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pa realno moze mu se i boli ga kurac.covek ima love,dobru ribu sto da neprica kako ce sa njom na barbados...jos je i konvertovao u antihrista,za njega je to dzek pot.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

Веома битан детаљ, нема шта...


Ako neko ne konta foru:


Goat Evil - Drim tieter je govno


Demo self released in 10 copies

War Jovan - All music,vocals and lyrics

1. Drim Tieter Je Govno 01:27

2. Produkcija 01:19

3. Muzicar 01:19

4. Banjalucki Tru Metalci 01:17

5. Danger Zone 01:20

6. Marko Faca 01:17

7. Crni Metal nije Za Svakoga 01:29

8. Satanisti Su Losi 01:20

9. Ledeni Crni Metal 01:19

10. Volim Muziku 01:18

11. Svi Iz Mesuge Su Glupi 01:26

Total playing time 14:56



Posted (edited)

According to Interia.pl and GazetaPrawna.pl, vocalist/guitarist Adam "Nergal" Darski of Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH was formally charged on Monday (March 8) for insulting Roman Catholics.


Darskimade headlines in his native country in September 2007 when hereportedly called the Catholic Church "the most murderous cult on theplanet" during a BEHEMOTH performance in Gdynia and tore up a copy of the Bible onstage (see video below).


After the incident, Ryszard Nowak, head of the All-Polish Committee for Defense Against Sects sued BEHEMOTHfor promoting Satanism. Although a court expert witness on religiousmatters said that the act of destroying the Holy Bible could offendsomebody's religious feelings (a criminal offense under Polish law),the case was discontinued because no one except Nowak accused BEHEMOTHof insulting their religious beliefs. (Under Polish law, there must beat least two formal complaints before a charge is laid. The previouscomplaint was made in 2008, and recently an unspecified number of othercomplaints had been filed.)


Nergal is pleading not guilty to the charge.


According to Metal As Fuck, in the first hearing, under cross examination, Darskistated what he does on stage is part of artistic license and it wasn'tsupposed to offend religious feelings. However, an expert on religioushistory and studies from Jagellonian University in Krakow stated thatevery copy of a bible could be considered a religious icon.


There was no judgment ruled against Darski in the first hearing, but now that a second complaint has been filed, the matter will be heard by the courts.


If found guilty, Darski faces up to 2 years in prison.


In a 2009 interview with Decibel magazine, BEHEMOTH bassist Tomasz "Orion" Wróblewskiexplained that the Bible-tearing incident was by no means a spontaneousoutburst. "We'd been doing that for two years on tour before ithappened in Poland," he said. "So, we had discussed it many timesbefore. A BEHEMOTH show is a BEHEMOTH show, and BEHEMOTH fans are coming to a BEHEMOTH show. BEHEMOTH fans know what BEHEMOTHis about, know what the lyrics are about, and know at least a little ofthe philosophy behind the band. So, it's kind of surprising that thereare people coming to the shows and feeling offended with what we doonstage. If such a person comes to a show, he comes with the purpose ofbeing offended, I guess, and it shouldn't be like that. We're notoffending any particular person. We're just offending the religion thatwe've been raised in."



jbt 21. vek, a vest ko da je pravo iz doba inkvizicije.

Edited by Svart
Posted (edited)

Poljska, jbg... S jedne strane, lik je stvarno počinio delo i ne znam kako planira da se izvuče. S druge strane, malo je gej bacati Biblije po stejdžu i to, a onda reći da nisi kriv kad te optuže za povredu religioznih osećanja, jer to što oni rade i treba da povredi religiozna osećanja. Ako nisi spreman da rizikuješ zatvor zbog toga, onda nemoj da se kurčiš po Poljskoj, jbg.

Edited by oʞɾoƃ

jebo drzavu u kojoj postoji delo povreda religijskih osecanja. izvuci ce se lako, trazice azil i dobice ga u bilo kojoj savremenoj drzavi...


jebo drzavu u kojoj postoji delo povreda religijskih osecanja. izvuci ce se lako, trazice azil i dobice ga u bilo kojoj savremenoj drzavi...

Ne radi se o državi, radi se o Nergalu. Ako si već bio mudonja da bacaš Bibliju i sereš po religiji, onda budi mudonja, pa priznaj i istraj u svojoj borbi do kraja. Lako je srati po onome ko se ne brani. Vidi kako se sada uvlače rogovi. Ista ona priča oko islama.


U mojim očima, sve što je do sada radio, bio je samo pozeraj i ništa više. Ovime je to i dokazao, a vi mislite šta hoćete.

Posted (edited)

Pre svega je 'zlocin' za koji je optuzen smesan, a na kraju krajeva sta se sve u danasnje vreme radi pa nikom ne pada na pamet da nekoga osudi za to. Znaci da bi trebalo i Rotting Christ optuziti jer vredjaju sve hriscane svojim imenom.

Edited by Svart

RC i bivaju stalno optuzeni, eno prosle godine jedva udjose u Belfast, kuka i motika se digla da im zabrani koncert. Plus sto su ih spominjali tokom predsednickih izbora u Americi 2000. godine, kad su oni tamo bili na turneji. :haha:

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