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A propo ovih nekoliko postova o omiljenim Queensryche pjesmama, ne vidim da iko spomenu "London". Jedna od pjesama "iz drugog plana", rekao bih, ali zato odlicna (i meni jedna od omiljenih)!


Ja cu samo reci "Screaming in Digital"


Ima fina prica u vezi te pesme - ja sam bio mali tako da nisam bio u mogucnosti da prisustvujem, ali stariji ortak je bio da gleda Bon Jovi koji je imao veliku turneju kroz stadijone sirom Evrope - "Slippery when wet" je bio harao svetom... Queensryche su otvarali za Bon Jovi, i poceli upravo ovim monstrumom od pesme... E sad zamislite kako se narod na taj zvuk zabezeknuo, a jos kad su se pojavili u njihovim "Rage for order" kostimima...


ne znam stvarno kako možeš da kažeš za promised land da je slab. pa ima tu izuzetnih stvari.



neko je pitao gore za novi album. ako se dobro sećam (bila sam pre neki dan po nekim sajtovima) ostalo mi u glavi proleće 2009.

Posted (edited)

promised land nikako nije slab... ima dve, tri ljige ali Real World, Someone Else...

+ produkcija i ono malo saksofona

ustvari... sad kad hocu da pustim Qrÿche, najčešće taj album i zavrtim...

jel neko primetio Metallica rip off u I AM I?

onaj "mother marry in control" deo...

Edited by johndoe
neko je pitao gore za novi album. ako se dobro sećam (bila sam pre neki dan po nekim sajtovima) ostalo mi u glavi proleće 2009.


Ja sam pitao i nisam neko. :)


Proleće... Biće gusto na proleće. :opusteno:

Posted (edited)

Evo nešto o American Soldier, verovatno ste već videli...

...uh, ovo će da bude loše


American Soldier is a forthcoming concept album from Seattle-based progressive metal band Queensrÿche, due for release in Spring 2009.


The CD will be the band's 12th studio album and the songs lyrical content will be "telling the story of war from a firsthand perspective" according to the official website. Jason Slater, the producer and songwriter of Queensrÿche's 2006 album, Operation: Mindcrime II, has confirmed he is producing American Soldier, and Kelly Gray (Queensrÿche guitarist and producer from 1998-2001) is engineering. In Slater's own words on a website forum: "I think it's ok at this point to say that I'm producing the new record and Kelly is engineering it. The plan is that we'll mix it together..."


Singer Geoff Tate has spent the last few years interviewing veterans from all conflicts America has been involved in from World War II to the Iraq War and collecting their stories in order to help him write the album of which some or all of the songs will have their live debut on April 16 2009 at Snoqualmie Casino in Seattle. This will be followed by an extensive US tour in the spring and international dates later in 2009.


Speaking about the inspiration for the album, Tate said:


“Queensrÿche has always had incredible support from members of the Armed Services,” says Tate. “It seems like after every show, I’d end up speaking with a fan that was or had been involved with the military. The more and more I began to hear their accounts and feelings, the more I really felt a conviction to tell their story. Over the last two years, I’ve conducted dozens of one-on-one interviews with veterans of many different American wars. I listened to their amazing and moving recounts and did my best to examine war through their eyes.”

Edited by johndoe

Zar vi stvarno mislite da ce tu biti nekog hailovanja americkih ratova? Ja ne mogu da verujem da neko ko onako opljuje po svojoj zemlji i sistemu kao na OM 1 & 2 moze da se pretvori u velikog "patriotu".


Pre mislim da ce biti nesto u fazonu "patnje u ratu, psihologija, kako se covek menja u takvoj, extremnoj situaciji" nego hailovanje americke vojske, cak verujem da ce biti nesto sto univerzalno vazi za svakog vojnika u ratu...

Posted (edited)
Pre mislim da ce biti nesto u fazonu "patnje u ratu, psihologija, kako se covek menja u takvoj, extremnoj situaciji" nego hailovanje americke vojske, cak verujem da ce biti nesto sto univerzalno vazi za svakog vojnika u ratu...


Pre će biti da će album biti slavno govno.... al dobro sad

Vredi sačekati pa videti...

Edited by johndoe
Posted (edited)
Ma jok, sta cekati - pjluvati pre nego sto je iko cuo jednu notu ili procitao bar recenicu nekog texta je totalno u modi B)



A i u modi je već više od 10 godina što se Qryche tiče...

Naravno da bih voleo da izdaju dobar album...

Edited by johndoe

nema uopšte veze sa q.rycheom, lepo je, slušljivo, skroz dobro artikulisano, i baš kao što sam malopre nekome opisivala, hipnotišuće :D osećaj i glas su metal muzika nije ali je mnooooogo dobro za slušanje.

btw jel slušao neko geoffov solo album iz 2002? :D


Dobar je, ali nije Metal - Rock-Hard Rock maximalno... videcu da vam postavim link tog albuma pa kog zanima...

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