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Ja nemam nikakvu ali apsolutno nikakvu zelju da ih cujem niti vidim ikada vise u svom zivotu!!! icon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gif Kakvi klovnovi, pa jos i pederi.Nemogu da verujem...Infernus to slusa.Odvratno!!! wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

  Vanish To Perfection said:


Iskreno nikada nisam slushao ni Bananaramu ni Boya(za njega nisam ni chuo), ali nakon ove izjave Infernusa izzzuzetno sam se nalozio da gi chujem icon_mrgreen.gif

Sigurno je izdvojio Bananaramu zbog spota za stvar Venus... onaj sa djavolcicima.... icon_smile.gif Heheh, i ja sam se lozio na tu pesmu kad sam bio klinac.


Nisam dolazio dugo,ali nista se nije promenilo...masa dece seru kao foke.


Sta vas boli kurac sta covek slusa?Hoce li vas Boy George jebati u dupe?


Smrt jevrejskim pickama!

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

I tako....svaka tema se zavrsi na spam-u.... :udri:

Lepo rece neko: Ljudska glupost i Svemir su beskonacni..... :udri:

Nego,da se mi lepo vratimo Gorgoroth-u....

Da li neko ima textove Gorgoroth-a iskljucujuci Incipit Satan?

Bio bih zahvalan... :mrgreen:

Edited by SS Satana
  • 1 month later...

According to a posting on GORGOROTH's official web site, the group's frontman, Gaahl, was finally released from prison last month after being jailed since the spring of 2006.




Lock up your daughters and lambs, Gaahl is back in town! :)

Posted (edited)

sto je bio u zatvoru? palio crkve ili nesto drugo?


EDIT: mali dodatak:


ccording to a post on their official web site, Gorgoroth frontman Gaahl has been released from Norwegian prison after spending nearly a year there for an assault. He could have been sentenced to up to 9 years in prison, and his original sentence was reduced from 18 months to 14 months. In addition to the prison time, Gaahl had to pay damages of nearly $30,000 to his victim :) .

Edited by Natasha!
Posted (edited)



Daju se nabaviti textovi...


A World To Win


for you the life of temptaion

temptations so wild

with the suffers hold my glad

treasures blood will raped by so lies

so satural so wild

get its the silent sun

resurrection run

the beutifull world

now want to cut

a world to win

the beutifull world

yaaaaa how we must

to grasp you


Inace, bend je keva!

Edited by maria blacksmith

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