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Oh, and I broke Boggy's heart for I am too young by his standards icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

bee?!? icon_confused.gif Opasna si ti...mozesh li nam malo prodetaljisati?Cccc,sad si se okomila na "slavne"...doguracesh ti daleko djevojko... icon_da.gificon_smile.gif

Narode,jel ima neshto pametno u cetvrtak u KST-u ili Demiji?


bee?!? icon_confused.gif Opasna si ti...mozesh li nam malo prodetaljisati?Cccc,sad si se okomila na "slavne"...doguracesh ti daleko djevojko... icon_da.gif  icon_smile.gif

Ma oni se okomiše na mene, ne ja na njih icon_smile.gif

Šaljem ti pp icon_smile.gif


Ne mogu da verujem da je bilo tako malo ljudi no.gif moraces da poradis na marketingu icon_da.gif flayerima I tim glupostima…dosta ljudi ne zna kad su najtovi…

ja stvarno nisam mogla da dodjem mada I promise I’m coming next time…



Sinoc u Akademiji je bilo icon_rockdevil.gif !!!

Ja sam se bas lepo iskakao, bilo nas je 20-30 po slobodnoj proceni... wallbash.gif

Meni je bilo zato svper!


Bio sam od:


lacuna coil - heaven's a lie

entwine - new dawn

negative - the moment of our love

poisonblack - love infernal

secret discovery - hello goodbye

tiamat - brighter than the sun

the 69 eyes - lost boys

sentenced - killing me killing you

moonspell - dekadence

marylin manson - the beautiful people

assemblage 23 - let me be your armor

diorama - advance

blutengel - children of the night

suicide commando - hellraiser

wumpscut - soylent green

sinaxis - hostile

the killers - somebody told me (harris remix)

placebo - the bitter end

entwine - still remains

katatonia - ghost of the sun

saturnus - christ goodbye (live)

anathema - pulled under 2000 m/s

raunchy - confusion bay

consecration - absinthe thoughts

slipknot - duality

deftones - digital bath

evanescence - bring me to life

in flames - only for the weak

ill nino - how can i live

tool - sober

killswitch engage - when darkness fall

lacuna coil - heaven's a lie

entwine - new dawn

negative - the moment of our love

poisonblack - love infernal

secret discovery - hello goodbye

tiamat - brighter than the sun

the 69 eyes - lost boys

sentenced - killing me killing you

moonspell - dekadence

marylin manson - the beautiful people

assemblage 23 - let me be your armor

diorama - advance

blutengel - children of the night

suicide commando - hellraiser

wumpscut - soylent green

sinaxis - hostile

the killers - somebody told me (harris remix)

placebo - the bitter end

entwine - still remains

katatonia - ghost of the sun

saturnus - christ goodbye (live)

anathema - pulled under 2000 m/s

raunchy - confusion bay

consecration - absinthe thoughts

slipknot - duality

deftones - digital bath

evanescence - bring me to life

in flames - only for the weak

ill nino - how can i live

tool - sober

killswitch engage - when darkness falls


alice in chains - would?



Sad odmaram do Haven-a u petak! icon_da.gif


Evo jedne slike od sinoc... ph34r.gif


user posted image

(deo Dark Revolution ekipe, mracni i zajebani)


a da vidite kakav je program u kset-u u Zagrebu...


veceras vece alt/ug hip hop-a, a sutra svira The Album Leaf...i tako svakog dana nesto zanimljivo.


A mi idemo na love metal nightove. wallbash.gif


e Beograde...hodas u mestu.

Posted (edited)

creepy icon_smile.gif

ja cu gledati da pocnem da redovno dolazim posto koliko se secam, nece ih biti leti icon_cry.gif

mozda svratim jednom i na taj love metal.

Edited by Double Fire

ako bude sledecih nightova. sezona polako odumira, ispitni rokovi, frka u skoli, prijemni, ovo ono... videcemo. nisam delio flyere, jer bih tek onda puk'o finansijski.


raunchy - confusion bay

consecration - absinthe thoughts

slipknot - duality

deftones - digital bath

evanescence - bring me to life

in flames - only for the weak

ill nino - how can i live

tool - sober

killswitch engage - when darkness fall




....nisam bila.... al' kol'ko vidim ovaj blok se proshiruje.... icon_cool.gif ..... ako, ako.... !


...ne znam... kapiram da se Kilswitch u principu moze uvrstiti u underground love metal... icon_smile.gif


jebiga, malo sam se izivljavao, posto gothic publike nije bilo previse da mi zameri na mojoj fascinaciji neo metalom.


a kad ce sledeci najt u kstu? wub.gif

E da,... vidish!


Valjalo bi mi opet obući neku suknjaju, možda čak minjak... i neku štiklaju... colorfree, naravno... red bi bio... icon_smile.gificon_cool.gif

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