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Problem je u tome što se Chris previše loži na osamdesete i to se uvek odrazi i na spotove. Takođe, čovek ne voli da ih radi. Ne verujem da bi ikada bio voljan da tek tako ''baci'' pare na video... Uostalom, uskoro će DVD, biće tu nekog ''zla'' sasvim sigurno. icon_rockdevil.gif




Jedino je super spot za Summernight City. icon_rockdevil.gif

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Ne verujem da su baš toliko anonimni ovde. Razlog njihovog nedolaska je ovdašnja (dez)organizacija.

Ovde je svaka shusha cula za njih, provereno icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

glupa organizacija...

sto je najgore, ispala bi (verovatno) ista prica kao i uvek-kukali bi da dodju, njih 5000 bi se klelo u rodbinu da ce doci i na kraju bi svirka bila ispala icon_rolleyes.gif




svejedno bih htela da dodju icon_cry.gif

ili ja da odem u budimpestu...

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THERION Mainman: 'All The Songs For The Next Album Are Finished'


THERION mainman Christofer Johnsson (guitar/vocals) revealed during an interview with Metal Temple magazine's Ian Kaatz at this year's ProgPower USA (Sept. 15-17 at Eartlink Live, Atlanta, GE) festival that the band are planning a multi-disc DVD release, tentatively due in March 2006. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:


Metal Temple: Have you started writing any new material?


Christofer Johnsson: "We have all the songs for the next record finished."


Metal Temple: Wow.


Christofer Johnsson: "We recorded enough material for three albums but only released two albums, so we have to catch up."


Metal Temple: Does the new material sound similar to the double disc ("Lemuria" and "Sirius B"; Nuclear Blast Records, 2004)?


Christofer Johnsson: "It's not a double disc, not to be picky. It is two different records but they were sold together as a double disc because not many people have that much money. It was way over-stocked by distributors in the U.S, so that's why they still have it. We didn't limit in numbers. For three months people can buy as much as they like. The third one was recorded in the same time frame, so it will be closer to these ones than to our previous records. That doesn't mean it will sound the same. We divided the three records upon different solo songs. We saved the more progressive ones for the third one."


Metal Temple: Oh, okay, that sounds really sweet. Do you have a release date for the DVD? Because I know that in the previous interview you did with Metal Temple, you said you were working on a live DVD.


Christofer Johnsson: "I am not going to say how many discs, but it will contain multiple discs and it will be out in March of next year."


Read the entire interview at Metal-Temple.com.

Edited by Evil Spirit

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Heh, naravno da ne prelaze u progresivu. Poenta je u tome da se progres, dakle napredak, nešto drugačije, itd., ogleda u svakom novom izdanju. A najnaprednije, pesme najsvežijeg stila, ostavljene su za treći disk jer se u mnogo čemu razlikuju od "Lemuria/Sirius B" sveta. Budući da se i ova dva albuma žestoko razlikuju, jedva čekam da čujem o čemu se i ovde radi. Biće zanimljivo, to je sigurno. Plus, Chris mi je rekao da će growl vokal biti sve dominantniji u daljem radu benda. mrred.gif

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Mene samo interesuje koja ce sada biti tematika?

Do sada su presli sve moguce teme.

Ponovo growl?I to je dobra vest.

Zifeo Therion! biggreens.gif

Ako pogledamo kako je išla Therion tematika do sada, trebalo bi da se nadoveže na "Sirius B", sa mnogo inovacija, kao i uvek. Pa growl je vraćen još na albumu "Lemuria" tako da to i nije neka vest. Mene intrigira njegova reč dominacija kada je govorio o growl-u! Jedva čekam. musik20.gif

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Ako pogledamo kako je išla Therion tematika do sada, trebalo bi da se nadoveže na "Sirius B", sa mnogo inovacija, kao i uvek. Pa growl je vraćen još na albumu "Lemuria" tako da to i nije neka vest. Mene intrigira njegova reč dominacija kada je govorio o growl-u! Jedva čekam. musik20.gif


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Well ofcourse! biggrin.gif Kada se pričalo o obradama, pomenuo sam je. Zanimljiva je zaista, mada se u određenim delovima uticaji čine nespojivi. Ali, nakon nekoliko slušanja, stvari postaju sasvim logične i prihvatljive. Kad sam je prvi put čuo, pomislio sam :"E, ovako onaj očajan Abonos želi da zvuči". icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

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