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Lajna,dolazish veceras???Da nam ozracish malo gothicare svojom HAPPY majicom.Oslepece... laugh.gif Ti si nesto strasno veseo (gay mrred.gif )u poslednje vreme...Ma,salim se.


Je li ljudi,jel veceras gostuje o5 neki psihodelicni bend sto siluje mozak i dovodi do pojave samoubilackih tendencija? wallbash.gificon_wink.gif Gavro,no offence,but...bolje nam je ipak samo sa tvojom mjuzom. pivopije.gif

Ne! Bio sam sinoc na nekoj psihodeliji i reshio sam da chiliram par dana kuci!

ja gay? a shta su onda ona nashminkana stvorenja u crnom obuchena u pvc, kozu i lance?

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Elem nije bilo loshe, samo sto sam ja na kraju zavrsila sa voskom od svece (koje su bile na svakom koraku) po mojoj bluzi, pantalonama itd... to je kada se deca igraju sa vatrom... wallbash.gif


Ali iznenadilo me je sto je Gavra bas u trenutku kada smo upali pustao nesto distorzirano, ali ja odavno nisam ni bila... so whata hell...

he, ja imam dosta ebm mjuze.....ali ne slusham to....JEBEM TI DROGU!!! icon_cool.gif

Zanimljivo... os se menjamo, imam za tebe nesto extra... navuces se, zagarantovano. icon_smile.gificon_razz.gif


DROGA JEBE! icon_cool.gif

Zanimljivo... os se menjamo, imam za tebe nesto extra... navuces se, zagarantovano. icon_smile.gificon_razz.gif


DROGA JEBE! icon_cool.gif

moze, a shta je u pitanju??? DROGA??? ebm mi ne treba!!! sve ostalo moze. icon_cool.gif


playlist od sinoc


sisters of mercy-lights

suspiria-you bleed me(909th dry mix)

diary of dreams-wild

deine lakaien-reincarnation

wolfsheim-heroin,she said

london after midnight-the spider and the fly

sisters of mercy-heartland

christian death-deathwish

funhouse-star in my heart

deine lakaien-over and done

clan of xymox-this world


blutengel-black roses(opposite sex)

die form-masochist 2 remix

seelenkrank-meister der verbotenen traume

athamay-eternal torture


suicide commando-hellraiser

god module-victims among my friends

in strict confidence-engelsstaub

diary of dreams-chemicals

cassandra complex-twice as good


assemblge23-let me be your armor

vnv nation-beloved

covenant-call the ships to port

neuroticfish-skin(binary 2002)

lights of euphoria-true life(namnambulu mix)

apoptygma berzerk-unicorn

das ich-destillat(vnv nation mix)

eurocide-blood over the red desert

laibach-tanz mit laibach(upbeat mix)

ivory frequency-today

nitzer ebb-join in the chant

skinny puppy-assimilate

blutengel-soul of ice

diorama-howland road

dust of basement-your light(club mix)

project pitchfork-timekiller(and one mix)



neuroticfish-the bomb

plastic noise experience-plastik fantastik

decoded feedback-phoenix

hocico-instinct of perversion

tactical sect-faded prophecy

wumpscut-wreath of barbs

project pitchfork-steel rose

daf-der scheriff(vnv nation mix)

vnv nation-dark angel



schiller mit heppner-i feel you

parallel project-glimpse

clan of xymox-stranger(razormaid mix)

london after midnight-sacrifice

diary of dreams-butterfly dance

diorama-panes of glass

deine lakaien-wehere you are(vnv nation mix)

bruderschaft-forever(colony5 mix)

icon of coil-acces & amplify(club mix)

suicide commando-cause of death suicide

wumpscut-soylent green

pulcher femina-scream and die

athamay-eternal torture-again

clan of xymox-a day(reedit)

agonised by love-close behind you(technoir mix)

diary of dreams-curse

diorama-das meer







Листа дјелује много добро. Тако је то када имаш предавања у 10 ујутро.


Daj mu, daj mu... neka nam ozdravi srecica sto pre, ne sme da bidne preladjen... moracemo ga leciti... hehehe. icon_cool.gif

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