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Алај си ти неупућен. Па, Буш је отишао још кад је Белардини примљен за оно поновно окупљање. Нису хтелида раде турнеју пола-пола, где би обојица певали песме сваки из свог периода, он се наљутио и отишао. После је и Белардини отишао, па су нашли овога.


Jebem li ga,stvarno nisam cuo da je Bush otisao.Eh,Anthrax,bitan mi koliko i desavanja na poslu dok sam na godisnjem.


A ko je taj novi,pevao negde pre ili su ga izdrkali ko ovi iz Exodusa?


Ej drugari kupio sam u isto vreme dva DVD-a od Anthrax-a,Return of the killer A's i Music of mass destruction.Ovaj prvi sam gledao dvadesetak puta za mesec dana a drugi jednom do pola... :)

Eto koliko mi je zanimljiv Anthrax u zadnjih par godina.


Ето колико је свима нама, осим Кинеза, занимљив Антракс у последњих деценију и по.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

Da malo zivnemo temu : )


The wind was gusting at 35 miles-per-hour and the mercury had dropped into the upper teens by the time Anthrax were scheduled to play the Red Bull Snowboarding event on February 5 in New York City. Just days before the show, no one thought it would be so unbearably cold. The trip through the icy weather would have been bad enough even if the concert was inside a heated venue. It wasn’t.


Since the show featured real snowboarders, Red Bull’s Snowscrapers had to be outdoors by an icy ramp at Manhattan’s East River Park. Anthrax were supposed to go on at 9 p.m. and play for 45 minutes, but there were delays and they didn’t take the stage until after 9:30. By that time, the musicians were freezing and, due to curfew constraints, the power was cut after their third song — just as guest vocalist Chuck D. from Public Enemy was stepping up with the band to play “Bring the Noise.” So it goes in the world of Anthrax.


Since the group’s 1984 debut, Fistful of Metal, adversity has been their only constant. They’ve had business hassles with managers and labels, issues with frontmen, and their name even became a problem in 2001 when letters containing the Anthrax disease were sent to various political and media outlets following the attacks of September 11.


In 2005, John Bush, who had sung with the band for 12 years, stepped aside while Anthrax reunited with their ’80s singer Joey Belladonna. The tour went well and the band planned to record a new album with Belladonna, but that didn’t work out, so Anthrax asked Bush to sing with them again only to be turned down. Left in a lurch and with no label deal, Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante and guitarist Scott Ian spent a long time writing new songs and trying to recapture their footing. Eventually, they hooked up with new singer Dan Nelson, who entered the studio with them to record the upcoming album Worship Music, which is tentatively due in May.


In an interview with HeadbangersBlog.com, Ian discussed the departures of Belladonna and Bush, the addition of Nelson and the vibe of the new disc, which features some of Anthrax’s heaviest, thrashiest songs since 1987’s Among the Living as well as some new surprises.


Ovde imate i podcast interview sa Ianom o novom albumu


  • 2 weeks later...
belladonnu ne volis?

Није рекао ког певача, а они су ипак имали тројицу.

Није рекао ког певача, а они су ипак имали тројицу.


naravno da su imali 3 komata. ali kad neko kaze pevac anthrax-a, ja pomislim na belladonnu....

Posted (edited)

То ко шта помисли је индивидуална ствар. Имам ја неке ортаке који признају само Турбина. А, реално гледано, Буш је најдуже био певач Антракса. По логици ствари би онда требало мислити на њега.

Edited by RNA

njihov(nekadasnji) imidz je bio keva, i odudarao od svih onih silnih joj-sto-smo-zli thrash bendova.


jos je mlad, dajte mu vremena da se pokaje :)

Шта му фали изгледу?


Isti poglavica ''Bik koji sedi.'' Ružan k'o lopov u pampers prodavnici!


... ali je najbolji antraksni pevač, fakat.


Уф, јак ти аргумент. Много битно је ли ружан или није. Погледај Дија Снајдера, па ми реци да ли му нешто заиста фали што је ружан.

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