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3 hours ago, Miilos said:


Da ga prebacim na novu stranu kad sam je već rastrošio. Prelepo je... :wub:

iz descriptiona:

Totschläger was a natural choice, as it seamlessly retains the emotionnal immediacy of their early material and the eccentric finesse of their avant-garde offerings.

Reče ga ka' Njegoš...

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elem, vreme je da se ozivi ova tema.

  • odusevljen sam cinjenicom da je album izasao pre mesec dana i da nema nigde da se cuje (yt, bc i slicno)
  • juce sam ga nabavio i od tada preslusao cetiri puta. Album me je prijatno iznenadio, dosta dobro vozi. 
  • suska se da Mikko Aspa peva na albumu, bas me interesuje kako ce bm levicari da reaguju 😄 
  • svaka pesma maltene ima gostujuce vokale koji su mi super i bas bih voleo da znam ko sve gostuje, nadam se da ce se uskoro objaviti lista


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9 hours ago, [Nocturno] said:

elem, vreme je da se ozivi ova tema.

  • odusevljen sam cinjenicom da je album izasao pre mesec dana i da nema nigde da se cuje (yt, bc i slicno)
  • juce sam ga nabavio i od tada preslusao cetiri puta. Album me je prijatno iznenadio, dosta dobro vozi. 
  • suska se da Mikko Aspa peva na albumu, bas me interesuje kako ce bm levicari da reaguju 😄 
  • svaka pesma maltene ima gostujuce vokale koji su mi super i bas bih voleo da znam ko sve gostuje, nadam se da ce se uskoro objaviti lista


Ništa me ne slušaš ;)

Novi kakav god da je sigurno ne može da priđe starim albumima, bolje kreni redom.

A ako si baš rešio da slušaš nešto novije, onda Fractal Possession.

Edited by Miilos

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Jes' dobar... Možda su najbolji dani iza njih, ali vidi se koliko truda ulažu u muziku, a to je najbitnije. Prošli doduše i nije bio baš najbolji, ali ovo je već dosta bolje. Po stilu i kvalitetu, najbliži je Höllenzwang-u, koji me je baš dosta namučio dok ga nisam "shvatio", Taphonomia... mi je dosta brže lego. Da l' što sam se navikao na taj stil ili je možda i malo bolji, videćemo... Za sad mi se sviđa, sve mi je bolji i sve mi se više sluša.

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ABIGOR new and old


NEXT OPUS. The demo stage – all arrangements for guitars and bass - has been finished last week. Comprising of 6 songs or chapters, split into 2 parts. During the recording, some moments of a song were reminiscent of our third album from back in 1995, so the obvious inspiration has been reflected in its title - „Seelenasche (Nachthymne)“. Elisabeth Toriser, the original female vocalist on Nachthymnen, has just agreed to be featured on that song. Given the album will be out in 2025, exactly 30 years after Nachthymnen, synchronicities once again proved to be reliable phenomena.

OLD ALBUMS. As planned, there will be vinyl versions of Opus IV, Nachthymnen, Orkblut and Verwüstung. Not immediately all at once, but the series of LP editions has been started 2 years ago and will be continued.

If the coming new work is the last album featuring PK, or if one more is possible (not all his material has been used) remains open. But that a final chapter has begun for the band is obvious. Currently discussions are led who will accompany ABIGOR in this last period for the coming years.

ps: photo taken on one of our regular band hikes.


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