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GORGOROTH Guitarist's Rape Conviction Upheld, Verdict Makes Norwegian Court History


GORGOROTH guitarist Infernus' rape conviction was upheld by a Norwegian court earlier today (Jan. 10).


Bergens Tidende reports that a four to five hour-long drama in the jury room resulted in court history being made in Norway. The verdict in the Gulating court of appeals in Bergen has created confusion.


Tiegs (real name: Roger Tiegs) and a friend (whose identity has not been revealed by the Norwegian media) were found guilty of raping a 29-year-old woman last year. They were both sentenced to three years in prison. Today, the court of appeal upheld Tiegs' rape conviction, but found no evidence to support the rape charge against his friend.


"Everyone involved in these proceedings would benefit from finding out what [the jury] has based its decision on," said the puzzled prosecutor Gert Johan Kjelby.


Dag Idar Tryggestad at Bergens Tidende speculates that the jury must have found that one of the men (Tiegs) used force against the woman and that the other man was unaware of this when he later had sex with her. This despite the fact that the three of them were all in the same, small apartment at the time.


"A jury finding that [the co-defendants] played such totally different roles is not something we've seen in court practice before," said Kjelby.


Following the acquittal of Tiegs' friend, the prosecutor asked the jury: "Is [the friend] guilty of aggravated sexual assault?"


Half an hour later the jury returned with the answer: "Yes."


"We can only speculate as to what the jury based its answer on," said the prosecutor.


The basis of the prosecutor's question is: Because of the circumstances, the friend should have known that Tiegs had forced himself on the woman and that she therefore couldn't resist when the friend had sex with her.


According to her attorney Grethe Gullhag, the woman is relieved that both were convicted, albeit only one was found guilty of rape.


Defense attorney Egil Horstad, who represents the friend, is pleased that his client was cleared of the more serious charge. "But it's difficult to understand the jury's thought process when they find my client guilty of aggravated sexual assault,' said Horstad. "First they state that my client wasn't involved in the rape of the woman, or that he even knew that a rape had occurred. Then he's punished because he should have realized what had happened."


Defense attorney Jørgen Riple (pictured on right, with prosecutor Gert Kjelby), who represents Roger Tiegs, is upset.


"We are very disappointed, no matter how you look at the matter," he said.


The defendants will be back in court tomorrow (Jan. 11) for sentencing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
da, hocu. samo gledam kako se proseravas u vezi svih mogucih nor. bm demoa. brate, odrasti, posto vidim da nisi. najjaci je demo! mislim, samo bedni tr00 klinac moze to kaze.


please, ne seri vise.

jbt,Evil sta se palis toliko..


Evo reci cu:Ja sam jebeni i napaljeni troo klinac od 23 godine!


I nisam rekao da je gorgorothov demo njihovo najbolje ostvarenje vec samo da je zanimljivo.. icon_da.gif


Sto se tice emperora,iza toga cu uvek stajati,ma koliko god se vi ne slagali sa tim..sve je to stvar ukusa,zar ne?



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GORGOROTH Begin Recording Vocals For New Album


Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH have posted the following update on their official web site:


"Gaahl has now entered the studio in Bergen to record vocals for GORGOROTH's upcoming album, 'Ad Majorem Satanhas Gloriam'. The release date of the album is not decided yet, but it is expected to be released within few months.


"In other news, 'Procreating Satan', the opening track from [2003's] 'Twilight of the Idols', has been remixed by Zardonic (electronic artist and producer).




GORGOROTH reportedly recorded several shows on their recent European tour with 1349 for an upcoming live album, entitled "True Norwegian Black Metal". Scheduled for a late autumn release in 2007, it will mark and celebrate GORGOROTH's 15-year anniversary.


GORGOROTH's new album, "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam", is tentatively scheduled for release later in the year via Sweden's Regain Records. The band were most recently signed to Nuclear Blast Records, who released the band's last three efforts: "Twilight of the Idols" (2003), "Incipit Satan" (2000) and "Destroyer" (1998).


GORGOROTH's first three albums — "Pentagram" (1994), "Antichrist" (1996) and "Under the Sign of Hell" (1997) — were re-released last year in a remastered, digipack version via the French label Season of Mist.

Edited by The Watchtower

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GORGOROTH Complete Work On New Album


Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH have completed work on their new CD, "Ad Majorem Satanhas Gloriam". Next week (April 11-12), the band's bassist and songwriter King ov Hell will take off for New York to sit in on a listening session for the new CD and to give interviews. A summer release via Regain Records is expected.

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Regain Records has set a June 19 European release date for the new album from Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH, entitled "Ad Majorem Satanhas Gloriam". The CD will be mastered next week by guitarist Infernus (real name: Roger Tiegs) at the Cutting Room in Stockholm, Sweden.


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ED DEER -- The metal gods were smiling on Jesse Maggrah. The 20-year-old man was walking beside railway tracks on Sunday, the Norwegian heavy metal band Gorgoroth cranked on his portable CD player, when he was hit by a freight train.

Maggrah said he did hear the blast of the train horn just before he was hit.

"I tried to jump out of the way, but I guess not in time," he said yesterday from his bed at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre.

"It was just instant. I was just walking and then I was on the ground. I wasn't sure what happened. Then I saw the train stopping up ahead. I thought, 'Holy crap, dude, you just got hit by a train.' "

Police say the engineer and conductor on the northbound Canadian Pacific Railway train saw the man on the tracks several kilometres south of Red Deer. The crew blew the whistle and attempted to stop, but they were only able to slow the train to about 50 kmh before hitting him.

Maggrah was thrown four to five metres from the tracks. Stunned, he moved his arms and legs to check for damage.

"I knew I was alive, so that was good."

He has several broken ribs, one which is poking into a lung, his doctors have told him. Maggrah is also very sore and stiff, and is having trouble walking.

Maggrah said he didn't hear the train over his music and he didn't feel anything through the ground.

"Maybe the metal gods above were smiling on me and they didn't want one of their true warriors to die on them. Otherwise, I'd be up there in the kingdom of steel."

Police say no charges are pending against the man.

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Gorgoroth - [2006] Ad Majorem Satanhas Gloriam


Sad slusam, sasvim OK izdanje, premda nisam veliki fan ovakve muzike, ali moram reci da mi se produkcija prilicno svidja i da su pesme dobre, imaju promene ritma, ima dovoljno melodije da bih mogao da slusam, tako da mislim da je album solidan ovako iz mog ugla .. e sad na vama tr00 blackerima je da date nesto objektivniji sud icon_smile.gif

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