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  • 4 weeks later...
Mats Levin i Katarina Lilja su mnogo nedostajali na posljednjem koncertu.


Са овим се скроз слажем. Катарина ме је посебно распаметила у фебруару - не знам зашто, али имам утисак да много боље доживљава, а самим тим и боље изводи њихову музику него ова Лори Луис (ваљда се тако зове, не сећам се тачно)

Али, да се вратим на цитат - и у фебруару и у децембру сам се најежила кад је кренула Lemuria, не могу то са емотивне стране да поредим, али морамо објективно да признамо да је Пиотр то боље отпевао.


Pa februarski i jeste bio bolji za Matsa i Katarinu, po svemu drugom je decembarski bio bolji. (OK, falilo je i par pesama sa februarske liste, ali svirali nam ljudi 2h i 40 efektivno, stavljali na glasanje šta da se svira... da ne sitničarimo ;) )


Katarina se uživi u one tripove skroz, Lori "samo" otpeva. :D

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Ja bih voleo da se jos malo pozabave konceptom Siriusa B, kada je album tek izasao bio sam u fazonu: "U jbt, album se zove "Sirius B"!!!", a onda procitah text naslovne pesme i videh da se sastoji iz dve reci. :)

  • 2 months later...

Nuclear Blast Records has set a May 22 release date for "The Miskolc Experience", the new CD/DVD from Swedish progressive/experimental metallers THERION.


The set's description reads as follows: "After the phenomenal last studio album 'Gothic Kabbalah' (2007), easily THERION's most stunning effort since 'Theli', and the follow-up live CD 'Live Gothic' (2008), THERION mastermind and only remaining founding member Christofer Johnsson decided to go for a rather special project: the band's appearance at the remarkable and renowned International Opera Festival in Miskolc, Hungary in 2007 was taped on and off stage to preserve a truly unique classic metal event for the THERION fanbase! The first part — dubbed 'Classical Adventures' — features some of Christofer's favourite composers (especially his all-time fave, Wagner) and does completely without guitars or any metal instrumentation whatsoever. Just orchestra and choir. Part two, 'Therion Songs', delivers exactly that: finest THERION material performed by the band, a huge orchestra and choir. Rounding off 'The Miskolc Experience' is an entertaining documentary which gives insight in the complicated organisation and the no less complicated execution with all ups and downs for the involved crew and musicians.


"'The Miskolc Experience' is the testimony of the brilliant Johnsson/Niemann/Niemann/Karlsson THERION lineup which Christofer Johnsson decided to dissolve in late 2008. This chapter of THERION is closed, a new era is about to begin — and THERION will soon open the book once again!"


DVD + CD track listing:


Part 1 - Classical Adventures: (44 min.)


01. Clavicula Nox

02. Dvorak: Excerpt from Symphony no. 9

03. Verdi: Vedi! le fosche notturne spotigle from Il Trovatore

04. Mozart: "Dies Irae" from Reqiuem

05. Saint-Saens: Excerpt from Symphony No. 3

06. Wagner: "Notung! Notung! Niedliches Schwert!" from The Ring

07. Wagner: Excerpt from the Overture from Rienzi

08. Wagner: Second part of "Der Tag ist da" from Rienzzi

09. Wagner: First part of "Herbei! Herbei!" from Rienzi


Part 2 - Therion Songs: (66 min.)


01. Blood Of Kingu

02. Sirius B

03. Lemuria

04. Eternal Return

05. Draconian Trilogy

06. Schwartsalbenheim

07. Via Nocturna

08. The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah

09. Grand Finale


Bonus Features (DVD only):


* Documentary (20 min.)

* Therion Goes Classic – Bucharest (16 min.)



Guest Zaza123
Sta mislite o njima?


Usput, ako neko ima lyrics za "The Siren of the Woods" neka ih slobodno podeli sa ostalima biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifa: .


Pesma je zakon :pivopije:

  • 2 weeks later...

Mainman Christofer Johnsson of Swedish progressive/experimental metallers THERION had a meeting with singer Thomas Vikström (ex-CANDLEMASS) several weeks ago and offered him permanent status in the band.


Commented Christofer: "Thomas is, besides being a very warm and nice person, an incredibly talented singer and songwriter. And while also being a classically trained tenor, he simply fits perfectly into the band."


THERION's new rhythm section is comprised of Johan Koleberg (ANIMAL, ZAN CLAN, LION'S SHARE) on drums and Nalle "Grizzly" Påhlsson (TREAT, ZAN CLAN, VINDICTIV) on bass guitar.


Iskreno ocekivao sam nov album tek negde krajem ove, pocetkom sl. godine, ali Christofer ne moze da razocara. :)

Bas me zanima da li ce zvuk nastaviti da se menja ka progu, kao na proslom albumu.

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