oʞɾoƃ Posted February 24, 2009 Report Posted February 24, 2009 Znam da ispada da stalno branim Gaahl-a, ali onaj ko prestane da sluša Gorgoroth zato što je Gaahl gay je stvarno zatucana budaletina koja pritom gazi po svim principima black metala, a takvi tr00 blekeri ga najviše pljuju. Quote
nefas Posted February 24, 2009 Report Posted February 24, 2009 Nisam ja prestao da slušam Gorgoroth, nego sam našao ovu sliku pa rekoh da stavim. Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted February 24, 2009 Report Posted February 24, 2009 nefas said: Nisam ja prestao da slušam Gorgoroth, nego sam našao ovu sliku pa rekoh da stavim. Ne ne, znam, nego kažem inače, nisam mislio na tebe Quote
nefas Posted February 24, 2009 Report Posted February 24, 2009 Gojko said: Ne ne, znam, nego kažem inače, nisam mislio na tebe Nema problema Gojko. I ja se slažem da samo budala može da prestane da sluša Gorgoroth iz tog razloga. Quote
Svart Posted March 3, 2009 Report Posted March 3, 2009 Zanimljiv intervju: Bassist KING OV HELL: 'GORGOROTH Is Not About Gay Liberation' Belgian webzine Rock 'n Balls recently conducted an interview with bassist King ov Hell (real name: Tom Cato Visnes) of the Norwegian black metal band GORGOROTH. A few excerpts from the question-and-answer session follow below. Rock 'n Balls: GORGOROTH is traditionally seen as the flag-bearer of "true" black metal, so I was kind of surprised to see you guys touring with CRADLE OF FILTH, which is a band that has often been described as a "commercial" black metal band. How do you feel about the association of both bands? How did this project come about? King: We would never play one show with another band if we would take into consideration that we would be viewed through their music or philosophy. We represent GORGOROTH and no one else. We have our own agenda. CRADLE OF FILTH doesn't reflect any aspect of what we present. I have nothing more in common with CRADLE OF FILTH than with DARKTHRONE for that matter. That said. I personally get along with Dani Filth and the rest of the members of COF. I got to know their music better on this tour since I didn't know too much about it prior to this tour. They are more professional and hard-working than most of the bands we've toured with in the past. Rock 'n Balls: How is the legal dispute with [estranged guitarist) Infernus about the band's name? I read both parties went to court very recently, isn't it? Has the court given its decision yet? King: The verdict is not made yet, though I think it will be when you will publish this interview [note: to this day, no decision was publicly announced yet]. I think the arguments from both sides came through very clearly and without any drama. The judge seemed like an intelligent person and I'm very confident that his verdict will be based on reason. I understand the motives Infernus would have fighting for the rights, but this is also a band I've worked for 8 hours a day on all levels since 1999. I've done that basically alone. Gaahl has been in GORGOROTH since he was 22, and now he is soon 34. It's simply a conflict of interests. The band was made out of three very egocentric and non compromising individuals with a very strong will to power. Whatever happens to the name in the end I'm sure that neither Infernus nor us will face any difficulties making art on the level that we are on at the present. Rock 'n Balls: Whatever the judicial decision is, will it finally be the end of the whole affair? Or does the losing party still have an opportunity of going in appeal? King: I am not sure what will happen if we lose. We can appeal, but there is also a question of how much energy I want to use on this matter. It's not that important to me. I guess Infernus will appeal though. Rock 'n Balls: I suppose Gaahl and yourself thought about the possibility of actually losing this case. If that should happen, do you have an idea of how you'd name the band? At one point, you two applied a trademark on the name "THE FORCE GORGOROTH": would that be an option? King: We did think of using "THE FORCE GORGOROTH" until the verdict was made. This was to honor one of the wishes of Infernus. I don't know what name we'll use as a banner for our art if we lose. I guess everyone is totally aware that me and Gaahl will continue and bring with us what we have done in GORGOROTH, no matter what name we'll use in the future. We will play songs we have made in GORGOROTH, with the production and imagery we have created in GORGOROTH, on records and live in the future as well. Rock 'n Balls: It was said that you applied for the trademark on the name "GORGOROTH" without Infernus knowing. Is that true? If so, was it because you were planning to fire Infernus from the band for quite some time? King: We knew we would most likely not work with Infernus for a new record anymore already in 2006, when we made "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam". The final decision was made during the summer of 2007, I think. We discussed many ways of dealing with it, we even thought of releasing "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam" under another name back in 2006. In the end we decided to continue under the name GORGOROTH, but without Infernus. The thought of leaving the band to him at that stage would've been the end of GORGOROTH, in my eyes. So it was not a hard decision to make. Making such a change in the lineup involves more people than the band members themselves. It involves management, record labels, booking agencies, endorsement companies etc. To secure our interests we got help from people in the industry with the know-how of situations like this. They applied for the trademark in my name. It's just random it wasn't Gaahl's name put on there. We both are on that paper now. Anyway...this is boring and unimportant. That registration doesn't mean anything now. It's all up to the judge to pass a verdict on the matter, and it will not be based on who was first to apply for the trademark. I seriously don't understand that anyone would have interest in all of this. I'm tired of it myself and it's actually concerning my life. That anyone else would find this interesting is to me totally absurd. Rock 'n Balls: At first, Infernus stated the band had split up: was that the case at some point? Or was it just because he didn't know your intentions yet? King: I don't know what he was thinking. We informed him we had decided to kick him out. We have never viewed it as a split up. We have continued without him for 18 months already. We feel we are on the right way to be able to present our art in a true way now. We have the right people working with us, and we are now in a position to reach out with our message in a more massive way than ever. All false Gods will be put to an end. Rock 'n Balls: With all that has happened (and still may happen), did Gaahl or yourself ever regret your decision? Could there have been another way of settling this? King: I don't regret anything, but I had no idea this would blow up to the proportions it has done. I thought it would be some riots for a few months. I was very wrong on that part. It's been going on for soon 18 months now. I'm glad it's soon over. I'm tired of all the talk and people having opinions on matters they have absolutely no clue about at all. Infernus, Gaahl and me are all agreeing on that this is a matter where we have different opinions and interests. The situation is not as dramatic as it appears to be in the magazines. It's all old news anyway, just recycled. I guess most people are bored to death hearing about this dispute. I am one for sure. Rock 'n Balls: These last years, Gaahl has become a very important figure in black metal's landscape. How close are you two? King: We used to be closer. We don't share so many interests. I have nevertheless spent more time with him than most people, so I guess we know each other rather well because of it. I live alone and he has his own room here that he can use when he is in Bergen, but we seldom end up at the same bars anymore. We have a mutual understanding for the art we are creating together. We are very different as persons, but I think that when we combine our different qualities, something unique happens. I have actually a much harder temper and I get angry at my surroundings faster than he does. He is much calmer. Rock 'n Balls: Gaahl recently stated he was a homosexual, which is (I think) a first in the black metal scene! Did you know this for a long time? What's your opinion on this matter? I was quite amazed to see mainly positive reactions to this news, what do you think? King: Gaahl is a strange character. He said he was asexual for years, and then he apparently changed his sexual preferences. I have no opinion on the matter at all, and I am more amazed of people actually having an opinion on this. I never was into soap series on TV either so that might explain my lack of interest. GORGOROTH is not about gay liberation. Whatever Gaahl is on a personal level coming to sexual preferences is reflected in GORGOROTH as much as me being heterosexual… not existing. I do however support individuals walking their own path without caring at all what the flock would think of the path chosen; the flock being represented by Christians or a homophobic black metal scene. They are a both insignificant factors which will be crushed if any harm intended. Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted March 3, 2009 Report Posted March 3, 2009 BLACK said: I'm tired of all the talk and people having opinions on matters they have absolutely no clue about at all. Ovo je ključna rečenica. Quote
Rashomon Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Ne znam samo sta imate protiv homosexualaca u Black Metalu. To sto je Gaahl peder stvarno nema nikakve veze s njegovom muzikom i ideologijom. On je briljantan muzicar/umetnik, bas kao i King i verujem da ce nastaviti izdavati genijalne albume kao sto je AMSG (album koji, realno, vredi vise nego neki od prvih albuma Gorgorotha). To sto je Infernus doveo Pesta ponovo je cisto jeftin marketinski trik da privuce fanove. Ako cemo realno gledati, Gaahl i King imaju puno pravo na ime benda. Quote
F4R15 Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Da li je peder clan nekog vama netakomilog benda, pljuvali biste ga Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Ja nemam apsolutno ništa protiv pedera dok god to drže u granicama svog stana Quote
F4R15 Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Bash Gaahl drzi u granicama svoga stana.... Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Je l' ga neko video da se ljubi/jebe/drži za ruke sa dečkom van svog stana? Quote
morbid god Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 (edited) Quote Da li je peder clan nekog vama netakomilog benda, pljuvali biste ga Not. Gaahl se potpuno odao sodomiji, sto je saglasno duhu black metal muzike. Jedino nalazim krajnje pederskim cinjenicu da se bacio na dizajniranje zenske modne odjece, sto je vec totalno gej Vise nade polazem u izdanje dvojca Gaahl&King, Infernus je odavno isprdio. Ovo sa Pest-om je definitivno komercijalni trik, al dzabe mu. Edited March 5, 2009 by morbid god Quote
Маузер Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 (edited) Blasfemy!!! Edited March 5, 2009 by Grishnackh Quote
Sisus Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Rashomon said: Ako cemo realno gledati, Gaahl i King imaju puno pravo na ime benda. Realno, jedini koji ima puno pravo na ime benda je Infernus. On je osnovao bend, on mu je dao ime, ako im se nije svidjalo mogli su uvek da odu iz Gorgorotha. To je isto kao kad bi ti nekome izdao stan, a on posle 10 godina kaze ovo je moj stan, ziveo sam u njemu duze od tebe, krecio sam ga, placao racune... Glupost. Quote
Маузер Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Meni se Gaahl mnogo bolje pokazao u Wardruni. Mnogo jak projekat. Quote
F4R15 Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Gojko said: Je l' ga neko video da se ljubi/jebe/drži za ruke sa dečkom van svog stana? Niko ti ne garantuje da nije... Quote
Lunar Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 (edited) Opusti se Farise nece te Gaahl jebati, on nevoli male decake, samo modne dizajnere. Tako da mozesh slobodno bez ikakvih strahova da slushash njegovu muziku. Nego ime novog albuma 2009: Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt, e sada od kog Gorgorotha neznam tachno. Edited March 5, 2009 by Lunar Quote
F4R15 Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Lunar said: Opusti se Farise nece te Gaahl jebati, on nevoli male decake, samo modne dizajnere. Tako da mozesh slobodno bez ikakvih strahova da slushash njegovu muziku. Nego ime novog albuma 2009: Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt, e sada od kog Gorgorotha neznam tachno. On moze da meni popushi qrac i nista vishe Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Ako ga naljutiš, popušićeš ti njemu kurac i pitaćeš ima li još Quote
morbid god Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Obzirom da ih i same tretiraju kao 'drugacije', metalci prvi ne bi trebali da gaje predrasude(u ovom slucaju prema pederima). Ali ocigledno gdje god se okrenes, totalna homofobija.. A Gaahl dijeluje kao zajeban igrac, bas bih volio da mu neko od ovih 'ozbiljnih' otvoreno kaze sto misli o njemu i njegovom decku Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted March 5, 2009 Report Posted March 5, 2009 Zapravo, ja i mislim da će neki retard pre ili kasnije naleteti na njega sa takvom provalom, jer vidim da su ljudi bukvalno u fazonu da je manje opasan sad kad je gej. Prati se Blabbermouth Quote
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