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  Mr.Torture said:
icon_rockdevil.gif Teethgrinding uzivo!! Arghhh! icon_rockdevil.gif

Jebiga..ko zna dal uopste izvode tu pesmu uzivo..nadam se da da violent.gif


Doduse cekamo da puste Gaahla iz apsa pa onda da se nadamo gigu Gorgorotha kod nas icon_smile.gif


1. Incipit Satan

2. Maak. Slave

3. Destroyer

4. Heavens Fall

5. Gorgoroth

6. Crushing The Scepter

7. Forces Of Satan Storms

8. Unchain My Heart!!!

9. Om Kristen Og Jødisk Tru

10. Teethgrinding

11. Drommer Om Dod

12. Huldelkokk

13. Exit Through Carved Stones

14. (Under) The Pagan Megalith



eh kad bi ovako svirali icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif


jel zna neko mozda neku set listu sa nekog Gorgorothovog (skjorasnjeg) koncerta ?

  • 2 weeks later...

Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH have parted ways with Nuclear Blast Records, according to a post on their official web site.


"GORGOROTH are relieved to inform that their cooperation with the German label Nuclear Blast is now ended," reads the post. "They have already received a good offer from another label, but nothing is signed yet. Check back later for more news about this matter."


Meanwhile, SMNNews.com is reporting that GORGOROTH's webmaster has revealed via a posting in the forums of Norway's Scream magazine that the band's drummer, Kvitrafn, has quit the band and has been replaced by none other than Frost (SATYRICON, 1349, KEEP OF KALLESIN).


GORGOROTH drew international attention in early February after they were accused of "offending religious feelings" during a concert in Poland. The band were also suspected of breaching the Polish law on protection of animals by displaying the severed and impaled heads of sheep as part of their stage act.




FROST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! icon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif


Znaci sledec i album ima da bude mrred.gif


Pa..ja obozavam bubnjeve sa Twilight-a..ovaj Kvitrarfn(il kako vec) je do jaja odsvirao...medjtuim Frost je mnogo zvucnija faca...tako da se iskreno nadam da ce da bude nesto tipa ...sto rece Fiery....HellHammer sa Chimere icon_rockdevil.gif


Inace Gorgoroth promenio izdavacku kucu..nisu vise sa Century Media..

  dark_lilith said:
nego sta ce!

E sad, da bih se sa ovim slozio, moram prvo da cujem pomentu Chmera-u, posto sam govorio samo na osnovu tudjim misljenja. Ako se zaista razmahao koliko moze, cisto sumnjam da postoji i jedan black bubnjar koji ga moze dostici, bar po brzini. E sad, da li ce uspeti da ubaci jos vise jos monotonijeg blasta, to je, verujem, sasvim u stanju da uradi.


Slazem se da blastbitovi smaraju, i to u bogami dobrom delu slucajeva, ali HellHammero-ovi bre mi stvarno nekako mocnije zvuce i nisu tolki smar, tj "drze" te za pesmu! Meni je on zakon na novom Mayhem-u, i kvalitet bubnjeva odsviranih ovde i na npr "De miisteris" ne moze da se poredi icon_da.gif


Ma jedva cekam novi Gorgoroth icon_biggrin.gif


Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH have confirmed the departure of drummer Kvitrafn due to "personal reasons." "[The] good news is that Frost (SATYRICON, 1349) has agreed to be the new drummer," reads a post on the group's web site. "He will start working together with GORGOROTH in the beginning of May, when the band starts an intensive rehearsing period with main focus on a new recording. This means that there will be less or no live activity in the following months..."


As previously reported, GORGOROTH have parted ways with Nuclear Blast Records and are currently negotiating a new record deal with an as-yet-undisclosed label.


GORGOROTH drew international attention in early February after they were accused of "offending religious feelings" during a concert in Poland. The band were also suspected of breaching the Polish law on protection of animals by displaying the severed and impaled heads of sheep as part of their stage act.

  Kai Hansen said:
Slazem se da blastbitovi smaraju, i to u bogami dobrom delu slucajeva, ali HellHammero-ovi bre mi stvarno nekako mocnije zvuce i nisu tolki smar, tj "drze" te za pesmu! Meni je on zakon na novom Mayhem-u, i kvalitet bubnjeva odsviranih ovde i na npr "De miisteris" ne moze da se poredi icon_da.gif


Ma jedva cekam novi Gorgoroth icon_biggrin.gif

Pogresno si me razumeo, nisam rekao da je kec dosadan. Pod "monoton", mislio sam na to da je konstantan, bez mnogo prelaza ili promena u brzini ili intenzitetu.


Inace, bubnjevi u De Mysteriis su sve, samo ne monotoni.


Covek je toliko ruzan da mu corpsepaint ni ne treba, tako da dolazimo do cinjenice da ce se savrseno uklopiti uz ostatak benda.

Dobro je sto su otisli iz NB-a, nijedan BM bend se nije lepo proveo ako je potpisao za tu kucu...


GORGOROTH singer Gaahl is scheduled to go on trial in Norway next week on charges that he "ritually abused" a man more than two years ago.


The alleged abuse of a man in his 40s took place at a desolate farm in Fjaler in Sunnfjord in February of 2002 and ended ritually with the vocalist collecting blood from the victim and then drinking it, according to the victim's statement.


The victim received cuts in his head, nose and mouth. In addition, his teeth were damaged and he got a fracture in his nasal bone as a result of the abuse.


"I do not wish to comment on this case beyond what is stated in the indictment, which is that this seemed like a ritual act," police lawyer Terje Gjertsen at the Sogn police department told VG.


"I can confirm that the accused in this case has denied guilt and claims to have acted in self defense," added Gjertsen.


According to the Norwegian paper Bergens Tidende, Gaahl's defense attorney, Christian Eckhoff, has indicated that his client is going to plead not guilty.


Meanwhile, the victim has stated through his attorney, Robert Fonn, that he will request 100,000 kronor (approximately $14,000) in punitive damages.


In 2001, Gaahl, 28, was sentenced to one year in prison without the possibility of parole after an episode of violence where he assaulted his victim for hours. In addition, he was ordered to pay 158,000 kronor (approximately $23,000) in punitive damages.


In the 2001 sentence, the court wrote that Gaahl's use of violence was "extremely raw and brutal", adding that there was no "clear motive" for the assault.


Under normal circumstances, Gaahl's previous conviction would have carried a sentence of 90 days in prison, but due to the severity of the crime, the singer was sentenced to 12 months behind bars in addition to being forced to pay the monetary damages. During his court appearance, Gaahl was reportedly dressed in black and wore a plethora of Satanic symbols.


Formed in 1992, GORGOROTH took their name from J.R.R. Tolkien's book "The Lord Of The Rings". Gaahl, who joined the band in 1998, is believed to be involved with at least three other projects (GAAHLSKAGG, SIGFADER, TRELLDOM), all of which feature a musical direction described as "raw, unsophisticated black metal."


GORGOROTH drew international attention in early February after they were accused of "offending religious feelings" during a concert in Poland. The band were also suspected of breaching the Polish law on protection of animals by displaying the severed and impaled heads of sheep as part of their stage act.



Ja iskreno mislim da Gorgoroth postaje Mayhem 21.-og veka...

  Fiery said:
Ja sam cuo isto, samo da dolaze u avgustu. Organizator bi trebalo da bude Milan Rakic.

Bilo bi super kad bi bilo u avgustu...


GORGOROTH UZIVO! Hm... icon_twisted.gif

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