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Un-Natural Born Killers Tour


Prvi bend koji je svirao je As I Lay Dying. Stigao sam tacno na kraju njihovog nastupa te ne mogu da dajem komentare za njihovu svirku.

Onda i jedno iznenadjenje za mene. Znao sam da su Six Feet Under headlineri, ali sam ocekivao da ce Skinless svirati pre Behemoth-a.

Medjutim drugi bend je bio upravo Behemoth zbog kojih sam najvise i otisao na svirku. Nergal i co su se ustimavali kao neki amateri. Trebalo im je skoro pola sata, a i pravo je cudo da bend poput njih nema profesionalce koji su za to zaduzeni. Primjecuje se i corpsepaint kod bubnjara i gitariste iako su odavno ispali iz BM fazona.

Koncert otvaraju sa pjesmom Antichristian Phenomenon, pa onda idu: Of Sephirotic Transformation and Carnality, Christians To the Lions. Onda se vracaju na svoje korijene i sviraju fenomenalnu "From the pagan Vastlands". Zatim idu: Decade of Therion. Sviraju jos dvije pjesme izmedju i zavrsavaju sa odlicnom "As Above To Below". I to je sve!

Odlican svirka, dovedena skoro do perfekcije, ali zaista malo vremena za najbolji bend te veceri.


Poslije njih je svirao Skinless koji mi se takodje dopao. I onda totalno razocaranje na kraju kad su SFU izasli na binu.

Barnes i dalje ima jedan od najboljih DM vokala, ali ostatak benda ne moze da podrzi njegove vokale. U principu jako dosadna svirka i jedino sto je donekle valjalo je bilo kad su svirali Victim of the Paranoid.

Steta sto Behemoth nije duze svirao i sto su svirali samo jednu stvar iz njihove black ere, ali bar su rekli da ce uskoro opet doci. Nadam se kao headlineri slijedeci put.

  • 4 weeks later...

Behemoth je odlican bend.Za koju nijansu vise mi se svidjaju raniji radovi,dok su bili pagan black,medjutim kada su zaplovili u death vode i daje razbijaju.Ne mogu da se odlucim izmedju Satanica,Thelema 6 i Zos Kia Cultus.

Sva tri su odlicna,a od starih Grom,And The Forests Dream Eternally i From The Pagan Vastlands.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest 10 dinara

Ljudi razbijaju.Omiljeni albumi su mi:Thelema,Grom i Satanica


Ja bas i ne volim njihov black period.

Hail To Nergal.


Behemoth je bruka dobar bend...Raniji radovi su meni za nijansu bolji. Medjutim novije death stvari razbijaju.Decade Of Therion je odlican spot...

Albumi: recimo Grom,Satanica....Nov album takodje jebe kevu! icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

Volela bih da vidim kako razbijaju LIVE! icon_rockdevil.gif

Hail Behemoth!


Niko nije pomenuo da su Behemoth izbacili novi EP Conjuration!!!!!


1. Conjuration ov Sleep Daemons

2. Wish (Nine Inch Nails Cover)

3. Welcome to Hell (Venom Cover)

4. Christians to the Lions (Live)

5. Decade of Therion (Live)

6. Antichristian Phenomenon (Live)

7. Chant for Eschaton 2000 (Live)


Inace,bend trenutno snima novi album radnog naziva Demigod koji ce izaci u septembru.


  • 2 months later...

Karl Sanders, guitarist and vocalist from American death metal band NILE has recorded a guest solo for the song "XUL" of the upcoming BEHEMOTH's record. DEMIGOD, which is the title of their new album, is still being recorded at Polish Hendrix Studios and soon we'll be mixed in Swedish Dug Out by Daniel Bergstrand.


"I've known Karl and all the guys in Nile for quite a few years now. Whenever we cross paths we always have a great time and get along really well. Moreover, I've always been totally astonished by their great works, precision, devotion and unquestionable originality. When I asked Karl, if he'd like to put some solo on the album, the reaction was very enthusiastic...It was a really quick job. I handed him a rough mix of the song and next night I found this great lead part in my email box. It sounded TERRIFIC! I'm more than happy about the fact of his contribution. Thank You Karl for such an excellent gift! It is an honor!"


Sanders says:


"I have always held Behemoth in musical high regard. They are somehow transcending many preconceived barriers of Death and Black Metal, creating a music that renders futile any such

external conceptions of artificial stylistic limitations. Behemoth is the epitome of what a Metal band SHOULD be -forging their own sound with originality, fire and brutality.

For me It is a high honor, to be a guest on the new Behemoth, I am a true fan of their work.

I was blown away by the music I heard on the track "Xul". Completely amazing drumming, great riffs, unholy conviction, and a superb tightness to the entire performance that was just kick ass and inspiring. I definitely wanted to play a solo that had feeling and fire, but also worked together with the riffs and rhythm section, in a way that lets all of it work together to make a very dying, apocalyptic end of the world melody -The Flame top 79 Dean V I used for the lead has a very thick singing type of tone -and the track just seemed conducive to let that guitar scream out in anguish. Many thanks to Nergal for making it happen."



From the other news, BEHEMOTH is almost done with laying down the tracks for new album. Lately Nergal has worked with professional male choirs on singing lines on one of the songs...


"This was my first conducting experience and the first time I had a chance to work with professional choirs (Academic Male Choir from Lublin , Poland ). Thanks to Piotr Bañka, one of the most talented Polish Orchestra producers (who actually did some orchestrations on DEMIGOD) we did some nice job on the album...and it sounds...real and huge! We hired the choir to do just few lines in the opening song "Sculpting the throne ov Seth", in order to achieve something more than just ordinary sampled choirs, like thousands of bands do...I'm happy about the way the new album is turning. Wondering what fans will think of this record."


Bice ubica novi Behemoth,videcete!!!! icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

  • 1 month later...

Demigod track listing:


1. Sculpting the Throne ov Seth

2. Demigod

3. Conquer All

4. The Nephilim Rising

5. Towards Babylon

6. Before Aeons Came

7. Mysterium Coniunctionis (Hermanubis)

8. XUL

9. Slaves Shall Serve

10. The Reign ov Shemsu-Hor


JEDVA CEKAM!!!!!!!!Zos Kia je bio remek-delo,da li ce uspeti da ga nadmase?


  • 2 weeks later...

KAKAV OMOT, Deluje genijalno. Zos kia jeste savrshen ali neverujem da ce ovaj biti nishta manje dobar.



I Da bio bih zahvalan ako bi neko objasnio shta znace ova dva prsta dignuta i ispruzen palac kod ovog lika na omotu, isto se moze videti kod jarca na Zos Kii i Na Under The wings Of Hell-Dark Funeral/Unfernal.

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