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Majku sta me bre prozivate za power vise ?! Doveli smo jedan power i jedan heavy bend i vi odma svi pljujete ?! A zaboravljate Morbide, Sinister, Tankard, Vader-a 2 x , Destruction...?!?!?! Bem vam kube bre !!!

Bide ded metala koj vam je :)). Sta ste se uzpanicili pa zna se valjda koja je najbolja muzika na svetu :)))hahahaha.

Evo bice Behemoth , trebalo bi da budu vitalni nedostaci, onda jos jedan bend koji necu da otkrivam. Pa ce biti threshengije i sta ocete vise bem vam sunce krvavo ?!?!!?!?!

sunce ti tvoje otkrivaj ko su ti thrseheri ilc es biti biven :muzicar::muzicar::muzicar::muzicar::muzicar:

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Polish extreme metal titans BEHEMOTH are currently wrapping up the tenuous recording process for "The Apostasy", their most ambitious and epic offering yet. The new effort is being recorded in the band's hometown of Gdansk with Nergal (vocals, guitars) and longtime sound engineer Malta in the producers' chairs and is set for a late July release.


Nergal checks in with the following news: "We are almost done recording all of the guitar tracks. It is taking us much longer than we had originally expected but 'The Apostasy' is technically the most demanding of all BEHEMOTH albums thus far. We are extremely proud of what we've recorded and the sound is just devastating. This time I decided to use three different amps and record two guitars on each side. This way we make the guitar tone meatier and it also provides something more unique sound wise. Seth (guitars) and I are starting to record our lead parts now while Orion lays down his final bass tracks. I am so excited right now, but at the same time I have never been so stressed in my life. This album is my life now.


"Last week we had a special guest on the song 'Inner Sanctum'. This is the most creepy and evil sounding tune on 'The Apostasy' so far. However, I'm not going to reveal the name of the guest musician just yet because I do not want to ruin the surprise. All of the tracks should be completed over the next two weeks. After that I fly out to Uppsala, Sweden to being the mixing process with the acclaimed Daniel Bergstrand (MESHUGGAH, DARK FUNERAL, IN FLAMES) at Dug-Out Studios. We had long discussions about the direction of the record and we definitely seem to be on the same page. I can't wait till we start working on that."



iscekivanje me ubi :mrgreen::rockdevil:

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Ne znam ni sama koliko imam winamp playlisti u kompu, ali na svakoj je The Reign Ov Shemsu :meshuggah:


ne priznajem Semsu,samo Sinana :) :)


@ Frubi


Pazi 'vamo!!! 27.05. Zagreb; 28.05. Sarajevo...................pa prazno do 06.06. kad su u Odesi sa Mayhemom :udri:


DO SOMETHING!!! toljaga.gif


koliko znam,radi se na tome :rockdevil:

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