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Bend sam otkrio pre pola godine kada sam dobio album Epic!!! Istog trenutka su razjebali moje bubne opne i nacinili iste neuoptrebljivim!!! Taj brutalni Death Metal sa velikim uticajem Black Metala!!! A bubnjar je divljak!!! Posle sam nabavio sve ostale albume (osim ovog poslednjeg) i svi do jednog razvaljuju!!! Zao mi je sto je otisao njihov stari pevac koji je pevao na Temple of knowlegde jer mu je vokal zaista demonski!!! Taj album morate cuti, ako ni zbog cega drugog onda zbog zaista neverovatnih vokala!!! Minus tom albumu je prenatrpanost vokalima i textovima, jednostavno gusi muziku!!! Album sam morao X na N puta da preslusavam na slusalicama da bih cuo rifove u pesmama!!! Kako li je ovaj sadasnji pevac uspeo da ga zameni nije mi jasno?!?


U svakom slucaju, jedan od najboljih Death Metal bendova trenutno!!! Svaka cast!!!


Slusala sam Epic - The Poetry of War i dopada mi se, ali nista posebno...


Nista posebno?!? U jebote!!! Ovo nisam ocekivao od TEBE da kazes!!! Ali OK ukusi su razliciti!!!


Pa kad sam cula Epic, bas sam se zesce nalozila na album, cak sam ga "reklamirala" na nekoj temi ovde na YuMetalu, posto tada niko nije bio cuo za njih. A evo, nisam ga slusala par meseci i ne nedostaje mi previse. Rekoh, dobar je, ali me je valjda smorio. Evo, sada cu da ga odslusam ponovo, pa da vidim mozda mi se opet dopadne.

  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

Gledala sam ih pre dva dana na hell metal festu i mogu samo reci da su od svoh bendova bili najbolji icon_smile.gif)) a svirali su jos Hypocrisy i Canibali pa vi vidite ...

Momci su razneli kako su svirali nisam mogla da verujem bas su me iznenadili ... Super su icon_rockdevil.gif

  • 3 months later...

Nabavio sam novi album,stvarno su sve stvari super,sve je lepo,ali bubnjar...ono je preterano,je li ono masina,zivotinja,covek ili nesto cetvrto icon_smile.gif?Koji manijak,jebote!Mozda i najbrzi blastbeatovi koje sam cuo!Samo da cujem ono uzivo,pa da umrem!!!!!

  grave said:
Sad sam bio na njihovom sajtu,ne pise jos nista za koncert.Jel to sigurno?

Pise na nuclearblast.de....ali ne znaci da je sigurno icon_rolleyes.gif

  • 1 year later...

KATAKLYSM Complete Work On 'In The Arms Of Devastation'


Canadian death metallers KATAKLYSM have completed work on their eighth studio album, "In the Arms of Devastation", for a February 20, 2006 release through Nuclear Blast Records.


Commented guitarist/producer Jean-François Dagenais: "After having spent two months behind the production helm for the new KATAKLYSM album, we have now achieved what we wanted from A to Z, I've worked extremely hard on this record to get it to sound like no other KATAKLYSM album and I must say when you have the time to work on something, it DOES benefit greatly! I'm really happy with the results we have. Everyone in the band gave 150 percent and I can't wait for everyone to hear this album. I have to agree with one of Maurizio's [vocals] previous statement when he said this album on a technical side and with it's blazing tempos has been the most difficult album for me to record my guitar tracks... [it] felt like at some point my wrist and fingers were gona give in! But it was well worth the pain!"


"In The Arms of Devastation" track listing:


01. Temptation's Nest

02. Let Them Burn

03. Crippled & Broken

04. Open Scars

05. To Reign Again

06. In Words of Desperation

07. Like Angels Weeping the Dark

08. It Turns to Rust

09. The Road to Devastation


KATAKLYSM's only scheduled show at this time is an appearance at the Windy City Invetational festival on October 1 in Chicago, Illinois.

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