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Posted (edited)

Kao da je bitno koja je turneja, neke velike razlike osim par pesama u setlisti i nema. Isto kao sto nema ni Nile-u. A Nile i jeste nekako "brutalniji" ako cemo pravo, al meni malo miliji Behemoth :)

A i boli me kurac sta smrdljivi amerikanci kazu, zna se zasto je Behemoth tamo isao na turneju (vise puta), jer je namirisao pare



I da, ljubiteljima ustede vremena, prostora, koriscenja interneta i svega ostalog na pravi nacin, moglo bi glasanje da se otvori lepo. Kao ono, Metallica vs Megadeth.

Ako nekom smeta glasanje, neka ga bojkotuje, pa ce redje da se penje u vrh



Edited by Demon Seed

Karl Sanders iznad Nergala i Setha!!!!!!!!


I ako obozavam oba benda , Nile mi je drazi i jedva ceka mda ih vidim u septembru. :)

Posted (edited)

We are proud to announce that “The Apostasy” has just been re-released in a special limited edition through Regain Rec. Deluxe version of the album includes bonus DVD and comes with a totally unique digi pack and poster! Make sure to get a copy before it’s sold out!

Edited by Grishnackh

Ja racunam da sam to vec uzeo :D


Aj i ovde da serem...: Trazim Antichristian Phenomenon EP, limited u 1000 kopija, izdat 2001 cini mi se. Ako neko ima ili zna nekog ko ima, nek mi se javi, da pregovaramo o ceni ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH will release their first live album, "At the Arena ov Aion – Live Apostasy", in October 2008 via Regain Records. The CD will be available as digibook (15 tracks) and metalbox (inclung a patch, a guitar pic and bonus songs).


"At the Arena ov Aion – Live Apostasy" (see cover artwork below) track listing:


01. Rome 64 e.v

02. Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa

03. Antichristian Phenomenon

04. Demigod

05. From The Pagan Vastlands

06. Conquer All

07. Prometherion

08. Drum Solo

09. Slaves Shall Serve

10. As Above So Low

11. At The Left Hand Ov God

12. Summoning Ov The Ancient Ones

13. Christgrinding Avenue

14. Christians To The Lions

15. Sculpting The Throne Ov Death

16. Decade Of Therion

17. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v

18. I Got Erection

19. Pure Evil & Hate





Malo sjebana imena pesama na tracklisti :) ali kakva lista! :rockdevil:


nisam nesh previshe ochekivao od ovoga mislio sam bice isto ko i bootleg live in montreal 2008 i ispalo je isto tj po setlisti,al' nema veze bice lepo posedovati josh jedno njihovo live izdanje..

  • 1 month later...

Tek treba da izdaju album za Nuclear Blast, tj. to će biti sledeći, a da bi se celokupna situacija još malo zakomplikovala, evo novog update-a:


The new EP, EZKATON, will be released in North America on November 11th 2008 through Metal Blade Records. The EP features 7 tracks, 1 Brand new song titled Qadosh, a live version as well as a new studio recording of Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v.. Also included are live versions of From the Pagan Vastlands and Decade ov Therion plus covers of The Ramones "I'm not Jesus" and the Masters Hammer track "Jama Pekel". The EP will be made available as a limited edition box set that will include 4 picture disc 7 inches, a Behemoth Pendant and the CD all packaged in a Deluxe box!




Polish extreme metal veterans BEHEMOTH will release a new EP, "Ezkaton", in North America on November 11 through Metal Blade Records. The EP will feature seven tracks, one brand new song titled "Qadosh", a live recording as well as a new studio version of "Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v.". Also included are live versions of "From The Pagan Vastlands" and "Decade Ov Therion" plus covers of THE RAMONES' "I'm Not Jesus" and the MASTERS HAMMER track "Jama Pekel". The EP will be made available as a limited edition box set that will include four picture disc seven inches, a BEHEMOTH pendant and the CD all packaged in a deluxe box.


"Ezkaton" track listing:


01. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v.

02. Qadosh

03. Jama Pekel

04. I'm Not Jesus

05. From the Pagan Vastlands (live)

06. Decade Ov Therion (live)

07. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v. (live)


Four vinyl picture discs:


LP 1:


Side I: Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v.

Side II: Qadosh


LP 2:


Side I: Jama Pekel

Side II: I'm Not Jesus


LP 3:


Side I: Devilock

Side II: From the Pagan Vastlands (live)


LP 4:


Side I: Decade Ov Therion (live)

Side II: Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v. (live)



Jedna nova pesma i dve, chini se bice, kul obrade. Shteta shto ne uzeshe neku drugu pesmu od Ramonesa, ali ok..

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