beauty

15. HIM - Borellus

16. Katatonia - Ghost of The Sun

17. Anathema - A Dying Wish

18. Pink Floyd - Hey You

19. Tool - Sober

20. Deftones - Change

21. Black - Everything's Coming up Roses

22. Consecration - Emotion

23. Greyswan - We'll Never Be

24. The Gathering - Marooned

25. To/Die/For - Lacrimarum

26. For My Pain - Queen Misery

27. Lake of Tears - So Fell Autumn Rain

28. HIM - Salt in Our Wounds (Thulsa Doom Version)

29. Charon - Morrow

30. Paradise Lost - Rapture

31. My Dying Bride - Your River

32. Anathema - Far Away

33. Empyrium - Autumn Gray Views

34. Cathedral - Autumn Twilight

25. Candlamass - Solitude

26. Saturnus - Christ Goodbye

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