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Koji si egocentrik, ako ti nisi čuo nije se ni desilo. Možda si čuo za Cross of black steel kultni fanzin? Evo i Capricornus ga pljuje tu:





tetka,nisam te pitao sta o ikonija misli o dostinji,vec dje pise da su se drken i nerdal zakrvili.ja ti kazem da sam bar desetak godina jako,jako aktivno pratio (net,fanzini,forumi)sta ona budala radi i uvijek je bila prica da su njih dvojica dobri ortaci.e sad dal' su se ponekad popickarali oko toga ko ce po pivo ili sl pa cak da je ovaj onom prebacio da je pozer a ovaj onom da je iskompleksirani pubertetlija pa nek ide i vija macem oko kuce to mu dodje normalno kad suruju zajedno bezmalo 20 godina.koliko je tebi godina kad se lozis na takve price?



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E 'ajde ne seri više. To svako živi zna ko je pratio scenu, da su NS Poljaci na čelu sa Darkenom zakrvljeni sa Nergalom, a ako ti nije pisalo na Yumetalu i Novosadskom Hard metalu, šta da ti radim.


A ispod slike na fejsu piše "Surprise ! :-)"


Pa Darken piše "Pierwszy raz po tylu latach się spotakliśmy" - For the first time after so many years to spotakliśmy (ne znam šta znači ova zadnja reč ali 'ajde, jasan je kontekst)


I čovek neki pita " hey, whats that!! friend again with nergal??"




Ali ti si ipak aktivno pratio scenu.


ti si gurao tutu da upali kad sam ja usao u rotaciju sa fanzinima.ja i dalje u svoj toj prici ne vidim nista vise od obicnog medijskog hajpa,koji je baj d vej i jednima i drugima odgovarao.


The masters of Polish blackened death metal BEHEMOTH have set "Abyssus Abyssum Invocat" as the title to the band's expanded repackaging of their early 2000's EPs "Conjuration" and "Slaves Shall Serve". Set for release in the U.S. on June 7 via Metal Blade Records, "Abyssus Abyssum Invocat" features both EPs remastered and includes bonus tracks, new artwork, and new liner notes from BEHEMOTH frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski.


"There's been a demand for our longtime sold-out EPs," stated Nergal. "'Conjuration' and 'Slaves Shall Serve' represent more experimental side of BEHEMOTH's nature. Apart from live versions and studio songs from 'Demigod' and 'Zos Kia Cultus' era, you can find us challenging ourselves with covers of such acts like NINE INCH NAILS, NEFILIM or DANZIG, among others. 'Abyssum' is a compilation of these two materials with extra packaging, new outstanding cover, rare live pics and unreleased bonus songs."


"Abyssus Abyssum Invocat" track listing:




01. Conjuration Ov Sleep Daemons

02. Wish

03. Welcome To Hell

04. Christians To The Lions (live)

05. Decade Ov Therion (live)

06. From The Pagan Vastlands (live)

07. Antichristian Pheomenon (live)

08. Lam (live)

09. Satan's Sword (I Have Become) (live)

10. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 (live)


"Slaves Shall Serve"


01. Slaves Shall Serve

02. Entering The Pylon Ov Light

03. Penetration

04. Until You Call On The Dark

05. Demigod (live)

06. Slaves Shall Serve (live)

07. Lam (live)

08. As Above So Below (live)



  • 2 weeks later...

BEHEMOTH To Return To Touring


BEHEMOTH will return to touring in October — marking the band's first public appearances since guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski was diagnosed with leukemia last August.


Commented Nergal: "I'm proud to announce that we've just nailed these Polish leg of the tour! Fans from abroad, please be patient, Asia, Australia, Europe and U.S. are under working. I'm beyond excited! I wanna see you all out there!"


The dates are as follows:


Oct. 08 - Poznan - Eskulap

Oct. 09 - Gdansk – Parlament

Oct. 14 - Krakow - Studio

Oct. 15 - Katowice – Mega Club

Oct. 16 - Wroclaw - Eter

Oct. 21 - Warszawa –Stodola


BEHEMOTH Convene For Fisrt Time Since Nergal's Marrow Transplant


BEHEMOTH have issued the following update from guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski, who was diagnosed with leukemia last August:


"I just came back from the first Behemoth gathering since my imprisonment. We were brainstorming about the future of the band. We wanna make sure our upcoming shows will be our best yet. Live performance must be raised to the next level. Set list will be refreshed pretty much. Some of the songs we have never played live... huh, lotsa work but we are more than ready to bite the bullet! Wait and see and be surprised! More info will follow soon..."


Having recently undergone a successful bone marrow transplant procedure, Nergal announced the band's return to the stage in their homeland in October.


Said Nergal: "I'm proud to announce that we've just nailed this Polish leg of the tour! Fans from abroad, please be patient, Asia, Australia, Europe and US are under working. I'm beyond excited! I wanna see you all out there!"



Krenuo Nergal da se sprema za prženje. :rockdevil:

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Guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski of Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH joined the long-running English gothic rock band FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM on stage earlier tonight (Friday, May 6) in Katowice, Poland to perform the song "Penetration". This marked Nergal's first performance since undergoing a bone marrow transplant last December. He says, "I don't remember when the last time I was THAT nervous. First of all, I had to join one of my favorite bands ever, true legends, FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM… Secondly, I'm still not 100% in shape so I didn't know how my body would react. I would risk saying I'm maybe 60% of what I used to be… but still progressing!


"Anyway, we did a song 'Penetration' together with Carl McCoy and Co.


"What a blast, I have to tell you. I had a serious adrenaline rush and it was such a boost of energy I can't even describe. My mouth dried out after 30 seconds so I could hardly breathe but the energy wouldn't let me stop. I was carried away. The moment I saw the crowd, I felt this double-bass pounding underneath my feet… I was in trance.


"I'm counting days 'till we come back with BEHEMOTH full-time. Five months to go…huh."


Sa sve kapicom i cvikerima. Dobar je, nadam se da će nastaviti da se tako dobro oporavlja.

  • 1 month later...

Meni se sve svidja. Svesna sam da se bendovi menjaju a oni su to uradili na sasvim OK nacin (licno misljenje) jer mi se i dalje svidjaju bez obzira na promenu koja ne bi trebalo da osudjuje bend.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sigurno želi.


A stvarno, ni ranije nije imao nešto više kose, to kolosalno čelo mu je zaštitni znak.

I tek sad shvatam zašto mi je bio toliki trip da ga vidim sa onom kapicom, nisam ga prepoznavala. Neverovatno koliko čoveka promeni jedna tako nebitna stvar. :haha:

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