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Pominjao je Chris da se nada da se nada da će napraviti full show predstavu sa tim još dok je bio album u ranoj fazi. Verovatno kapira da nema svrhe svirati više sa njega na koncertima za ljude koji samo ćekaju Rise of Sodom :D A lista izgleda odlično, jedva čekam da ih gledam ponovo, bili su brutalni preprošle godine.

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svaka cast Therionu za pobedu na Beoviziji sinoc




Ahahaha :D a jest' ih čovjek okupio jebem ti život! :haha:

Čuh jutros da je ovaj Sanja Ilić pobjedio, ali nisam znao da je sastavio ovakvu motlijevu postavu :D 'Ajd ovaj stari iz ansambla Renesans je opšte mjesto, ali je li ono i Kojot sa njima?? :haha:


Ahahaha :D a jest' ih čovjek okupio jebem ti život! :haha:

Čuh jutros da je ovaj Sanja Ilić pobjedio, ali nisam znao da je sastavio ovakvu motlijevu postavu :D 'Ajd ovaj stari iz ansambla Renesans je opšte mjesto, ali je li ono i Kojot sa njima?? :haha:


Realno je i Sanja i Balkanika opšte mesto xD

Svakog boli kurac za njega, a kao neka kulturna varijanta, i samo op eto opština po unutrašnjosti ga dovede na trg za srpsku novu :haha:


Neću da kukam o tome kako je album predug, ali definitivno hoću da kukam kako ima previše jebenih pesama. Mislim da bi mi lakše bilo, ili bih bar više cenio album, da je napravio tri velike pesme od po sat vremena, ili pak kao jedna pesma od 3h, kako god. Ovako je samo nabacana grupetina od 40ikusur pesama koje samo na pojedine delove imaju neki flow između sebe.

Glavni problem ovde nije što ima malo metala, nego što je materijal negde između meh i dosadan bar 90% trajanja. Ovo nije ništa bolje generalno nego Sitra Ahra recimo, samo što Sitra beše traje ~50 minuta. Imam osećaj da je probao da napiše ovako nešto tamo krajem 90ih da bi bilo mnogo bolje, ali s obzirom da su njega kreativni brodovi odavno napustili, jako loš timing za 180 minuta neispirativne orkestarske muzike sa tračcima metala. I ti tračci metala su mi možda i najgori delovi albuma. Uvek neki najgeneričkiji riffovi ili tupavi ritmovi. Kontam da su tu da malo promene dinamiku sa vremena na vreme, ali baš, baš ništa ne pomažu.


Emocionalno prazan i muzički prerazvučen, antipreporuka album broj jedan ove godine za sada.


Ja se ne slazem za Sitra Ahra, meni to i danas bas dobar album ali kako stvari stoji to ce biti poslednji trzaj Theriona (a i to su bile neke starije pesme koje su tad snimljene).


Ovo za momenat u karijeri potpisujem svim mogucim olovkama u kuci, to sam ja odmah rekao, da je Kristofer ovakav poduhvat probao 1998 kad je sve sto i prdne bilo zlatno ali pokusati ovako nesto u ovom momentu karijere je ravno suicidu. Isto se slazem apsolutno za duzinu pesama, da se probalo s nekim duzim i epskim pesama mnogo bi bolje bilo, ovako se sve bluruje tokom slusanja u jednu amorfnu masu kojoj se ne zna krsni kraj.

Posted (edited)

Malo razonode:


U Ljubljani niti u Zagrebu nije bilo prodaje mercha na koncertu.


Kako je Christopher napisao na Therion facebooku (i rekao na koncertu) :



We won’t be selling any merchandise at the concerts in Slovenia or Croatia. I think fans will be puzzled about this, as we sell our merchandise in all the other 23 countries on the tour. So I’d like to give an explanation.


Taking care of merchandising is much more than just selling T-shirts before and after the show. Basically you are running a full company alongside the tour. So you can’t just put a cute girl there who hands out T-shirts, it needs to be a professional (which costs 180-200 EUR salary per day).

When you pay 20 EUR for a T-shirt it’s easy to forget it’s not all profit to the band. Besides print/purchase costs we also pay for the designer and for the transports from the printing plant to different parts of the tour. Using a professional merchandiser, I usually have to sell around 15 shirts on a concert before I start to earn money. In some eastern countries where people have less cash I usually lower the prices to make the items more affordable.

Most venues have a small fee of 100-200 EUR or wants a few free T-shirts for the employees at the venue in return for allowing sales there. Totally fair. But there are a few places in Europe that have started to use a commission on 20-25% + local VAT has to be in the price (even though there is already VAT from Germany in our price). This is now also the case in Slovenia and Croatia (it wasn’t like that last time we played there). This means the profit margins shrink so much that I would have to sell 33 (!) shirts before I break even (meanwhile the local company start earning cash on the first shirt). That sounds like an insanely bad deal to me, so then we rather don’t sell (which means I still loose 100 EUR giving my merchandiser a day off on half salary), because I’d risk loose more cash by selling + I don’t want to feed the trolls.

This is very bad for you as a fan. Not being able to buy merch is of course annoying for those who are interested, but something you should also realise is that when a booking agent try to put together a routing with the tour dates, they also take in consideration factors like this. If you are in Italy and need a date in between to route the tour to Hungary, why play Slovenia/Croatia when you can play Austria? Or why not rather play Serbia instead if you are going down to south Balkan? Slovenia/Croatia are already not very competative as it is and by killing the merch business you will start seeing less and less concerts there. I know other bands who already said they will avoid these countries in the future (unless there are no other alternatives for the routing). And from now on our booking agent will also adapt that idea when booking future tours. In the long term this may render Slovenia/Croatia into a B-team of counties in terms of touring. That’s really sad, as the fans there are awesome.




Priopćenje organizatora:



Edited by Barad_dur
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This is very bad for you as a fan. Not being able to buy merch is of course annoying for those who are interested, but something you should also realise is that when a booking agent try to put together a routing with the tour dates, they also take in consideration factors like this. If you are in Italy and need a date in between to route the tour to Hungary, why play Slovenia/Croatia when you can play Austria? Or why not rather play Serbia instead if you are going down to south Balkan? Slovenia/Croatia are already not very competative as it is and by killing the merch business you will start seeing less and less concerts there. I know other bands who already said they will avoid these countries in the future (unless there are no other alternatives for the routing). And from now on our booking agent will also adapt that idea when booking future tours. In the long term this may render Slovenia/Croatia into a B-team of counties in terms of touring. That’s really sad, as the fans there are awesome.


Bogme, opaučio ih (no xeno) Christopher i to dobro. Pročitao sam i saopštenje organizatora. Mislim, kupio sam do sada hrpu majica na raznim koncertima i nijednom, ali baš nijednom, nigdje nisam dobio fiskalni račun za tu kupovinu, a kupovao sam majice i na području EU. Takođe, razumijem ja legalizam organizatora, ali budimo realni, koja je vjerovatnoća da će ti u tih 4-5 sati koliko traje koncert sa sve pregrupama, u dvoranu banuti inspekcija da te kazni zato što se majice prodaju bez fiskalnog računa. No, dobro, šta meni uopšte treba da se bakćem oko ovoga.


Nego, kažite mi je li ono večeras bila Lori Lewis ili nije. Prvo sam se istripovao da nije ona, onda kontam da jeste, tako da sada nisam sasvim načisto je li ono ona.

Koncert je bio dobar, iako su mi bez dileme falile neke pjesme i iako sam očekivao da će trajati barem dva sata. Solidan odziv publike, atmosfera dobra, bend raspoložen, zvuk kod miksete baš dobar.

Majice kratkih rukava (nisam uzeo nijednu) 2000 din, što je ok, cijenim kad bendovi spuste ispod 20 Eura.

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